"Mr. Xu, is it really you?" Elder brother's tone slightly trembled, as if trying to suppress his inner excitement.

"As sure as a gun, brother, as like as two peas, I feel the profound knowledge of Mr. Xu." Without waiting for Xu Ling to respond, Jin Yong next to him made a promise first.

That way, it seems that Xu Ling has been completely convinced.

But after all, this is a dialogue between the big brothers. Jin Yong, who is regarded as a little brother, suddenly cuts in, which makes the big brother particularly unhappy. This will give Jin Yong a fierce stare.

A look in the eyes instantly scared Jin Yong to shiver, and he didn't say anything more.

Even that full face of smile, all directly put away.

"Ha ha, that's right. It's me!" Although Xu Ling was despised by this group, Jin Yong also listened to his own words along the way. It can be said that he did not complain, so at this time, Xu Ling also made a voice to help him out.

With Jin Yong's words in front, plus the owner's own recognition at this time and the appearance of Xu Ling standing here, this makes the elder brother who has never seen Xu lingzhang believe it.

Like Jin Yong, it's impossible for those who work in their field to trust a person as soon as they meet.

If you want to ask Jin Yong why he is so devoted to Xu Ling now, it is entirely because Xu Ling's enchanting soup is well poured all the way!

It's a special place that Jin Yong doesn't know, and Xu Ling uses professional terms, which naturally sounds very abusive.

"Hello, Mr. Xu. I've heard a lot about you. I'm glad to meet you today. I'm the person in charge here, Shaying!" Brother this meeting is also quite excited to come forward and hold Xu Ling's hand, self introduction.

It's just the name

Sand eagle, no matter whether it is a code or not, how can someone name it, desert eagle? Isn't that the meaning of sand carving?

When Xu lingzha heard this, he couldn't help laughing. Of course, he also knew that it was so inappropriate now, so he quickly stopped.

But even so, it was discovered by the sand hawk who had been watching him all the time.

"Why does Mr. Xu laugh?" Shaying was very puzzled. He thought there should be no laughing point in what he said just now,

"Cough," was caught by others, Xu Ling is also very embarrassed, can only dry cough twice, and then pretended to say deeply, "I'm just laughing, brother Sha is so hypocritical!"

After countless times of training, Xu Ling is now a veteran in the face of emergencies.

What's more, he doesn't even blink when he talks nonsense.

"Why does Mr. Xu say that?" After hearing Xu Ling's words, Sha Ying was even more puzzled.

"It's good for brother Sha to want to see me, but I'm afraid what he wants is not me, but what I have mastered. If I were an ordinary person, how could I be valued by you?" Xu Ling smile, like a look through each other in general, naturally said.

To tell you the truth, it's the first time Shaying has heard that what he wants is not something that people have mastered. Where can no one come from?

Xu Ling said, he can't help but froze, for a long time he just reaction.

"Ha ha ha, Mr. Xu is joking. It's just because you have a wide range of knowledge that we know our name. So what do you have or what you have mastered, not all of them are the same?" Shaying is worthy of being the eldest brother, and his brain is also very fast. Even in the face of Xu Ling's casual reason, he is very appropriate.

Originally, Xu Ling didn't intend to continue this topic, so even now Sha Ying took it with very appropriate words, Xu Ling just laughed and didn't say much.

Although it was just a few short conversations, Xu Ling had a new understanding of the big brother in front of her.

It seems that his name is just sand sculpture

"Ouch! Look at my head. I'm too excited to patronize. I forget to serve you. Come here, Mr. Xu. Come here, please Probably also saw that Xu Ling showed no interest in this topic, so Shaying directly patted her thigh and said.

But Xu Ling understood that the other party just wanted to change the topic.

"Yongzi, what are you doing standing there? Why don't you go and pour tea for Mr. Xu? " Take Xu Ling to the chair in front of the table to sit down, and then yell at Jin Yong who bows his head to admit his mistake.

"Oh, OK, I'll go right away!" In a word, Jin Yong roared back to his senses. He nodded his head and trotted away.

Jin Yong is very depressed now. He was happy to come here to receive the reward. As a result, because he said a wrong sentence, he became like this.

However, although he complained in his heart, Jin Yong didn't say a lot. He finished the task very fast, and soon came back with a teapot and a cup.

"The cold room is simple and crude, and there is nothing good to serve. Mr. Xu has committed himself to taste the special product of Gaoshan tea here." As the tea came up, Shaying immediately poured a cup for Xu Ling and said it very politely.

"I'm just a rude man. Good tea and bad tea are the same in my mouth. Brother Sha doesn't have to be so modest!" Xu Ling also quickly took the cup and replied politely. After all, what he needs to do now is to have a good relationship with the thief in front of him.

Otherwise, how can we get inside the other party?

With this in mind, Xu Ling took a sip of the tea. It really tasted like bitter gourd juice, even more sour than bitter gourd juice. In a word, how hard to drink!

If it wasn't for the Shaying on the other side, but he was calm, Xu Lingzhen felt that this guy wanted to give himself a bad impression.

However, since the other side is like this, Xu Ling is not good to show his dislike. After all, it's the other side's good intention. So he can only swallow the inexplicable liquid in his mouth, so that he doesn't have to suffer so much. As for his face, it doesn't show mountains and dew, and he doesn't see any discomfort.

"Ha ha, I think Mr. Xu likes this tea very much. I'm very similar to you, such as those yellow buds and hairy tips, which are too soft and don't conform to my character. This tea is different and strong!" Xu Ling's action made Sha Ying misunderstand him. He thought that the other party liked to drink this tea so fast.

So Shaying explained and prepared to add a cup of tea to Xu Ling's cup.

Seeing this, Xu Ling couldn't help it and quickly blocked the mouth of the cup.

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