Other people don't want to say more. It's not easy for Xu Ling to break it down. Anyway, it's a test now. As long as he can pass it, it's OK. It doesn't matter whether Shaying knows or not.

It's just strange that sand hawks can see the characteristics of this terrain, so why do they have to do everything possible to find themselves.

The key is how this terrain can attract the attention of tomb robbers? If anyone set up a tomb here, isn't he thinking of killing his children and grandchildren?

"Brother Sha, what do you mean by bringing me here?" At this point, Xu Ling didn't want to wait for the other party to speak in silence any more. Instead, she asked directly first.

"As Mr. Xu said, the dragon vein here is broken, and disaster is stored. But Mr. Xu should know Zhao Lin, right?" Sha Ying did not directly respond to Xu Ling's question, but asked in reply.

For this man, Xu Ling, who once worked in a historical program, also has a certain understanding of him.

He is beyond Xu Ling's original knowledge of a figure in history, but the introduction of his characters has a great title - the biggest treacherous minister in history!

It can be said that as long as it is something that can harm the country, this minister has done it. Of course, good and evil will be rewarded. Moreover, he is such a bad person that the end result is naturally to be discovered and then to be implicated in nine ethnic groups.

And Zhao Lin's life and even his family, so disappeared in the torrent of history.

Xu Ling doesn't quite understand why Shaying mentions such a person now.

Seeing Xu Ling's puzzled expression, even if he didn't speak, Shaying knew what it meant.

So without waiting for Xu Ling to speak, he went on to say, "it's said in unofficial history that Zhao Lin still has an heir, that is to say, his family has not completely disappeared!"

What Sha Ying said surprised Xu Ling.

After all, he didn't study too much about this aspect. He only had contact with the official history. As for the unofficial history, he didn't even see it.

But Shaying suddenly mentioned this, there must be a special meaning, so Xu Ling also tentatively asked at this time, "do you mean that this is the tomb of Zhao Lin's descendants?"

"Mr. Xu is really joking. Who will put his own grave in this place? Doesn't that mean to be a queen?" Shaying immediately showed a bitter smile, some complained to Xuling said.

In his opinion, people like Xu Ling can't see such basic things.

But in fact, Xu Ling really didn't see it. After being reminded by Shaying, he quickly and secretly blamed himself for being too careless. Of course, on the surface, he said with a very calm expression, "Hey, I don't want you to be so nervous!"

Xu Ling quickly found the reason.

"Mr. Xu, it is said that Zhao Lin was buried by King Cheng under the broken dragon canal. He could not find Zhao Lin's descendants, so he directly wanted to use this method to make his descendants suffer." The sand hawk continued.

These explanations really shocked Xu Ling. What Sha Ying said in such detail is that there is nothing else for Xu Ling.

But then, Shaying seemed to see the meaning of Xu Ling's expression, and then said, "although I know this fact, I still have no way to know the exact location of the tomb, so I still want to ask Mr. Xu to help me with this matter!"

Good guy, I found a tomb in this vast mountain, and it was also the tomb of a treacherous minister buried by the king himself.

Let's not say whether there are any good things in such a tomb, but Guangguang's location must be dangerous. How did he get there.

"Brother Sha, it's dark now, and the sky is full of clouds and mists. Even the most basic conditions are not met. Aren't you here to help me?" Xu Ling hasn't done enough homework in this aspect, so she can only shirk the way first.

"I've heard that we can divide Jinding acupoints according to the terrain. What does it have to do with the weather?" Sand eagle's face showed very puzzled.

"Ha ha, I've been practicing with master for many years, and I haven't seen him judge the location of the tomb only from the terrain. Brother Sha has read too many novels. How can I believe this kind of thing?" Xu Ling laughs and shakes his head. He says to Shaying decidedly.

In that case, I'm sure I can't position him now

"Mr. Xu, aren't these things written in your novels?" Listen to Xu Ling quite some words like reprimand, Shaying first slightly a Leng, then very strange asked.

This kind of response made Xu Ling feel embarrassed. At that moment, he remembered that he was the first person to write a novel about tomb robbery in this world!

"Brother Sha, you should know that novels are written for readers. Of course, the facts should be more exaggerated and exciting. Otherwise, how can they attract readers?" Xu Ling shrugged and explained to Shaying.

"What Mr. Xu means is that all the things in your book are fictional?" Shaying's expression is full of loss, but at the same time with a trace of ferocity, he asks Xu Ling.

It seems that if Xu Ling nods and admits, he will push Xu Ling down from here.

"Not really. I just exaggerate. Some professional knowledge can be used for reference." Xu Ling holds her chest in both hands. The more this situation, the less she can show panic. If she is weaker than the other party in her arrogance, what kind of negotiation capital is there?

Sure enough, after Xu Ling was so tough, Shaying's attitude was obviously relaxed. "Then Mr. Xu thought, when can we find out the location of the tomb?"

Hearing the speech, Xu Ling closed his eyes with one hand and raised it slightly with one hand. His fingers began to pinch each other. He looked like an expert in the world.

After a while, he said in a voice, "the rain forest in the mountains has heavy humidity. In addition to the sunshine in the past few days, it has increased the humidity. I'm afraid I can't see the sky trend these days."

After a word, Shaying gets anxious. He sends someone to find Xu Ling, but he doesn't specially take him as a guest. The most important thing is to solve the problems he is facing!

"However, three days later, it will be bright. At that time, we should have a try!" Aware of Sha Ying's appearance, Xu Ling added another sentence before the other party made a response.

"Really?" Xu Ling's words, like timely rain, put the heart of Shaying hanging down in an instant.

He had thought that Xu Ling would say a time limit of half a month, but he couldn't wait.

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