With so many guarantees, Xu Ling has nothing to worry about. Anyway, it's just a place to have a rest. It's not one or two places to change these two days.

In the current situation, the time itself is very urgent, so after giving Xu Ling these words, Shaying should not delay. After greeting Xu Ling, she goes to the village, and the stuffy boy follows behind silently. It seems that she is used to it.

With the gradual approach to the village, Xu Ling can finally more carefully witness the true face of this paradise.

Here, there is no intrigue, no interest disputes, there is just a simple life.

But what surprised Xu Ling was that there was no one outside just now. The smoke from the chimney of the house made Xu Ling confirm that this is not a deserted village.

"Old man Liu! Are you there? " After Shaying, Xu lingzheng looked around strangely. Suddenly, the people in front of him stopped, and then he gave out a loud cry.

The sound was in sharp contrast to the current environment, which made Xu Ling jump. In the mountains, many birds were scared and all flew.

That scene is very spectacular!

Of course, Shaying's cry was not intended to scare the birds. Not long after his voice came out, the wooden door in front of the house where the three people were standing was suddenly opened, and then a gray old man came out with crutches. It should be Shaying's call to recognize people.

And after old man Liu came out, some people came out from every family. They took a look and came to Xu Ling one after another. After a while, they surrounded the three people in the middle.

Xu Ling was startled by this posture. If it wasn't for the excitement and expectation of all the people in this circle, Xu Ling really thought that he couldn't leave here this time.

In addition to expectations, the people also looked a little cautious, staring at Xu Ling and others whispering about what, because the noise, content Xu Ling also don't know.

As the old man came to the sand eagle, the crowd became quiet.

"Premier Sha, is the president coming to pick us up?" After the old man stood still, he suddenly said a word to Shaying with tears in the corner of his eyes.

Although the other side does not speak Mandarin, but the basic meaning of Xu Ling or listen to clearly.

This words, also let Xu Ling startled chin all want to fall down.

The prime minister? How dare such a grave robber pretend to be the prime minister? It's a big scandal in the world. He can cheat these ignorant villagers.

"Old man Liu, there's no way. It's too deep here. The rescue team can't come in at all. I'm afraid it will take some time to pick you up." Shaying shook his head, but he knew it very seriously.

It seems that I am used to being called prime minister by the other party.

"Ah ~" old man Liu sighed, but when the other party said so, he had no way, "well, that's OK!"

Xu Ling and Sha Ying came together. This meeting was also noticed by old man Liu. After he sighed, he put his eyes on Xu Ling, "Premier Sha, who is this?"

"Oh, he's Secretary Xu of the city. He's here to see what I said. When he finds out that the situation is true, he'll certainly be able to advance the schedule of picking you up!" Shaying lied, even without blinking his eyes. Xu Ling didn't hear the information before.

In other words, it's all the identities made up by Shaying at the scene

These words can only deceive the isolated villagers here. After Shaying's introduction, old man Liu turned around and held Xu Ling's hand. "Secretary Xu, you must prove for us that we have been in this deep mountain for decades. Now that the country can remember us, we are really happy, so please take us out as soon as possible, Although I'm half buried, I also want to see how the country's development is going. I heard from the prime minister that the enemy has been beaten away and the country has become stronger. "

Hearing about taking them out, the old man suddenly got excited. His old hand held Xu Ling's hand tightly, and he burst into tears.

His appearance, let Xu Ling can't bear to say that he is a fake secretary.

Silently listening to each other's words, leaving Xu Ling's behavior only nodded in response.

After old man Liu finished talking, the villagers gathered around also echoed. Although the voice was still a little noisy, Xu Ling finally recognized the main idea this time.

Probably they all express their urgent desire to leave this deep mountain.

I don't know what Shaying said to these people to make them want to leave this place.

"Well, old man Liu, let go of your business for the time being. When I come here this time, I have a more important matter to ask you!" After explaining to old man Liu, Shaying suddenly brought the topic back and stopped discussing politics.

Xu Ling knows that Shaying is not very comfortable even though he is used to being called prime minister by others.

After all, it's fake. It's OK to mention two names, but if you really want him to talk about the things in it carefully, it's certainly impossible to say.

"Please don't use it. It's the place of the country. We can't help it. That's enough!" Obviously, old man Liu's thoughts still stayed in the war period decades ago, when all the people listened to the government's arrangements.

I haven't heard that the government has to ask people to do things

"That's good, old man Liu. I asked you to take me to the place last time. This time, I added a Secretary Xu. Let's take another look." For these villagers, Shaying was not polite. He immediately gave orders with a wave of his hand.

Needless to say, in this remote mountain, there must be a huge secret to be taken by someone familiar with it.

"Of course, there is no problem, but there is nothing there. It's still very dangerous. I have to take the premier and the two secretaries with me. My heart is still hanging." In old man Liu's mind, he still has great respect for these officials, which is even more worrying.

"We are also from the people. How can we be different from you? You can rest assured that we can take care of ourselves!" Sha Ying's meeting is even more a term used in the reform and opening up period. It looks like an excellent prime minister.

It is in this way that old man Liu's heart can be touched, and his life will stay in that period at most. Therefore, after listening to Sha Ying's words, he immediately burst into tears.

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