The setting sun is quiet, but today's setting sun is very charming. It's like being smeared with blood. With the last light, there is a trace of blood red.

At the moment, in the room of an apartment building, the bloody setting sun is entering into it. Where the setting sun can't shine, there is a person's face hidden. On the other side, where the setting sun shines, there is a person's hand

Even carrying another person!

"What do you want to do?" Xu Kun struggled to get rid of Li Qijun's hand, which tightly locked his throat. With the continuous sense of suffocation, he asked intermittently.

He didn't expect that his own "dog" would suddenly run away at this time and want to "bite" the owner.

"Don't talk to me in that tone!" When Li Qijun raised Xu Kun, he didn't do anything else. He just gave a stern warning.

"You put... Me down, I'm... I'm dying!" Xu Kun now where can listen to each other's words, the brain is just thinking about how to save themselves.

"I told you to stop talking to me in that tone, do you hear me?" Li Qijun did not intend to let Xu Kun down. Instead, he repeated what he had just said, only this time with a roar.

"I... I know! When Xu Kun said something, he almost exhausted his last breath. When he talked about the back, he couldn't even hear his voice.

But there is the front content, but it is enough, with "Tong!" Xu Kun collapsed on the ground.

Xu Kun, who has been wandering around the gate of death, gasps for the hard won air around him. Now he feels that the air is so sweet.

After sitting on the ground for ten minutes, Xu Kun finally recovered.

Li Qijun, however, just sat quietly by the bed, looking at the sun that was about to disappear on the horizon, didn't know what he was thinking.

How can Xu Kun endure the humiliation just now? He is clearly a dog, but now he wants to ride on his master's head?

"What do you mean? Want to make... "The more he thought about it, the more angry Xu Kun immediately jumped up and was about to shout. But in the middle of the speech, after looking at Li Qijun, he swallowed the words back to his stomach.

"You... You still have to listen to our orders. When you are asked to do it, you can do it again!" Feeling the horror sweeping over from all directions, Xu Kun didn't want to stay again. At last, he whispered a warning and left the room in a hurry.

Of course, I'm afraid only he can hear the last warning.

"What did he just say?" Watching Xu Kun's figure disappear, Li Qijun asks the frightened little brother sitting on the ground.

The latter just shakes his head blankly. He can't care about himself. How can he manage others?

"Well, the people in the way are gone. Let me listen to what information you have collected these days." Originally, it was a dispensable role. Of course, Li Qijun would not do more research on Xu Kun's words. At this time, he was more concerned about Xu Ling's news.

"Brother Jun, if you treat Xu Kun like this, will he go back and complain?" My little brother, this meeting has been a slow one. Although he looks down on Xu Kun, he has a big influence in his family.

Today, Li Qijun's behavior has completely offended Xu kunche. If this is reported to him, he, as the younger brother who helped Li Qijun, must be involved.

"Don't worry, he dare not!" Compared with his younger brother's panic, Li Qijun seems more calm, which will be said with great confidence.

"Oh, that's great!" I don't know why. He has no doubt about what Li Qijun said.

Maybe it was the breath of Li Qijun at that time. As long as he was a normal person, he would have the same reaction

Without this worry, I began to report Xu Ling's trip to Li Qijun.

"It's said that all these are the same. Just omit them!" In the middle of the report, Li Qijun suddenly interrupted.

"No, brother Jun, I came here today to say something different." The younger brother quickly explained to Li Qijun.

"Then you can just say something different. What are you doing with so many useless things?" Li Qijun immediately slapped his younger brother on the head and gave him a lesson.

"Well... I don't know where to start!" The younger brother explained very wrongly.

This explanation made Li Qijun hide his face with his hand, but he shook his head, "OK, now you can say something different."

"Oh," he nodded, then pondered for a while, probably in the organization of language, about half a minute silence, he finally said, "Xu Ling left today!"

"Well... Well? And then what? " Finally, he got the report. Li Qijun nodded and was about to listen carefully. After a while, he found that his younger brother didn't speak any more. In a hurry, he asked.

Now he regrets why he found such a stupid little brother.

"Ah? And then Little brother obviously didn't expect that Li Qijun would ask about the follow-up, so he continued to organize the language nervously.

Half a minute later, his eyes flashed and he began to narrate, "this afternoon, Xu Ling suddenly went out from the radio. He didn't go home or to the hospital..."

This time, my younger brother organized a very long narrative, and he was afraid that Li Qijun would be impatient to listen to it. His speaking speed was even faster than that of a thief. "... finally, Xu Ling was pulled into the van by them, and the van drove away soon."

With this last sentence, I only spent a little more than a minute.

"Well, where did they go?" Xu Ling heard the whole story clearly, but the most important thing he didn't say, which made Li Qijun ask again.

"Well... I don't know. Those people look very hard to deal with, and they seem to be Xu Ling's younger brother. I'm afraid that I will be bad for you after I'm found, so I didn't dare to get close to them!" This little brother is also smart. He said all the facts of his timidity were for Li Qijun's consideration.

"Oh, you don't know!" A good person was so lost, Li Qijun's face also became a little bad.

Li Qijun didn't have to look for such a fool if those bastards hadn't hurt themselves badly and needed to take care of themselves!

"Brother Jun, I'm really afraid of exposure. For you, I'm not afraid of going up the mountain and down the sea of fire. But if I expose you brother Jun, I can't forgive myself!" Feeling Li Qijun's bad breath, the younger brother immediately explained with a runny nose and a tear that he was sincere, but he was really like a loyal dog.

"Oh, anything?" The younger brother's sincere words made Li Qijun withdraw his anger and ask.

Little brother's head is like a chicken pecking rice, nonsense! If only I could save my life now, what are the conditions for Li Qijun?

"Then help me find Xu Ling." Although the whole face is covered by the mask, but from the tone of the sentence can still feel that he is laughing to say it.

The younger brother nodded blankly, and was about to ask how to find it when Li Qijun's hand had already stretched out towards his neck.

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