"Wait!" When Xu Ling blocked the mouth of the cup and made Shaying unable to pour water, he yelled. Then, in the face of each other's puzzled expression, Xu Ling continued to say leisurely, "brother Sha, you invited me here so far, don't you just want me to have tea with you?"

Xu Ling's words straight to the point, let still want to continue to pull the ladle with him Shaying is a Leng.

It's said that he is full of poetry and calligraphy, but it's rare that Xu Ling doesn't play according to common sense.

This is probably with unique skills, have no fear of it! This is what Sha Ying thought.

Since Xu Ling came into the house, although he only came here alone, he must also know where it is. Under such circumstances, he can still keep so calm.

This can not help but let the sand Eagle heart of doubt and eliminate a lot.

If Jin Yong finds anyone to fool himself, he has no strength. How dare he be so calm here.

Even, before he even said the purpose, the other party even asked himself!

If Jin Yong knew what Shaying was thinking now, he would be relieved of his depression. It turned out that Shaying didn't trust him and thought he had found a passer-by to fool him.

Shaying can have such an idea, probably because he thinks that people like Xu Ling will not be so easy to find.

But I don't know if it's a coincidence that a book can't be finished. That's how Jin Yong bumps into Xu Ling. He hasn't even looked for it

"Ha ha ha, Mr. Xu is really a pleasant person, that's right! I, Sha Ying, did not invite Mr. Xu for tea. " Leng for a moment, Shaying is also figured out, when even a laugh said.

"Don't beat around the Bush any more, just say it!" There was a smile on Xu Ling's face and he said it again.

Although Xu Ling didn't do it deliberately, this smile made Sha Ying's heart tremble.

Because of Xu Ling's smile, it seems that he has seen through himself.

Xu Ling said that, killing two birds with one stone, which not only made the other party's suspicion disappear, but also made the place more central.

"Mr. Xu, what you said is so direct that you must know what we do?" Did not answer Xu Ling directly, Sha Ying turned to ask first.

"In this world, I'm just not very regular." Xu Ling continued to smile and said slowly, adding to the last four words.

This behavior can be said to be gambling, because even an ordinary person should be able to hear the irony in the words.

And Xu Ling is right this time, because this way, it highlights Xu Ling's talent, just like Zhang Yi, the great conspirator of the state of Qin!

"Ha ha..." although Shaying also laughed the last two times, he didn't laugh as long as this time.

After Xu Ling finished speaking, Sha Ying was slightly stunned, and then burst out a very hearty laughter. He must have been in this business for such a long time, and no one dares to talk to him like this.

"Yes, it's not very formal. Mr. Xu's description is really appropriate! Let me wait till I'm down! " After laughing, Shaying said to Xu Ling with a residual smile.

"Brother Sha, I'm flattered. Since everyone knows the root and the bottom, you'd better tell me whose tomb you want to dig." Xu Ling waved his hand and then asked.

If you let other people hear such a straightforward conversation, you will be scared to pee.

Xu Ling himself did not find that he was a little too want to integrate into this thing.

"Mr. Xu, don't worry. Come on! Let me familiarize you with the environment here. Although it's the northwest, business is not inferior to most second tier cities! " In the dialogue we just met, Xu Ling has always been in the dominant position. Sha Ying also followed Xu Ling's plan to respond. But this time, Sha Ying didn't say it directly. Instead, he slowed down the topic and talked about something easier.

"That's good. I haven't been here. It's OK to look around!" Shaying said that, obviously still doubting Xu Ling's identity.

Hearing what Sha Ying said, Xu Ling also realized that she was acting in a hurry and quickly changed her words.

"Mr. Xu, I'm afraid I haven't had a good meal and drink all the way. How about Mr. Xu and I have a good rub first?" Xu Ling was able to relax. In fact, Shaying was a little relieved.

"Why not?" Xu Ling shrugged his shoulders. As soon as Shaying's voice fell, he stood up.

Even faster than the sand hawk as the host

In Xu Lingping's time, he didn't show this kind of appearance, but now the situation is different. In this den of thieves, he can't keep the appearance of a normal person.

No characteristics, how to let people remember you? How can you make people believe that you have magic?

"Good! Mr. Xu is also a man of love. We can start without delay! " Xu Ling's action not only didn't make Shaying feel unhappy, but also made Shaying more happy.

When he got up and pulled Xu Ling out, he also yelled, "Yongzi, get ready for us, let stuffy boy open, let's go to Tang Palace!"

Outside the house, there was a sound of chaos. It should be Jin Yong who had been waiting for the task at the door!

Shaying was in front and Xuling was behind. They chatted while walking and went outside.

Although Xu Ling deliberately shows a different appearance from ordinary people, he still knows when to be more restrained, just like a counselor around Wang in ancient times.

And in this place, the king is the sand Eagle!

When I came here, it was almost evening. After talking about these times, it was already half dark, and even the roadside lights were on.

Although there are not many cars on the road, there is plenty of light.

As soon as she went out, Xu Ling saw a brand-new Bentley standing at the door. The stuffy boy who had been a driver before was standing by the door of the driver's seat. He was still looking at the two people coming.

When Shaying and Xuling got into the car, stuffy boy opened the driver's door and got into the car.

The appearance of stuffy boy made Xu Ling look at him more. Unexpectedly, this boy didn't react at all when he met his boss.

I didn't even shout

This is in sharp contrast to Jin Yong, who has become obsequious at the sight of Shaying.

And even if the stuffy boy shows this appearance, Shaying turns a blind eye to it, which makes Xu Ling some guess: maybe this boss is a person who likes eccentric behavior!

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