Not to mention, although Lingxia is a large northwest region, its infrastructure is not much worse than Luoshi, and some roads, bridges and other facilities are also quite perfect.

Seeing this, Xu Ling had to admire China's strong national strength. Even remote places such as Lingxia can be taken care of properly.

And even in such an excellent environment, there are still outlaws who want to make profits in an illegal way, which makes Xu Ling more determined to catch all these people.

He drove as fast and steady as ever. After sitting in the car for a while, he felt that the car was slowing down slowly.

In fact, along the way from Luoshi to Lingxia, Xu Ling has been sleeping all the time. No matter how he sleeps now, he can't sleep any more. But why does he still have to close his eyes now? It's really because

That's what it takes to be big.

"Here we are, Mr. Xu!" Even though he knew the car had stopped, Xu Ling was still unmoved. Until Jin Yong's voice came from his ear, he slowly opened his eyes.

Originally, I thought that the base of tomb robbers like them should be in the wilderness, or in a shed made of wood, but now it seems that it is far from what I think.

What kind of shed is this? NIMA came directly in front of a three story small foreign-style building. The entrance is the road, and there are a lot of vehicles and pedestrians on it.

It's a small town together!

"You live here?" Xu Ling finally asked about the meeting, and his tone was quite unbelievable.

It was because the scene was so different from what he had imagined.

"Ha ha, that's right. Our people all live here. After the economic development in the past two years, we have a good big brother to take with us, so our brothers have such a shelter." It seems that he felt a little surprised in Xu Ling's words. Jin Yong said it with some pride.

Xu Ling was surprised not only by the accommodation, but also by the interpersonal relationship.

Just walking from the parking place to the door of the western style house, more than a dozen people greet Jin Yong. Moreover, those people are local residents with simple faces.

It's hard to imagine that those people would have something in common with people like Jin Yong, but it's true. They really talk naturally.

Maybe it's because Jin Yong is still in a hurry to take Xu Ling to see the legendary elder brother, so he didn't talk with the residents for long before he left.

Jin Yong is very polite to those people. His words and behavior are the same as those of the residents here. If Xu Ling didn't know the details of this guy, he would really regard Jin Yong as an ordinary resident here.

"Big brother lives on the top of the house, and the office is over there." While taking Xu Ling up the stairs, Jin Yong explained to Xu Ling.

Xu Ling nodded and said nothing more. Now he is very curious about the legendary elder brother.

Is it really not afraid of the police or something to put the nest in such a busy town?

No matter whether the other party is an expert in art, bold or rich, Xu Ling has secretly vowed to uproot the place and put out the arrogance of these tomb robbers.

The appearance of the house is an ordinary foreign-style building, but walking inside, we find that it is different from a civilian house. It is probably for the need of work. Every floor of the house is partitioned with a lot of small spaces. Although we know from Jin Yong that the cubicles are used by people, Xu Ling is afraid to agree.

Some of the compartments are less than three square meters, and the shape, no matter how you look, is not like a place to live.

Of course, these doubts Xu Ling did not say, in other people's territory, even if his identity is more noble, also have to maintain a thin ice attitude.

After all, he's here to carry people's nest. How can he be careless?

"Knock!" When Xu Ling was still thinking, Jin Yong seemed to have taken him to the place. He knocked on a wooden door carefully, and then called out, "brother, I'm back!"

Did not directly say that Xu Ling also came, this, let Xu Ling himself also feel strange.

Judging from Jin Yong's performance along the way, this guy should be very eager to come here and ask for credit like his elder brother. How can he come here but not in a hurry.

"Come in!" The people inside didn't know what they were doing. After a silence for a while, they said it in a loud voice.

This short answer, this calm tone, this elegant voice, Xu Ling can be sure that the people inside are really big!

After receiving the response, Jin Yong starts to open the door, and then takes Xu Ling into the room.

The room is very simple, a desk, a bookcase, no other furnishings, at this time, behind the table, there is a middle-aged man over 30 years old, is holding a pen on the table to write something.

"It's Yongzi. Why did he come back so soon? Have you found any news?" Glancing at the people who came in, the eldest brother in the house didn't even raise his head, so he asked Jin Yong.

Xu Ling was ashamed of this. He was really brought out by a big brother. Do people here like to ignore people so much?

Whether Jin Yong saw Xu Ling for the first time when he was in Luoshi, or the monkey's performance when he was at the airport, or the big brother's behavior now, all proved a fact.

This group will selectively ignore some of the people who appear in the eyes at the same time.

"Brother, look who I brought back!" It doesn't seem strange that big brother ignores Xu Ling's behavior at all. Jin yongdang even gives a voice to remind him.

"Well?" With Jin Yong's words, the elder brother's head was raised completely. In this way, he finally noticed the man beside Jin Yong.

Staring at Xu Ling for a while, the elder brother showed a puzzled expression. He turned his eyes to Jin Yong and asked, "who is this?"

It's really a relief for Xu Ling that big brother can show such a response, because although the program on the radio is very popular, Xu Ling refused to take any photos and publicize. Even the only time she was recognized by the public, it was accidentally exposed when she went to the talent market to recruit people.

Even so, Xu Ling has never taken a picture with any of his fans. To say that people still have their own photos, it must have been taken when Xu Ling didn't pay attention.

Since it's a sneak shot, the clarity is not so good, so to be exact, there are no real photos of Xu Ling among the people!

If this is also recognized by the elder brother, then Xu Ling will really feel some danger.

"Big brother, he's Xu Ling!" Jin Yong can't hide his excitement any more. Lang Sheng tells the middle-aged man in front of him.


Just as Jin Yong's voice had just dropped, he heard a sound, and the elder brother stood up directly, staring at Xu Ling with his eyes, a look of disbelief.

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