"Mr. Xu Ling, are you going to see the director this afternoon?" After solving his own problems, Yun Zhongjie recalls what Xu Ling said before, and even asks.

"Well, I think it's necessary for me to talk to the director about the rectification." Xu Ling nodded, but did not deliberately hide his intention to find the director.

"Now the director doesn't even listen to vice director he. Will she listen to Mr. Xu Ling?" Yun Zhongjie subjectively judged that Xu Ling should also go to persuade the director not to make rectification.

But the fact is just the opposite. What Xu Ling wants to talk with is to make a contribution to this matter.

One can make the rectification more smooth, more perfect force!

As a person who has experienced these things, Xu Ling knows what means can be used to smoothly implement the director's plan and make it more perfect.

This is one of the reasons why Xu Ling gave "midnight fright" to Yun Zhongjie. He needs to devote himself to it.

And he also has the confidence, can let that director agree own request!

"Mr. Xu Ling, are you going to the radio as soon as you come back? Is it a bit too hasty? " After Yun Zhongjie finished, sun Jiaman's voice rang and asked.

"The body has recovered, and there is no sense to continue to rest. Besides, there are still many things to deal with, aren't there?" Xu Ling shook his head, but also some helplessly explained.

In this way, sun Jiaman can't find a reason to continue to refute. In fact, even in her own hands, there are several documents waiting for Xu Ling to review.

"That's it. I'll go to the radio station right away." after Xu Ling explained, he got up. When he was about to go out, he didn't forget to look back and make fun of the two people in the house. "If you continue, you won't disturb me."

Xu Ling said what is meant, two people naturally understand, this will immediately blush, but it is not easy to refute.

Who let Xu Ling run into him when he did that just now?

"Mr. Xu Ling, don't you need our company?" After blushing for a while, yunzhongjie immediately asked.

Xu Ling just waved his hand, then opened the door and went out, disappearing into their vision.

After saying goodbye, Xu Ling drove to Maserati, whom she hadn't touched for a long time, and drove all the way to the radio station.

Today, his purpose is very clear. He volunteered to Chen Hong to participate in this epoch-making rectification. Of course, he also talked about the change of hands of his own program.

At the gate of the radio station, the scene here is really different from that of Xu Ling. Just like the information disclosed by Yun Zhongjie, the director has transferred all the people who have nothing to do with the radio station in this period.

Originally, the staff at the door of the radio building could still be used, but now they are very lonely, just like when Xu Ling came to anchor her program late at night.

What kind of rectification is so inspiring? Looking at the scene in front of him, Xu Ling couldn't help wondering.

Park the car, take a brisk step, quickly walked towards the radio inside.

As soon as he came in, he found a new world

The inside and outside of this radio station are two worlds! There was an endless stream of people inside. On a closer look, most of them were not from the radio station. They gathered several people at regular intervals, wearing the same hat and uniform, holding an A2 size drawing in their hand, pointing to the places in the radio station and discussing with each other all the time.

From time to time, some radio station staff Xu Ling knew were pulled by them to ask about the situation.

Xu Ling didn't join the plan. He was also puzzled about them. In such an environment, he had to quickly go to the director's office first.

The office area is obviously better than the hall. At least there are not so many people crowded together. However, one or two people can still be seen in each staff office, just like in the hall.

It seems that the rectification plan has not been carried out for long. At least it depends on the situation. Everything is still in the preparatory stage.

Walking and looking all the way, he soon came to the door of the director's office. Without hesitation, Xu Ling raised her hand and knocked on the door.

There was a silence in the room for a while before Chen Hong's voice, which she hadn't heard for a long time, came, "please come in!"

With permission, Xu Ling immediately pushed the door into the house. When she got inside, she found that there were two people inside.

One of them, of course, is the director Chen Hong, and the other is Zhu Xu!

This person who was very hostile to Xu Ling before, but because of the relationship with the director, he also straightened out his position. In fact, it was mainly because Wang Hui's resignation that he had no support.

"Xu Ling?" Two people in the room were very surprised when they saw someone coming.

"Editor in chief Zhu, Aunt Chen, how are you The other party's performance is so embarrassing for Xu lingpo, who will immediately say hello.

Different from Zhu Xu's indifferent attitude, Chen Hong is very much looking forward to Xu Ling's return, so after seeing that what is in front of her is not a dream, she runs to Xu Ling and looks at her carefully, "have you recovered your memory?"

"Well, it's all recovered!" Xu Ling immediately nodded in response.

"Ha ha, good. We are just discussing your business. I didn't expect you to come here. God helps me!" Chen Hong is really a heroine among women. After hearing Xu Ling's affirmative reply, she immediately laughed very boldly.

"About me?" Xu Ling was puzzled. If he didn't take the initiative to come over, they should still think that he was amnesia. At such an important time, it's meaningless to discuss a seriously ill person!

"Exactly, Xu Ling. Do you know what we want to do with the radio station now?" At this time, Zhu Xu replied positively, and then asked in reverse.

For this matter, Xu Ling also explained that he heard some news from others.

Hearing that Xu Ling had understood what the radio station was about to rectify, they both looked at each other and were a little relieved.

"It seems that we don't need to emphasize it again," Chen Hong said with a smile. Then she put on a dignified expression and looked at Xu Ling, "well, why did you come to me this time? support? Or against it? "

"Don't you need to say that?" Xu Ling, with a look of course, immediately responded with a smile, "if I'm against it, what are you doing here at this time?"

Xu Ling's reply made the three look at each other, and then they all laughed.

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