"Of course, it's true. Mr. Xu is willing to come to me as a guest. As the host, naturally, we have to treat them properly. If we don't bother Mr. Xu to talk about these little things, we will do them well." Shaying laughs and says to Xu Ling, that's how much respect we should have.

However, the other side's appearance can't deceive Xu Ling, who pretends to be confused. After all, the appearance of disbelief just now is also pretended.

Arrange a person by your side, that's to watch me! Xu Ling thought angrily.

The elder brother is really cautious in dealing with outsiders. He wants to mark Xu Ling to death when it comes to this.

However, Shaying chose the wrong target this time, not only his teammates but also his opponents.

Xu Ling, who claims to be 100% helpful. His people, this time, have made up their mind to bring him to justice. However, Shaying is still totally unaware of these.

"Brother Sha, it's hard for me to do this for you." At the same time of showing excitement, Xu Ling also quite tactfully said a word to Shaying.

"Mr. Xu, if you can come to me, it's already the greatest achievement!" Shaying is very sincere. At first, it really moved Xu Ling.

"Ha ha, if brother Sha says that, I will stay in the room." When Xu Ling saw the situation, he immediately joked and made the atmosphere a little easier.

"That won't work. Mr. Xu is a real joker." Hearing the speech, Shaying quickly waved his hand and said that he had achieved Xu Ling's goal. Shaying's expression was not so dignified.

Come here, play also play, the details have been inquired, Xu Ling know, next should be able to approach Shaying their plan.

This is the primary reason why he has been pretending to be a little brother for such a long time.

"To be honest, I really have something to ask Mr. Xu." Looking at Xu Ling, he just smiles and stares at himself. Shaying also feels that there is nothing to hide.

Originally, the purpose of looking for Xu Ling is to complete his plan. Now I know that he is really himself and I. how can Shaying give up this opportunity?

"Brother Sha is really a good stratagem. First he entertained me with good wine and meat, and then he sent me to the girl. Now he said that he would let me do something earlier. If he did something that would cost his life, would I do it or not?" In order to show the identity of a thoughtful counselor, Xu Ling joked again.

"No, it's just a little thing." Shaying understands what Xu Ling is worried about, and even makes a sound to Xu Ling.

"If it's a small matter, brother Sha can solve it by himself. Why bother to bring me here so far?" But now Xu Ling wants to show the strange person's identity incisively and exquisitely, and constantly utter words to pierce Shaying's euphemism.

Although the contact time is not long, but from the performance of Shaying's younger brother, Xu Ling may be able to understand each other's habits, even if it is a gamble.

But with his chips, Xu Ling is willing to gamble. Even if he gambles wrong, he should not be in danger of life.

According to the news from Lina, she has a very important position in Shaying.

Of course, from the facts, Xu Ling is right. In the face of Xu Ling's all kinds of hatred, Shaying is not unhappy.

After listening to Xu Ling's ridicule, Shaying showed some embarrassment and explained, "it's just a small matter for Mr. Xu, but it's hard for us to go to heaven."

"What is it that makes brother Sha so embarrassed?" Xu Ling is also speechless, just want to know each other's plan, how so difficult?

Shaying seems to be defending himself intentionally, but I don't know what to say.

What Xu Ling doesn't know is that Sha Ying is also very entangled. On the one hand, she is still on guard against Xu Ling, who has just met. On the other hand, she has been planning for a long time and lacks him.

"I can't say anything, so I'll take Mr. Xu to a place where I believe he will understand." After hesitating for a while, Shaying did not answer directly. Instead, he pointed to the car not far away and told Xu Ling.

Want to say but don't know to say, but take Xu Ling to the field, this is clearly to test Xu Ling's rhythm again!

However, Xu Ling also secretly guessed that this should be the last time for the other party to test himself.

This is the tomb robber gang. Now things are like this, so the last test for Xu Ling is to let him do something professional.

In contrast, Xu Lingdao is also happy to accept that as long as Xiaoya is around him one day, he has no fear of these professional tests.

Without extra response, Xu Ling went directly to the direction of the car pointed by Shaying.

"Yongzi, five minutes after we leave, you can drive to keep up with us. Pay attention to whether there are people following us. If there are any, send a signal!" Watching Xu Ling leave his side, Shaying suddenly whispered to Jinyong.

Caution is always the most important character in their tightrope work, which is why Shaying has been able to survive for such a long time in Lingxia City, where the tomb robbers are so strict.

"Don't worry, boss, I understand that!" Jin Yong didn't follow Shaying for the first day. As soon as the other party's voice fell, he responded directly.

Nodding, Shaying is very relieved to give this matter to a confidant like Jin Yong. He patted him on the shoulder and quickly followed Xu Ling.

Shaying didn't do it specifically to deal with Xu Ling. Almost every time he went out to do something related to his work, he would have such self-consciousness.

This is a habit he has formed after spending so long in the world.

"Just the three of us?" Xu Ling takes the lead in the car. After waiting for a moment, Sha Ying comes in. The driver is still stuffy. Looking at this combination, Xu Ling looks back. It seems that he doesn't want the car to follow. Xu Ling then asks strangely.

This is the beginning of such a big plan. Don't you have more people?

"That is to take Mr. Xu to see the situation, not so many people." Sha Ying smiles and explains to Xu Ling. He doesn't want to say that Jin Yong will follow.

Nodding, Xu Ling didn't want to study this matter any more. There were fewer people, but it was more convenient for him to do things

"Stuffy boy, let's go!" Seeing that Xu Ling didn't have any doubts, Sha Ying told him to get up in front of him, and then the car moved smoothly.

Looking at the three story building in the rearview mirror, Xu Ling didn't pay too much attention to it. She focused on the road ahead.

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