The fierce mountain wind swept by. Even if she stayed in the room, Xu Ling still felt very cold. At this moment, the bowl of hot noodles in her hand could help to resist the cold.

With the flickering fire, three people around the table, the environment is quiet, a few people do not know what to say.

"Mr. Xu, let's have a rest early today. We have to go there again tomorrow." At the end of the meal, Shaying reminded Xu Ling.

When he came here, Shaying's attitude became more serious, which was probably his personal concern.

Of course, for Shaying no longer chat with himself, Xu Ling is also secretly happy, he is eager to let him rest earlier.

As for the reason, it is of course that he has his own things to do, for example - tip off!

Although it's already dark, it's only seven or eight o'clock.

In the mountains, there is no entertainment. Besides, the three people are really busy. That's why they have such an early rest.

But Xu Ling has other plans.

You're just going to have a rest. I'm not going to. Xu Ling thought so, then used his own unique ability.

It can be said that this ability is the only way to contact the outside world in the vast mountains.

Compared with the tranquility in the mountains, the prosperous city is just like two worlds.

Although it's time for Lingxia Public Security Bureau to get off work, there are still bright lights in several offices.

"Dadong, are you sure you're not dreaming?" Among them, an old policeman was looking at Kang Dadong seriously and asked.

"Xu Chu, how can I dream? It's like this. I was on duty last night. At three o'clock in the morning, I suddenly heard..." Kang Dadong began to narrate anxiously.

But in the middle of his words, Xu yuanbiao interrupted, "we've heard what you said several times, but now we can't find the number you said!"

"However, I did hear the other party say that he was going to sneak into the base of the tomb robber gang, but he seemed very worried, and then he hung up directly." Kang Dadong has no choice.

He struggled all day whether to report the situation he encountered. After all, the matter was so mysterious that he didn't even know what was going on. But in the end, he couldn't help telling himself.

Because it's very important for Lingxia city to steal tombs.

As a serious disaster area, it has always been under the close attention of the national government. In the past two years, dozens of tomb robberies were uncovered in Lingxia City alone.

It is precisely this high-intensity arrest that makes all the tomb robbers in Lingxia shrink up, and they have not heard of any more tomb robberies.

And this calm has not lasted for a year, even heard the report that there are grave robbers? And listen to the meaning of the phone, this gang is not small!

"Dadong, I know that you just graduated from the police academy and are eager to make contributions. It's inevitable, but you have to start from reality, right? Besides, we will certainly pay attention to cases like tomb robbery. Aren't you wasting everyone's time? " Old director silk mercilessly reprimanded Kang Dadong.

As a man who has been in the police station for most of his life, he doesn't know how many cases he has solved, and tomb robbers are the ones he has caught the most.

Xu yuanbiao was once known as the "Tomb robber terminator". From this name alone, he certainly would not be soft hearted to the tomb robbers.

This is why after hearing Kang Dadong's report, he mobilized the whole department's manpower and began to investigate the matter.

But a few hours later, the only information you can know is Kang Dadong's one-sided words and... A phone number belonging to an empty number.

Do you think that makes Xu yuanbiao angry? Hard to say, Kang Dadong is completely lying about the military situation!

"Well, Xu Chu, don't scold Xiaokang like that when you are young. He wants to contribute to our bureau quickly. His motive is understandable." When Xu yuanbiao reprimanded Kang Dadong, a policewoman came forward to relieve him.

The policewoman wears a ponytail and has sharp eyes. Her standard face makes her more heroic. At the same time, she walks in a vigorous way. Although she is young, she seems to have been a policewoman for many years. She has the feeling that some women do not let men.

"Feifei! You believe me, don't you? " As soon as he heard someone talking for himself, Kang Dadong's dispirited eyes lit up again. He quickly looked up and said to the policewoman.

As a fresh graduate, Kang Dadong is not familiar with the police when he first came to the police station. Li Feifei took him to know this place step by step, so Kang Dadong also knows that the other party knows himself.

"I believe in you!" Li Feifei reluctantly put out her hand to shoot the back of Kang Dadong's head, and then said, "however, this kind of thing should not be reported specially in the future. I've missed all the late movies."

"Well, today is an accident. Let's go! Go back and have a rest early! " After all, Kang Dadong is still a newcomer, and he will not resign because of this. With a sigh, Xu yuanbiao tells the public.

In fact, to tell the truth, Xu yuanbiao still hopes that Kang Dadong's words are true. After all, he is a policeman, but for nearly a year, he works from nine to five every day. Because of the severe crackdown in the past few years, there has been no crime in Lingxia city for a long time.

In this case, Xu yuanbiao gradually lost his passion as a policeman.

This is another reason why after hearing Kang Dadong's report, Xu yuanbiao had such a big stir.

Because he seems to have found his passion as a policeman again!

However, in the end, it only proved that all this was Kang Dadong's imagination.

With a look at the director's words, the crowd began to pack up and leave.

Kang Dadong, however, bowed his head and said nothing. He regretted why he didn't record the phone at that time.

"Dadong! You should go back to have a rest early. You have just been on duty all night. You must not be used to it. Have a good rest and adjust! " Looking at Kang Dadong, who just kept his head down, Xu yuanbiao also felt that he had just reprimanded him a little bit harshly, so this meeting slowed down a little and asked him in a tone.

Naturally, the meaning of this is that the situation reported by Kang Dadong is just imagined when he is unconscious, or that Kang Dadong fell asleep when he was on duty?

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