"Xu Chu! What I said is true, I didn't hallucinate, and I didn't sleep secretly! " Nothing else, but Kang Dadong won't let people invade the good habits of these policemen.

Not even the director himself

"Hey! You little boy... "I was just kind-hearted. I didn't expect that Kang Dadong was still energetic. Xu yuanbiao's violent temper came up immediately after he had been a policeman for decades.

Just as he was preparing to teach Kang Dadong more severely, several subordinates who came to him after finishing packing comforted Xu yuanbiao.

It took a long time to let Xu yuanbiao's temper down a little. He didn't talk to Kang Dadong any more.

After persuading Xu yuanbiao, they said a few more words to Kang Dadong. However, Kang Dadong's stubborn temper still insisted on his own statement and refused to apologize to Xu yuanbiao.

In this way, all the police officers, in order to find a way, gave a casual persuasion and left.

Now Kang Dadong really understands what is dumb eating Coptis, there is no pain to say.

What he expects most in his heart now is that the phone call from ten o'clock in the morning rings again to prove his innocence!

"Ding Ling Ling..."

Just as Kang Dadong's sincerity moved heaven, when the whole police station gradually quieted down as the staff left, suddenly a telephone rang and reached everyone's ears.

The people who stay and have not left have been studying what Kang Dadong said for several hours, so they are very sensitive to the ringing of the telephone.

For a moment, those who were preparing to leave and were still packing were all quiet. In the whole space, except for the telephone ring, there were only the breathing sounds of police officers.

This scene is even quieter than just now

Kang Dadong is the first one to relax from the silence. He seems to rush to the duty desk and look directly at the caller ID on the screen.

Then, with eyes wide open and breathing heavily, he cried out, "here we go! It's coming! This number is calling again! "

Now, I'm afraid there is only one thing that can make Kang Dadong so excited. People also know this very well.

All the people who were pulled back by Kang Dadong's cry put down their things and surrounded them.

After feeling the excitement in his heart, Kang Dadong immediately picked up the phone and said in a trembling voice, "you... Hello!"

It's like being afraid that the other person will run away at any time.

"It was me who called you in the early morning. The situation was urgent at that time. I can't tell you in detail. Now let me introduce myself. My name is Xu Ling." Lying on the hot ground Kang, Xu Ling is buried in the quilt. He is sleeping with his eyes closed. But in fact, he is communicating with the outside world in a special way.

"This is Lingxia police station. I'm Constable Kang Dadong. How are you now?" After a short period of shock and excitement, Kang Dadong also calmed down his mood, and his tone also slowed down.

"I have nothing to do. You have to listen carefully to what I'm going to say next." Xu lingpo felt helpless. The guy on the other side always felt that his life was in danger. However, as a policeman, it was reasonable to worry about the safety of ordinary people. To understand this, Xu Ling first responded and then asked.

"Drive westward to Lingxia, drive to the end of the road, and enter the mountains..." seeing that the other side didn't speak, Xu Ling didn't hesitate. She recalled the route she had written down in the car during the day and told the other side.

Compared with the flash in the pan in the early morning, Xu Ling was obviously more persistent. He said it alone for more than ten minutes before he stopped.

"You can write down all these, but now there are only two members of the tomb raiding Gang, and the rest are still in the base of the town, but I'm afraid it's just a temporary base. I'll let you know when I find out the specific base!" Finally, Xu Ling told Kang Dadong again.

It's like ten minutes in the morning

"Wait a minute!"

Hearing what the other party said, it seemed that he was going to hang up the phone. Xu yuanbiao, who was also in a hurry to inquire, yelled at him immediately. Then he grabbed the phone and asked, "why do we want to believe you?"

A "informant" who can only call but can't, and can move freely in the tomb raiding Gang, doesn't look like an ordinary person!

As a decades old policeman, Xu yuanbiao can certainly find out something unusual.

"Who are you?" Originally, the voice of the person who talked with him was very comfortable. Suddenly, another person appeared who seemed to be very suspicious of him. Xu Ling was a little upset.

I want to help you with all my heart. What's the attitude?

"I'm Xu yuanbiao, director of Lingxia police station. I'm also the person in charge of this matter. Just tell me if you have any information!" Xu yuanbiao then showed his identity first.

I believe there is such an identity here. Even those who come here to make trouble have to weigh themselves first.

It turned out to be the boss. No wonder he spoke so hard! After the other party introduced himself, Xu Ling understood the reason.

"Since you are the director, that's great. Did you hear what I just said?" Compared with Kang Dadong, Xu Ling is more satisfied with meeting the person in charge.

Xu yuanbiao came when Kang Dadong was shouting. Of course, he heard what Xu Ling said.

"Yes, but how can we believe you're not teasing us?" Xu yuanbiao's vigilance is much stronger, and his decades of experience is certainly much better than that of Kang Dadong, a young policeman who has just come out.

"Hey, you're police. How could anyone dare to tease you?" Xu Ling showed a full puzzled, completely did not understand how the other side would say that.

Others may not dare, but Xu Ling can, his song can only call but not go back to the phone number, playing with the police is not a simple thing.

"You want our trust, but you have to contact us with a normal number!" Without responding to Xu Ling's query, Xu yuanbiao immediately put forward his own request.

"Ah? What do you mean Xu Ling was brought into a full question by the other party.

"Don't you know that the number you are using now can only be called by you, but we can't get in touch with you on our own initiative?" In Xu Ling's dismay, Xu yuanbiao said such a piece of news.

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