Soon after Xu Linggang finished this series of operations, Lin Na came out of the bathroom with a relaxed smile on her face.

"Is it ready?" Xu Ling also looks at Lin Na with a smile on her face and asks with concern.

Lina nodded as a matter of course. She had already fooled her. Naturally, there was no need to continue to perform.

"That's good. Come on, have a red bar. It's good for your stomach." Xu Ling held a smile to put down his heart, and then handed the glass of red wine to Xu Ling.

"Red wine nourishes the stomach. Why don't I know?" Wine, even if it's good for your health, can't be nourishing your stomach. Xu Ling said that in Lin Na's opinion, it's just a man's original appearance.

However, it is her over confident and natural attitude that makes her not realize that she has fallen into the trap of Xu Ling.

After Xu Ling handed over the glass, Lina with a very provocative smile, gently sipped a mouthful.

Maybe it's to show a lady that she doesn't drink a lot, but that's enough.

Xu Ling also took the glass, shook it, grinned at Lina, quietly waiting for the effect.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Don't you know me? " Lin Na doesn't know what Xu Ling is thinking. She still thinks she is too charming.

Although she also felt a little strange in her body, as if she was drunk, she took a sip? When is red wine so powerful?

But then she looked at Xu Ling and found that after he had drunk all the wine in his glass, she suddenly realized the problem.

This is the road of my own! Now I'm in a daze. What's the feeling of being drunk? Isn't that the feeling of being drugged?

But now it's too late for Lina to understand the seriousness of the matter.

With her eyelids finally unable to resist together, Lina's consciousness also immediately disappeared.

"Hum, do you want to follow me? The little girl is still tender. "Looking at Lin Na finally falling beside her, Xu Ling reached out and patted her tender face, and said with disdain.

"So next..." Xu Ling looked at Lin Na and continued to talk to herself. Her hands moved down from each other's face until she reached the position of her arms. After holding it, she directly helped her sit up.

Although Lin Na is really sweet and lovely, Xu Ling is not a creature with lower body thinking. He has more important things to do than this.

After Lin Na was righted, Xu Ling put out a hand in front of her and


A crisp ring came, and Xu Ling hit her fingers heavily in front of Lin Na.

After the sound came out, Lina suddenly opened her eyes, but there was no spirit in her eyes, just like a walking corpse.

Of course, this is thanks to Xu Ling, but the thing used is not a simple overpowering drug, but obedient water from Xiaoya.

What's more, this small bottle of obedient water was obtained from the extra reward of ten company's drawing.

Although it was awarded by the lower level with 30 singing points, it came in handy at this time.

"First, what do you want to do to me?" Xu Ling went straight to the subject and didn't even ask who sent her.

"Daze you, and then set out your identity." Lin Na said, and took out a bottle of medicine from her pocket. At first glance, it was quite similar to Xu Ling's.

good heavens! Fortunately, I'm more alert and see each other's meaning ahead of time. Otherwise, I'm not going to fall here today?

The Shaying is really cautious. Xu Ling is so sincere. He still doesn't believe it. The key is that he wants to do something to himself.

Taking the medicine bottle from Lina's hand, Xu Ling sneered and asked, "how many benefits have you received?"

Xu Ling knows that people like Lin Na can't help Sha Ying for no reason. Money can make the devil push the mill. It's inevitable that Lin Na will benefit.

Xu Ling just wanted to know how much she was worth in Shaying's mind.

"As long as you put down the medicine well, you can get 100000 yuan." Lin Na continued to look dull and just answered Xu Ling's question.

100000 yuan! Hearing this response, Xu Ling was quite surprised. Although he knew that Shaying valued Xu Ling more, he didn't expect to spend so much money just to confirm his identity.

The key is to confirm that it is my Xu Ling.

What a sand sculpture!

But with this answer, Xu Ling also confirmed his position in Shaying's heart.

"Well, next, listen to me." I know everything I want to know, and now it's in the dark, so I can be confident. After a pause, he told Lina, "you've lost me now. In an hour, you'll go to report to your boss. That's what you'll say..."

The reason why obedient water is called obedient water, and it is obtained from Xiaoya, naturally has its unique place.

What's the difference between this bottle of liquid medicine from Lina's hands and the only thing that can make people dizzy?

What's really powerful about this potion is that it can make people really become their own puppets and listen to the druggists.

The most important thing is that it can't be found by anyone except the druggist. That's why it can stay in the ten consecutive special awards.

"OK, I see." Lin Na nodded mechanically and agreed to Xu Ling's request.

"Well, you can just wait here. It's time to go." Xu Ling finally asked, then got up and stretched heavily.

"Ouch, I'm so tired that I can't rest well when I sit and sleep!" While complaining to himself, Xu Ling forgot to go to the bathroom.

Bathing and sleeping are the things he most wants to do now. He doesn't need to care about girls. This kind of thing is easy to suffer. Fortunately, he doesn't have sperm on his head today.

As for Lin Na, after hearing Xu Ling's words, she opened her eyes straight, still without any expression. But when Xu Ling came into the room for a while, her eyes suddenly blinked and she recovered.

Without any other behavior or doubts about her own situation, Lina went out of the door and walked back in the same direction as before. She didn't have the same dull feeling as before. She was just like ordinary people

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