Back to Shaying's base again, the sky has turned white. For such a thing, the elder brother has put in so much, but it's common for these people to turn day and night upside down.

No, just as Shaying came out of the car, Jin Yong jumped out of the house to meet him.

"Yongzi, haven't you slept yet?" Jin Yong is one of Shaying's right-hand assistants, so at this point, Shaying asked with concern.

"Big brother, how can I sleep without solving the problem?" Jin Yong showed a reasonable appearance, and then anxiously asked to Shaying, "what's the matter, brother, have you confirmed?"

Since Shaying was able to take the initiative to go to the Tang Palace, Jin Yong already knew what he wanted to do. Without special circumstances, his abstinence elder brother could not go there.

The people in this team know each other's thoughts without words.

Jin Yong can ask so, let Shaying is also quite gratified, worthy of his right hand, brain reaction is very fast.

"Well, it's true that he is Xu Ling, and it seems that he was brought here by you this time to help me," Sha Ying and Jin Yong said as they walked into the room. When they were about to enter the room, they suddenly remembered something and asked, "by the way, Yongzi, how did you find Xu Ling?"

"This... I didn't go to him..." talking about this problem, Jin Yong couldn't help but feel embarrassed, and then told Sha Ying about the situation at that time.

"He didn't show any reluctance?" After listening to these narratives, Shaying asked again.

"No, I didn't seem to refuse it, except when I heard that we were too far away at first." Jin Yong tugged his chin to reflect on the situation at that time, and then gave Shaying a recovery.

If Lin Na's words come first, then Jin Yong's words will be obtained. Sha Ying is more sure. This time, it is God's arrangement for her to meet Xu Ling.

However, what he didn't expect was that all these things were under Xu Ling's control. He cheated Jin Yong with his acting skills and controlled Lin Na with props. These two people who provided important information for Sha Ying were all controlled by Xu Ling.

On the other side, a plan to catch tomb robbers is also in preparation.

Lingxia, a remote northwest city, will set off a huge storm after the arrival of Xu Ling

In the morning, as the sun rises to the East, Xu Ling slowly wakes up from his sleep. I don't know whether he is acclimatized or not. His sleep this night is not steady.

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Xu Ling, who just walked out of the bedroom, was suddenly shocked by a person sitting on the sofa in the living room, and scared away the rest of his sleepiness.

Xu Ling, who regains consciousness, takes a close look at the man sitting on the ground. It is only then that she finds out that it was Lin Na who let her reverse her routine yesterday.

"Why are you here?" From the introduction of obedient water, the efficacy should not have passed, so Xu Ling also immediately relaxed his vigilance, continued to walk to the bathroom and asked.

He knew that Linna would come back to her only when she came across something related to the word "Xu Ling". Generally, she would live like an ordinary person.

"Shaying asked me to take you back." Lin Na can be said to be a very heartfelt hand of Xu Ling, and this will be directly to the bathroom inside to inform the matter.

"Ha, is it really him? How did she react to what you said? " Xu Ling showed a smile of seeing through each other, and then asked curiously.

"There was no response except to doubt about your determination to help him wholeheartedly." Lina even responded.

"Well, that's OK. Anyway, he has to believe it now." He wiped his face and heard that Shaying was suspicious of him. Xu Ling was not nervous at all, but took Lin Na out.

As soon as I went out, I saw a brand-new Bugatti dragon parked at the door. Xu Ling clearly remembered that there was absolutely no such car parked here last night.

This kind of sports car is much better than the Maserati.

While Xu Ling was still enjoying the sports car in front of her, Lin Na suddenly took out a key and said, "this is the car that Shaying asked me to send you back."

"Chi ~" hearing this fact, Xu Ling was surprised to find that it was beyond compare. How could such a grave robber have such a fortune?

If you want to be an anchor, a substitute teacher and a member of the society, your salary will not exceed 10000 a month

Unconsciously, Xu Ling becomes a lemon essence, and is jealous of Shaying.

But he directly reprimanded himself for having such an idea in his heart.

Even if he can buy Bugatti, it's not clean money.

Of course, the money is not clean, this Bugatti is a good thing, can't help but say, Xu Ling sat up.

Lin Na's words first, of course, he will not rush to drive, after all, this is Shaying's order, Xu Ling is not to deliberately and Shaying against.

It's really comfortable to sit in a sports car. It's worthy of being sold so expensive. This kind of strong performance should be concentrated on it.

The most important thing is that it's very fast. It took Xu Ling almost half the time to see the outline of the town.

When Xu Ling came back to Shaying, there were many people standing outside. It seemed that they were waiting for Xu Ling to come. As soon as Xu Ling got off the bus, they quickly stood in two rows. They should be more respectful.

This scene is a bit flattering for Xu Ling. It's only one night. How did her attitude change so much?

"Ha ha ha, Mr. Xu, welcome back!" After everyone stood still, a hearty laughter began to ring. Shaying slowly came out of the house and walked to Xuling.

When I came to Xu Ling's side, I looked at Lin Na who was following Xu Ling, and then said with a smile, "did you have a good rest last night?"

sure! If not for Lao Tzu's care, I'm afraid I won't come back today! Xu Ling couldn't help complaining.

However, the face is a natural appearance, "can be can, is that time passes a little fast!"

"Ha ha ha... Don't be afraid, Mr. Xu. I've bought this girl for you. She will be yours in the future!" Shaying seemed to understand Xu Ling's meaning very well, and knew it immediately with a wave of his hand.

"Really... Really?" Xu Ling took a look at the Keren behind him. She looked at the sand hawk and couldn't believe it.

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