Three days, no more, no less. In Xu Ling's opinion, this should be the longest time he can delay.

Although Xu Ling wrote stories about this, they were all half "taking doctrine", and he didn't get the ability from Xiaoya. How could he really make a point.

That is to say, some technical terms cheat laymen.

Now Xu Ling has made an appointment for three days in Shaying, because he thinks that he can transfer the local police to this side in the next few days.

When this happens, Xu Ling doesn't believe that Shaying can make himself go to find any grave.

"Of course, it's true, but that day can only be said to be the most suitable one, and it can't be said to be completely found. After all, brother Sha didn't have the right time to find me." Of course, Xu Ling is not the one to press the treasure out at one time, so in the end. He also left a little way back to remind Shaying.

"As long as Mr. Xu can have a little assurance, I will rest assured!" Of course, this reminder was automatically ignored by Shaying. He was very excited to hear Xu Ling's promise.

It's as if all the treasures are in front of you.

The reason, of course, is that he had given Xu Ling medicine and asked what he wanted to know. Otherwise, he would not have believed Xu Ling as an outsider.

"Premier Sha, two secretaries, do you have a good view? It's going to be dark soon. We'd better go back quickly so as not to run into danger at night. " Just when the conversation on Shaying's side was almost over and Xu Ling didn't know how to get down, old man Liu, who had been silent, suddenly spoke.

Xu Ling's words are Shaying's timely rain, but old man Liu's words are Xu Ling's timely rain.

Hearing the speech, Xu Ling then nodded and said, "it's OK to go back to rest earlier and come back tomorrow to have a look. If you catch up, maybe you can advance the time."

"No matter what, Lao Liu, let's go back quickly. Today, I have to trouble you to prepare a place for us!" Originally, Shaying didn't care about it, but when he heard Xu Ling's next words, he immediately became interested and urged old man Liu.

"Premier Sha, please rest assured, because before your arrival, we built a room specially for you. Of course, there are enough room for three people in bed." Old man Liu's face was full of pride, so he immediately told Shaying and others.

At the same time, the foot is not idle, turned and began to take the road.

The time to go back is much shorter than the time to come. Part of the reason is that old man Liu and Shaying have no more communication. The more important reason is that it's getting dark. A few people know that they can't delay, so they even quicken their pace.

At such a speed, the village finally appeared in front of the public.

The dim fire light projected from the simple house also pointed out the way for several people.

Xu Ling can't help but feel relieved that he can arrive safely. As the night falls, the wild animals seem to be active. When walking on the road, Xu Ling hears a few wolf howls, which makes him feel quite creepy.

"Prime minister Sha, two secretaries, please come this way!" When Xu Ling came to the village, he vaguely judged that it was day when he was surrounded by villagers. Old man Liu suddenly turned around and said.

It didn't take long this time, and the fence of the village itself was not big, so the house made for sand hawks was soon arrived.

After lighting the oil lamp, Xu Ling could almost see the whole house.

Although she has not seen what other people's houses in the village look like, Xu Ling can almost guess that the room she is staying in now should belong to the best one.

First of all, he doesn't have a place to cook, so the movable range of the whole room is more than doubled, and the bed seems to be covered with animal fur.

It's very warm!

When I was in Lingxia City, Xu Ling felt extremely cold, let alone in this mountainous area. If I hadn't prepared in advance and put on my coat, I'm afraid I would have frozen to death here today.

"Just a moment. I'll bring some food." Take a few people to sit down in the room, old man Liu said respectfully again, then turned and went out.

When old man Liu came out completely, Xu Ling finally said to Sha Ying, "brother Sha, you can arrange our identity. I don't want to leave this place."

"Ha ha, Mr. Xu, don't tease me any more. How can I use these identities if it's not forced by the situation?" The meaning in Xu Ling's words, Sha Ying can still hear it, even when he comes back.

The village is very quiet. Xu Ling is afraid that the walls have ears, so he doesn't continue this topic any more. Instead, he concentrates on discussing with Sha Ying about the professional problems of tombs.

However, most of the questions were asked by Xu Ling and answered by Sha Ying. Except for the tombs at the beginning, the rest was the unofficial history mentioned by Sha Ying.

Xu Ling is more interested in this kind of thing.

During the question and answer session, old man Liu came in with a tray full of bowls of food.

Because of the cold, there is still hot air on it. It seems that these foods are made now.

"Prime minister Sha, two secretaries, it's cold. Eat while it's hot." Old man Liu brought the food over and said very kindly.

Now, Xu lingcai finally saw what was in the bowl. It was not a delicacy, but hot noodles.

But Xu Ling didn't know why. Seeing the noodles and being in such an environment, she couldn't help being moved.

It seems to be back when I was a child, when my grandfather made noodles for himself.

"Lao Liu, thank you very much. It's getting late. You'd better go back and have a rest soon. I may have something else to ask you tomorrow morning." Shaying first said thanks, then reminded old man Liu.

"Don't worry, Prime Minister Sha. As long as it's your order, the whole village can call it at will." Old man Liu patted his chest to make sure.

There is really a kind of war time, willing to sacrifice their lives for the motherland.

At the same time, the conversation between the two also brings Xu Ling back to his senses. He gently wipes away the tears in front of him and takes a bowl to eat. Fortunately, the environment here is dark, so Xu Ling's appearance has not been noticed.

Old man Liu and Shaying exchanged greetings again, then left, leaving only three bowls of noodles, waiting for the diners.

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