What Wang Jieyuan said at the same time made Chen Er react. At that time, when the jade plate flew out, although he might not be able to catch it, it was very easy for these elder martial brothers to catch it, but none of them moved!

"So... So it is!" Chen Er, holding the jade medal, said awkwardly. His old face also turned red, secretly blaming himself for being too ignorant and making a joke.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. After you come to the sect to practice for a few years, these things will be easy to see. Younger martial brother Chen, you should know that the development of China has been going on for 5000 years, which can't be explored in a lifetime by people today! Even for us, there are many things we don't know! " Wang Jieyuan waved his hand, then explained to Chen Er, indicating that he didn't have to be too hard on himself.

These words, let Chen Er listen to repeatedly nod, the expression on the face is also calm down.

"Since Xu Ling is not in danger, why does he turn off his cell phone at this time? How can he protect him if he can't find anyone else?" Chen Er, calm down, once again talked about this. It can be said that now this is his most concerned thing.

The cause of all, or from that person

When Chen Er went out of his way to have dinner with Xu Ling, he asked about resurrection, because the school was looking for such a rebellious disciple, Lin Xing. He didn't want to go straight and had to study some heretics. When he was caught by the school, he fought to death.

In the end, of course, he died at the hands of the sect!

However, if the matter was so simple, there would be no need to send out so many people from the sect. In a few days after Lin Xing died, the sect suddenly found out that this man had been able to repair an ancient magic trick -- resurrect with a corpse!

That day, after seriously injured and pretending to be dead, he directly dug out of the ground. When people found out, he didn't know where he had gone?

We all understand this matter by the note he left, and the purpose of this person's note is very simple, that is provocation!

At that time, because Xu Ling was different, Chen Er asked him if he knew about resurrection.

As for why they suddenly want to protect Xu Ling, or because a few days ago, they finally found Lin Xing!

Although the appearance has changed, but its evil nature is still recognized by the public, after that, it is a fight.

Lin Huan was originally a body that came back from the dead. He was still unstable. How could he resist the joint attack of all the martial brothers? He was defeated in an instant. But he also learned a lot of ways to escape. Even if he was injured like that, he still slipped away.

And the message of "kill Xu Ling" is what Lin Xing said to the public at the end.

The first rule of the sect is that the disciples are not allowed to participate in the affairs of the world, let alone kill a world at will. Lin Xing is obviously another provocation to the sect!

As for why is Xu Ling, people are still puzzled!

"We don't know. Lin Xing must be recuperating these days, so he won't know. You can rest assured." Wang Jieyuan's thinking is very clear. He doesn't panic when he is in trouble and doesn't panic when he is in danger, which is quite in line with his state of practice for such a long time.

"What should we do, Xu Ling? I can't rest assured that he's just allowed to be outside! " Although the truth is clear, Chen Er is still very worried about this situation.

We can't accurately grasp Xu Ling's real-time trend, and we also tell them that nature is not a complete solution.

"Don't worry about this. I'll tell you about it in detail after Xu Ling has been found out with ten thousand li tracking technique by younger martial brother Xu Yuan these days." Wang Jieyuan is still very calm to know.

It's another magical term, which makes Chen er's eyes brighten slightly.

This time, without waiting for Chen Er to ask himself, Wang Jieyuan explained, "this skill can find traces of people thousands of miles away, but now our level of practice is too low to use directly. We have to go back to the sect with some props."

When he said this, Wang Jieyuan was also embarrassed.

"Are you still at a low level?" This sentence can't help but startle Chen er. You know, although these people are only middle-aged, they are actually older than themselves!

"When you come to the sect, you will understand!" Wang Jieyuan shakes his head and has no intention to explain. He gives Chen er an expectant answer.

Finally, after Wang Jieyuan gave Chen Er some instructions, he left the restaurant with other blue coats.

"Ah, Xu Ling, why don't people worry so much?" Although Wang Jieyuan persuaded Chen Er many times, the old man could not avoid his inner worry.

Or it has something to do with Xu Ling's being a friend of her baby granddaughter. Protecting Xu Ling is equivalent to protecting Li Mengling.

And just after Chen er's side of the crowd dispersed, in an apartment building somewhere in Luo city, a man was sitting on a bed in a room with his eyes closed and a mask on his face.

The apartment building is very remote, and the masked man lives on a very high floor. He breathes cross legged here, but it seems very quiet.


The silence did not last for a while, when suddenly came the sound of the door being forced open.

The voice made the man frown slightly and then open his eyes.

"Li Qijun, what do you mean? Did we let you do it? You go to investigate Xu Ling's life habits without authorization! " It's Xu Kun who rushes in all of a sudden. At this time, he is still holding another person's collar in his hand, and the other one is pointing at the mask. The man yells loudly.

The man who was dragged by Xu Kun was obviously a younger brother. He had never seen such a scene. He was too scared to move. His eyes turned to Li Qijun for help.

After all, it's the old man who asked him to go. For the sake of the news, you should keep yourself safe, right?

"It's preparing for your plan." Li Qijun didn't panic when his affairs were exposed. He shrugged his shoulders and said naturally.

"We'll do the investigation. Just wait for the news here honestly. You don't have to intervene in other things!" Xu Kun was unreasonable and continued to reprimand Li Qijun.

"I've helped you with something else?" Li Qijun is also the one who does not admit defeat, which will be said directly and very displeased.

"Well, I don't know you? It's said that it's to help us, but in fact, it's us that help you, give you a chance? " Xu Kun gave a cold smile and said to Li Qijun, "you were tortured and hunted because of Xu Ling's wife running away. At last, your brother died and made you look like a ghost. I'm afraid you've already hated Xu Ling to the bone?"

Li Qijun, the first deputy general of Xu Kun, continued to say in a condescending manner, "but if you want to kill him, you still have to get our consent. Even if you hate him to the bone marrow, you have to bear it for me, because you are a dog, eh!"

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