People have to bow their heads under the eaves, and now Xu Ling is in a den of thieves, so we have to think about her own behavior carefully. The so-called "walking on thin ice" probably means that!

Under such a premise, even if the stuffy boy offends himself so much, Xu Ling must think about it well.

"In a word, you bastard just follow the elder brother first, and you don't have to worry about the following things," he said. Looking at Xu Ling's silence, he put his nose on his face even more. He would hold his head up and look a little bit arrogant. "Besides, I'll keep a close eye on you. Don't try to play tricks on us."

Xu Ling shrugged his shoulders and showed that he didn't like it very much. He was a little brother, but he was very tough, although... Xu Ling didn't quite understand where the boy came from.

Is he the sand sculpture boss?

Xu Ling in the heart of a cold smile, to solve him, just a matter of time!

Mentioning this, Xu Ling can't help recalling the phone call he made to the police station in the early morning.

However, judging from the other party's reaction, it seems that a phone call alone is not enough. Of course, Xu Ling hasn't realized the fact that the other party can't return the phone call he made by special means.

Originally, all the way was good, but Xu Ling was depressed because of the sudden change of stuffy boy.

He didn't go on saying too much, and Shaying was chatting with old man Liu all the time. Xu Ling enjoyed a moment's leisure. After immersing himself in nature for a while, he forgot his unhappiness.

Remembering that those people in the village were still full of expectation and wanted to go out from here, Xu Ling shook her head slightly. She was not satisfied with living in such a good place, but wanted to go to the smoky place in the city.

Of course, everyone has his own aspirations, and Xu Ling doesn't comment much. Maybe it's because people stay here too long that they feel tired.

It's like Xu Ling's feeling of staying in the city for too long

And it turns out that this kind of place is really easy to get tired of staying. In the forest, with the same green in the eyes and all the singing of birds and insects in the ears, Xu Ling walked for more than an hour, but for the people in front of her talking and laughing, she really felt that she was lost.

Fortunately, as soon as Xu Linggang felt this way, a light appeared in front of him. It was like the exit in the cave, which filled people with hope.

Even if we don't know whether we will arrive at our destination after leaving the forest, Xu Ling will be satisfied as long as we can leave the damned forest.

Otherwise, Xu Ling's eyes would be full of green

Fortunately, what Xu Ling was worried about didn't happen. After walking through the forest, the two people in front finally stopped.

Shaying looked back excitedly and knew to Xu Lingtong, "Mr. Xu, come here quickly!"

It was quite like a child who had found a treasure. He was very excited.

Hearing the news that she had arrived at her destination, Xu Ling was also very happy. She quickly stepped forward to see what kind of scenery it was that could make these people travel so far to find it.

At that moment, he was stunned. In front of him, there was a huge natural moat. No wonder the sand Eagle didn't go any further. It was a dead end.

"Oh! There is such a place Xu Ling couldn't help exclaiming.

"Well, Mr. Xu, what do you see from here?" Sha Ying's excitement has been unable to suppress, he even no longer calls Xu Ling that pretending identity, eyes full of light asked.

"Together..." Sha Ying asked Xu Ling if he was blind. How could he not see what was in front of him? When he was about to talk about what he saw, he suddenly reacted. Now he is an expert!

Shaying was ready to test himself. How could he answer such a simple question.

After thinking about this, Xu Ling quickly changed his words and said, "well, there are dangerous natural moats here, and the mountains are broken. It's really a scene of broken dragons. How can there be tombs in such a place?"

Quickly call Xiaoya, Xu Ling quickly search from the front of this scene, and then pretended to observe for a while, then said to Shaying.

"Tombs? What tomb? " In any case, these two words are quite influential for ordinary people, especially for old man Liu whose thinking still stays decades ago.

So after hearing Xu Ling's words, old man Liu immediately asked in horror.

After all, he did not say anything about this from the "prime minister" before!

"Lao Liu, you don't have to be nervous. These are all things related to the development of the country. I didn't tell you. I'm just afraid of you and the pressure." Shaying put the matter of coaxing old man Liu to the end, nodded to appreciate Xu Ling's words, and explained it to old man Liu.

It's like a very patriotic indignant youth being aroused patriotic impulse, no matter what danger, or what do not understand things, anyway - do it!

"Premier, what can we do for you?" Old man Liu immediately became serious and asked after Shaying.

What's the panic when I heard the word "Tomb" just now?

"Of course, you have a chance to help the country, but not now. After our professionals have finished the topographic exploration, it will be your turn to start!" Shaying smiles, as if to explain something good to old man Liu.

In fact, I just want others to do coolie for me.

Hearing what Sha Ying said to old man Liu, Xu Ling suddenly understood why he was pretending to be a public official of these countries, and had a good relationship with ordinary villagers here.

The original purpose is to prepare for the future work!

Seeing that old man Liu understood what he meant, Shaying didn't worry about it any more. He turned around and said to Xu Ling, "Mr. Xu is really an expert. At this glance, he saw through the mystery of the terrain!"

"This is just basic. Brother Sha is different from me. I believe you can see the mystery." Xu Ling waved his hand and said modestly.

His modesty was not deliberate. It was all because Shaying's expression was appreciation rather than understanding after he had just finished talking about the terrain. This shows that the other party must know the terrain.

"Ha ha, Mr. Xu really thinks highly of me. How can I know what's going on in this Even if it is seen through, Shaying seems to be trying to hide it to the end.

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