While Xu Ling was still sleeping in the room, Shaying was very worried. After more than an hour, the person he sent had not come back.

"Brother, what's the matter? Are the sisters not good?" Shaying's sad face was naturally found by the lady who nestled up to him.

In their business, the first thing to do is to make customers happy. Only when these gold owners are happy can they make money.

Shaying has always been painstakingly devoted to his "career". In fact, he is not very interested in women. This is the third time for him to come here.

Moreover, he was brought here by people in the first two times. As for why he took the initiative to bring Xu Ling here today, he naturally wanted to carry out his plan.

Because he knows that most men can relax their vigilance here!

With this kind of mentality, Shaying didn't even pay attention to what the young lady asked, but he kept glancing at the door, as if he was waiting for someone.

In fact, the ladies around the Shaying also found that after the previous gentleman left, the elder brother's attitude was different. How could he show such a lecherous appearance in front of the man.

Shaying didn't speak, so naturally, the ladies didn't dare to ask any more. They continued to lean close to him, and then did their own business.

After all, they are paid. Before the time comes, they can't leave the guests. This is their professionalism in this business, but they know that they don't have any tips tonight.

A few people are so bored to play for a while, suddenly the door was heavily opened, had already accompanied Xu Ling to leave to Lin Na, strided in.

"Nana, why are you back? That brother drove you back? " Seeing the person who came in, the man who looked like a big sister hurriedly went to ask.

The more high-end places, the higher the cost, but for the staff, it is also extremely demanding.

If there is any case of being driven away by the guests because the service is not in place, the boss will definitely punish the staff.

That's why the elder sister looks so worried.

"Well, you all go out and leave her here alone!" Without waiting for Linna to respond, Shaying suddenly gets up and orders the girls.

"Brother, is there anything that you are not satisfied with Sha Ying's words scared the girls. They were a group of them. They had to be punished.

Even tonight, the sisters are all in vain.

"Don't worry, I'll make it clear to your manager. I'm very satisfied with your service!" Shaying didn't come here once, so he was quite clear about the rules, so he comforted the girls.

"Brother, you should explain to the manager well." the elder sister finally gave Shaying a wink, said softly, and left with the sisters.

Leaving Linna alone

"It's done?" When the last person went out, Shaying waited for a while before asking Lina.

"Yes, you have all the things you need to know." Lin Na nodded, then continued to narrate in Sha Ying's expectant eyes, "he is really Xu Ling, right..."

As she narrated this selfishly, Lina spoke for nearly ten minutes before she stopped.

"Are you sure he drank the ecstasy?" When Linna finished, Shaying asked the key question.

It's not that Shaying doesn't believe Linna, but what she said is true.

Xu Ling even said that he was devoted to the things he asked for?

If he hadn't asked Xu Ling to help him many times before, he would have been moved.

Lin Na's reply is still from Xu Ling, and Xu Ling completely forgot that he had rejected Shaying many times before. What he wanted was to make Shaying trust him more.

"Sure, I saw him drink the medicine with my own eyes!" Lin Na responded positively that Xu Ling had expected this situation for a long time, so she also set this answer for Lin Na.

"Well, it seems that he has come up with a new idea." Nodding, Shaying believed Linna's words.

As for why it can be so sure——

One is that he always stares at Lina when he asks, and the latter's eyes are not half erratic, which shows that the other party is not talking nonsense. The other is that he understands how much Lina needs the money provided by herself.

Having a sick family is easy to control a person!

"Big brother, I have finished the work, and my money..." a normal person, after completing his task, must be more urgent to reward himself.

"Don't worry, the money has been called to your account. It's hard for you this time." Shaying immediately said that this speed is really unparalleled.

"Thank you! Thank you, brother! " Lina almost jumped up in excitement. The money, however, could help her.

"Oh, yes, there's one more thing for you to ask." after getting the answer he wanted, Shaying didn't need to stay here. He immediately got up and went out. Just as he was about to go out, he turned back and asked, "when Xu Ling wakes up tomorrow, you can take her to this place."

Then he took out a pen, took up Lina's little hand, and wrote down an address on the palm of her hand.

Whether it's Shaying's identity or his help, Lina has no reason to refuse.

After getting Lin Na's response, Sha Ying was relieved to entrust this matter to him, and he left the Tang Palace first.

In the parking lot, stuffy boy is still sitting in the driver's seat, quietly waiting for people to come back. He has been waiting for so long.

As Shaying came slowly from a distance, stuffy boy naturally found his boss. Even when he got out of the car and stood by the door, it was a kind of welcome.

It's just that apart from being respectful, there's something strange in his eyes

"Mr. Xu is tired, so he has a rest here. Tomorrow he will go back by himself, so we don't have to wait." As the eldest brother of this group, Shaying naturally understood the meaning of stuffy boy's eyes. He explained himself without asking.

What Sha Ying said was really what stuffy boy was puzzled about. When he got the answer, he still didn't respond. He just stepped forward and opened the back door.

This meaning is also more obvious, even if shayingdang sat in, when he sat down, stuffy boy directly started the car and drove to his residence.

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