Since he got this ability in Xiaoya, Xu Ling really didn't have the chance to use it. Until now, he really tried to use it once.

I didn't expect to be told that there would be such a situation. It seems that the things I got from Xiaoya have some side effects more or less. What's more, after Xu yuanbiao's notification, Xu Ling's ability has two disadvantages.

"Ah? And this... "One of them, of course, is that the numbers can't communicate with each other, and the other is what Xu Ling is now encountering. Halfway through the conversation, she hangs up directly.

According to Xiaoya, this ability can only be used for 15 minutes a day, and it will stop automatically when it's time. It won't be available for more than one second.

This is also why Xu Ling only used it for the first time after getting the ability. It's true because the short 15 minutes is not enough to say anything.

Especially for people like Xu Ling who issue a task for at least half an hour or more, this thing has no practical significance

Fortunately, here in Xu Ling, the information that should be said has also been said, and the rest depends on whether the other party believes it or not.


Unlike Xu Ling, who knows what's going on, Xu yuanbiao's dozen people are all in a state of muddle.

What does this man mean? When it comes to the key points, the more so, the more suspicious it is. If there is no ghost in my heart, why do I hang up all of a sudden?

"Xu Chu, it seems that the phone was forced to hang up just now." Kang Dadong listened to the truth and quickly told the truth.

"Well, I know!" As a policeman, even Kang Dadong, a rookie, can find problems. Of course, Xu yuanbiao knows, but now the focus is to judge the truth of the other party's words.

"Then we'd better hurry to the place he said." Kang Dadong, as a new policeman, is eager to save people. In an instant, he realizes that Xu Ling's phone is definitely hung up in an abnormal state.

It is possible that the other party has encountered unimaginable danger!

"Xiao Li, check the phone number just now!" Without a direct response to Kang Dadong, Xu yuanbiao first told Li Feifei.

Because of such a thing, people's action to leave also stopped, as the police consciousness, they immediately threw themselves into the work.

"Xu Chu, although the number is different, it's still empty!" About ten minutes later, Li Feifei came back with such news.

Hearing this news, Xu yuanbiao's expression did not change too much. He had already learned to be calm and calm when encountering countless dangers.

After hearing Li Feifei's words, Xu yuanbiao pondered for a while, and then began to formulate a strategy with a big wave of his hand, "Xiao Li, Da Dong, you stay in the police station to see if that phone call will come back. Wu Yan and Sun Sheng, you two take those two numbers to the communication company, and you must find out where the call came from. The rest of you, go to the small town with me, Wait and see what's going on! "

Clear thinking, clear conditioning, worthy of decades of old police, just a few minutes to think of a good solution.

"Xu Chu, at this time, the communication company should have left work early." The task was received, but Wu Yan thought of such a question, which was also raised by the meeting.

"What can I do after work? I don't believe that such a big company can't find a person. Even if it doesn't, call me and shout. If it doesn't cooperate, it will be dealt with according to the influence of business affairs!" With a big wave of his hand, Xu yuanbiao responded very aggressively to Wu Yan.

It seems that he has begun to attach importance to it.

"What about the mountains? What about the mountains?" After this assignment, it seems that he didn't get the answer Kang Dadong wanted. He immediately asked.

"Dadong, I know you are eager to save people, but the place Xu Ling said is mountainous and desolate. It's definitely not the right choice to go there at night. Let's not say whether there are real people. If the tomb robbers were there, we would only scare the snake." Xu yuanbiao solemnly told Kang Dadong.


"Well, there's no need to say any more. It's settled. All departments, hurry up!"

Kang Dadong is always worried about Xu Ling's situation. Just as he is about to explain again, he is severely interrupted by Xu yuanbiao.

"Dadong, Xu Chu is right. Now it's really not suitable to go directly into the mountains. Don't be stubborn any more. Even if you want to save people, it depends on the situation, and I don't think that Xu Ling will do anything." Li Feifei will also persuade Kang Dadong.

In this way, Kang Dadong calmed down and reconsidered the matter, and gave up his impulsive thought.

With Xu yuanbiao's order, everyone started to take action quickly. Today's event is really full of twists and turns. When we finally decided to take action for this phone call, most people were not fully prepared.

But even so, they were not ambiguous at all when it was time to take action. In less than five minutes, everyone was in place and set off.

Kang Dadong and Li Feifei were the only two people left in the police station.

Seeing his colleagues leave, Kang Dadong frowns and still feels very uneasy.

This time, it's not only for Xu Ling, but also for the colleagues who left, because he feels that this time, I'm afraid it won't be so simple

At this time, Xu Ling, who was far away in the mountains, did not know how much impact his phone call had. After the phone was forced to hang up, he had to go to bed honestly.

Outside, the mountain wind was blowing, but lying on the Kang was very warm. In this strong contrast, Xu Ling fell asleep very quickly and steadfastly, until someone came to wake him up.

Sometimes sleeping is like crossing. As soon as Xu Ling's eyes are closed and open, the sky is already bright.

"Well, what time is it?" Rubbed to knead the sleepy eyes of Xing bleary, Xu Ling asked casually.

The people who can shake themselves up in such a hurry, needless to say, must be sand hawks.

"Seven o'clock!" The voice of the sand hawk was quite dispirited. There was no expectation like yesterday.

"Brother Sha, what's the matter?" Aware of this change, Xu Ling immediately asked the latter. As he went to the door, he opened the door and immediately understood.

Outside, it was fogging all over the mountain. In this kind of environment, it was difficult to move freely in the mountains, let alone determine the location of the tomb.

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