"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the flight of Huaxia glory aerospace company..."

In his sleep, Xu Ling was awakened by a sweet speech from the stewardess. Before he could make any response, he suddenly felt that his arm had been pulled twice, and then a strong male voice in sharp contrast to the voice of the stewardess began to ring again, "Mr. Xu! Mr. Xu! Wake up, we're almost there

"I see. I'm awake!" Xu Ling closed her eyes and replied impatiently.

"Hey, Mr. Xu, if you haven't had a good rest, I'll book you one of our best five-star hotels when you get to the place." Jin Yong is not angry because of Xu Ling's impatience, but still flatters Xu Ling.

"Well." Xu Ling didn't say anything. She just whispered back. Then she opened her eyes and said, "I'll wash my face." then she got up and went to the back of the cabin.

Looking at Xu Ling getting up, the four strong men who had been staring at him also immediately stood up, looking like they were going to follow Xu Ling.

"Hey, I've arrived at Lingxia. You still have to follow me. I'm afraid I'll move back in an instant, won't you?" Looking at the meaning of several strong men, Xu Ling immediately said helplessly.

The four strong men didn't say anything all the way. No matter Xu Ling asked them questions or complained to them, they didn't say a word, and even their expressions didn't change!

If the one with the hat is called stuffy, these four should be called dumb.

"OK, you can follow. Anyway, you've seen important places." Xu Lingjian said a word, the other side did not respond, and then waved his hand, also not to tube.

Along the way, the four elder brothers were really close companions, which was more intimate than the little nurses in the hospital before. Let's put it this way, Xu Ling didn't even leave the eyes of the four!

Even when they go to the toilet, they never give up

"Well, since Mr. Xu has already come with us, let's believe him. Don't follow him." As soon as Xu Ling left, the strong man was about to follow him when Jin Yong suddenly spoke.

Strange to say, although the four strong men didn't respond to what others said, they only listened to Jin Yong.

At this time, as soon as Jin Yong spoke, the strong men immediately turned back to their seats and sat down.

Xu Ling felt relaxed and joyful for a long time, and no one was watching


When he came to the bathroom, Xu Ling took the water and wiped it on his face. Suddenly, his spirit was restored.

Through the small window on the bulkhead, Xu Ling looks out at this strange place, and there is a sneer on the corner of Xu Ling's mouth.

It's finally here!

The journey, which lasted more than ten hours, has finally come to an end at this time, and Xu Ling's plan will finally begin to advance.

Although Jin Yong, in order to control himself, has taken away all his communication tools.

It's all, it's just a mobile phone

But what Jin Yong doesn't know is that Xu Ling doesn't need a mobile phone to contact the outside world.

"Mr. Xu! Are you ready? The plane is about to land. Please come back and do it quickly to avoid some injuries! " Xu Ling is still thinking about these things. Suddenly Jin Yong's voice comes back.

And as if echoing Jin Yong, as soon as his voice fell, the air hostess's voice also came.

There is an official broadcast, Xu Ling also reluctantly walked back, if only Jin Yong said, Xu Ling is ready to hang him for a while.

On the way, I was annoyed by this guy!

Xu Ling also showed some strength along the way, such as looking for dragons, looking around mountains, a heavy mountain is a heavy pass, dividing gold and fixing acupoints, distinguishing mountains and waters, and so on.

Straight Jin Yong to bluff a Leng a Leng, of course, these professional terms Xu Ling are temporary to ask Xiao Ya.

Xu Ling doesn't know its specific connotation. Anyway, it's cool, and the other party can't understand it.

Because of this, Jin Yong has more respect for Xu Ling. Maybe at the beginning, he just respected Xu Ling under the pressure of the boss.

But after the way Xu Ling showed, now he completely admired him.

This is a master hidden among the people!

"Mr. Xu, the climate in Lingxia is much colder than that in Luoshi. Let's put on this coat first." The plane has gradually landed on the runway. Jin Yong quickly takes out a military coat from one side of his bag and reminds Xu Ling.

"Well, I see." Xu Ling nodded and took the coat calmly.

Now he also wants to understand, these guys just take themselves, what reason do you have to be polite to them?

We should use them just as we use servants, not to mention a group of younger brothers

For example, in order to celebrate the arrival of Xu Ling, today's Lingxia weather is very good, bright and refreshing, which makes it much less difficult for the plane to land.

After a while, a tremor came. Xu Ling also knew that it was the feeling of landing gear.

As the plane came to a steady stop, Xu Ling put on a military coat, and then got off the plane under the escort of two strong men in front and two strong men in the back.

Just standing on the ground for a short time, after the heat from the cabin was drained from him, Xu lingcai finally felt the harshness from Lingxia.

Although the month is still autumn, the wind here is a little chilly. In a joke, it's like a stepmother slapping her face.

What you see in the plane is all deceitful!

"Mr. Xu, let's go to the terminal first. Someone has come to pick us up." Although he lived in Lingxia, Jin Yong still couldn't adapt to this kind of environment. It was colder than Xu Ling. He rubbed his hands and said, and then he took the road ahead.

Xu Ling nodded and followed Jin Yong to the terminal.

With the body into the terminal, Xu Ling also understand why Jin Yong is Lingxia people, but they can not adapt to the local climate.

The temperature difference between inside and outside the house is too big!

As soon as I got into the terminal, there was a warm current, and the military coat became a burden.

Jin Yong even showed a happy expression and said, "it's still comfortable in the room!"

"It's so warm in the house in this place?" Xu Ling couldn't help but be curious about this place.

"Well, Mr. Xu, you can rest assured that although it's cold in our place, every place with a house is like spring, and it will never feel cold." Jin Yong nodded and explained to Xu Ling with a smile.

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