"Ding Ling Ling..."

At three o'clock in the morning, the alarm phone of Lingxia police station suddenly rang, which startled Constable Kang Dadong who was on duty.

With the crime rate getting lower and lower, it's hard for such a call to ring again, let alone at this time.

I didn't expect that on the first day of his internship, Kang Dadong met

Kang Dadong has always been a conspiracy theorist. He always believes that only before the storm is the most peaceful.

With this idea, Kang Dadong calmed down and quickly picked up the phone.

"Hello, this is Lingxia City Public Security Bureau, may I ask you to meet..." although it has not been used for a long time, but for these basic contents, he came at once.

Just this time, Kang Dadong was not directly interrupted by the phone.

"Comrade police, please listen to me quietly." the voice on the other side of the phone seemed dignified, and the environment was surprisingly quiet. There was no noise except the voice.

"I'm an ordinary Chinese citizen, but now I'm in a tomb raiding gang. I want to cooperate with you to catch all the gang!"

The voice on the other side of the phone seemed to be quite urgent. Such a sentence was said directly without even half a pause.

"Don't worry, sir. Can you tell me where you are first? We'll make sure you're safe! " When Kang Dadong heard the four words of the tomb robber gang, he immediately raised his vigilance and asked in his voice.

Lingxia is located in a remote area, which is the natural barrier formed by many unknown areas. Because of these, it became an ideal area for many royal Mausoleums in ancient times.

But now, it has become a place coveted by more grave robbers. Although Lingxia city looks calm on the surface, it is far away from people's normal life. Tomb robbery has always been a big problem.

And now, there are even ordinary people falling into tomb raiding gangs. This is a matter of great urgency!

"Don't worry about me, I can break into their internal, now to tell you, just tell you to cooperate with me." The voice on the phone didn't show any panic, which would be more indicative.

"What?" Although he is an intern police officer, he has never eaten pork, and has never seen a pig run. He has also seen a lot of reports. However, an ordinary citizen directly wants to break into the criminal to help the police, which is really unheard of!

Listen to the other side, he wants to be an undercover?

"Sir, please calm down. If we can't ensure your safety, please tell us where you are so that we can rescue you."

Among the people's safety and criminals, Kang Dadong chose the former, which is his consciousness as a people's policeman.

"Hey! Can you listen to me, don't save me, I can guarantee my own safety, I'm talking about taking care of their affairs, OK, OK, I'll give you an alarm first, and then I'll contact you! " As soon as Kang Dadong's voice fell, the voice on the other side of the phone immediately said impatiently. With these words, he hung up the phone directly.

Kang Dadong was left with his mouth open, and there was no way to say more.

There are hostages in the hands of the bandits, which is a very serious problem. Kang Dadong, who is full of anxiety in his heart, dials directly according to the number just now without thinking about it.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is empty..."

A special female voice came, which completely confused Kang Dadong. Then, a chill spread from his feet to his whole body.

Empty number? Who are the people I talked to just now?

Kang Dadong, who didn't believe in it, called the number again, but it was still empty. Kang Dadong, who didn't believe in evil, called it several times. After repeated failures, he finally realized the reality.

I just practice the first day, unexpectedly met the supernatural event?

But the tone of the other person's voice doesn't look like a monster

At this time, at the other end of the phone, the owner of the voice doesn't know that the other party has regarded himself as a monster. He is still busy dealing with the problems around him.

"I said, Mr. Xu, how do you feel absent-minded? You're not married, are you afraid of your wife?" In the magnificent room, Shaying and Xu Ling are surrounded by a circle of women, each as beautiful as a flower, and Shaying said to Xu Ling, who was a little stunned.

"No, I'm just a little tired after running all day and playing so late." Xu Ling quickly showed a far fetched smile, back to the Shaying.

Just now, when Shaying went out, he tried to carry out the plan. Unexpectedly, he met such a garrulous policeman and explained for a long time.

It's not too bad. What's more disturbing is that Shaying takes some young ladies to her room, but she comes back in less than ten minutes

"Well, it's also my fault. You see, I patronize and take you to play. I forgot that you just came here today," Sha Ying said apologetically, patting his head, and then pointed to the girl beside Xu Ling, "you don't take Mr. Xu to the room to have a rest!"

"Well, Mr. Xu, let's go and have a rest soon." One of the charming women who is closest to Xu Ling nods her head and says something. Then she gets up to pull Xu Ling up.

If Xu Ling had not seen one more beautiful than her, she would have been taken away by the spirit.

"Brother Sha, I don't need to. I'll just find a room by myself. You can play slowly. I'm really sorry. I'm too tired." Xu Ling waved his hand, gently took down the girl's hand mixed with his arm, and then said to Shaying with a little apology.

"Then you need someone to take you to a room?" Sand Eagle a pair of natural appearance, and then a bad smile continued, "don't worry, girls will not disturb your rest."

"Ha ha, that's right. I'd like to thank brother Sha first." when I think about it carefully, I was brought here by Shaying after taking a bath. I don't know where the sleeping room is. It's really hard to find such a big place if no one takes it with me for a while. After thinking about all these things, Xu Ling said thanks to Sha Ying, and then looked at the girl who was holding her arm just now, "please, girl!"

Just now, Xu Ling took her hand away. The girl was quite at a loss. She has been in this business for so many years, and the men are all looking at her. How can Xu Ling keep a distance?

For a moment, the girl's heart appeared in front of the man is not too good idea

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