With Shaying, old man Liu would have nothing to worry about. As officials, he would dare to face up to difficulties. What should ordinary people be afraid of?

If the village head, who led him at the beginning, could show the spirit of prime minister banfensha, they would not have been trapped in the mountains for decades. Old man Liu, looking at Xu Ling and others, can't help feeling in his heart.

"Prime minister Sha, it shouldn't be too late. Let's leave quickly. If it's too late, I'm afraid we'll have to come back in the dark." After feeling the boundless reverence in his heart, old man Liu eased his mood and said to Shaying.

Nodding, Shaying made a "please" gesture, and let old man Liu take the road ahead.

The onlookers didn't see from the attitude of old man Liu to Shaying just now. Shaying only needs to let him lead the way, and even doesn't need to say anything more. The other party will also perform this duty obediently. After all, this is the prime minister's speech!

But Shaying is not. Is it unnecessary for Shaying to persevere in saying these deceptive words? Xu Ling looked at Shaying talking and laughing to old man Liu. She couldn't help but wonder.

"Are you dismissing the way the boss is doing?" While Xu lingzheng was thinking about it carefully, a voice came from his ear.

At this time, Shaying and old man Liu are chatting in full swing, so they can't have time to talk with Xu Ling. In this area, there are only four people. Xu Ling can't help looking at the stuffy boy around him.

My eyes are full of doubts

"You think the boss is doing something in vain, right?" As if to dispel Xu Ling's doubts, after feeling Xu Ling's eyes, he didn't even turn his head and said again.

If he hadn't noticed that stuffy boy's mouth moved up and down, Xu Ling couldn't believe that the man who hadn't heard him speak more than five sentences for such a long time had said two sentences in a few seconds!

And still said to myself, this is the first time in Xu Ling's memory!

"Of course, the reason why the boss does this is that he has something to think about. I believe you who don't have much strategy can't think of that." Stuffy son silk ignores Xu Ling's surprise and continues to say again.

And listen to stuffy son said these words, Xu Ling also recovered from surprise, and then he was a little angry.

This stuffy boy, or does not speak, this saying is to come to his own, what is "not much strategic person"? Is this a deliberate provocation?

Thinking about it like this, Xu Ling felt a little disgusted in his eyes.

Xu Ling is now the guest of honor of Sha Ying. Even Sha Ying himself has great respect for Xu Ling, let alone Jin Yong and other people.

After offending Xu Ling, he didn't even show any regret. He just shrugged his shoulders and said, "don't mind, I'm just telling the truth!"

I don't mind if you're a MMP. Do you mean that you don't let people scold you before insulting others? I think your master is a sand sculpture, you may be a sand coin! Xu Ling thought again.

At the same time, he didn't just look like that. He gave a sneer and asked the stuffy boy back, "Oh? Do you know your boss very well? "

"Of course, I've been with my elder brother for nearly ten years. What hasn't been dealt with?" Stuffy son talked about this matter, the tone is full of pride, even feel Xu Ling's displeasure, stuffy son also didn't want to apologize.

This is also of course, since stuffy boy can first provoke Xu Ling in that way, he certainly has no intention of apologizing.

"Your name is stuffy, isn't it?" No longer tangled with the other side of those useless things, Xu Ling suddenly eyebrows a pick, asked a whisper.

"What are you doing? Do you think you, a sudden outsider, can stir up the relationship between me and big brother? I tell you, don't even think about it! " Stuffy son as if to see through the meaning of Xu Ling, eyes a coagulation then said up.

Xu Ling didn't know what medicine he had taken wrong. Now he had to come to find his fault. However, after a series of tough attitudes from the other side, Xu Ling suddenly remembered a situation.

Is it not this guy who is sent by the old fox to test himself?

Otherwise, it doesn't make sense. The man who doesn't even talk to his boss has said so much to Xu Ling at this time.

And every sentence is as hot as dynamite. Xu Ling thinks that he hasn't provoked this person!

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