God help me! Looking at the scene in front of Xu Ling, he couldn't help laughing. Originally, he was worried about what excuse to use in the morning. Now, he doesn't even have to find any excuses.

Of course, if Shaying knows what Xu Ling is thinking now, Xu Ling must be killed in the wilderness.

"How could it be so foggy! How else can we get out? " Of course, Xu Ling thought about it clearly, so he quickly exclaimed.

There is no pause in the whole process, it seems that it is true.

"Yes, I'm afraid there's no way to go out today. I'm afraid this kind of fog can't go out without half a day's sunshine." Sand Eagle this meeting is also a face helpless, shake head to say.

"It's even more difficult to find out where you want to be when you miss the time of Ziqi coming to the East!" Xu Ling also echoed on the side, anyway, now as long as the sand eagle to let their own positioning idea to stop.

"Well, according to old man Liu, this kind of weather will be around for nearly two days. It seems that we have to go back first." Shaying shook his head and informed Xu Ling of another thing.

"Premier Sha, two secretaries, you are awake!" It's like proving what Shaying said. As soon as his voice fell, a figure appeared in the fog.

Hear the sound, although can't see the person, but also can know who is coming.

Just within a minute of the sound, old man Liu came back with a plate.

There are still three bowls of hot noodles and some side dishes on the plate.

"I'm afraid it's impossible to go out in this weather. Let's have breakfast first." Old man Liu politely greets Xu Ling and the three of them come to the house, brings the noodles to Xu Ling bowl by bowl, and then says.

"Well, Lao Liu, when the sun clears the fog, we'll leave." After taking the noodles and taking a bite, Shaying said to old man Liu.

"Prime minister Sha, are you going to leave?" Old man Liu is still reluctant to give up. You know, he can call a prime minister here, which is a blessing he got in his last life!

Old man Liu's thought is still relatively traditional, and he certainly attaches great importance to this kind of thing.

"Yes, we have to go back and make a good plan to take you out. As Chinese people, we can't let you stay in such a deep mountain." Shaying will start to explain his "glorious mission" to old man Liu.

It's like a good prime minister who is full of tears and consideration for the people. If Xu Ling didn't know what the purpose of Shaying was, he might have been moved.

"Really? That would be great. Premier Sha, I take the people here to thank you. Thank you so much Speaking of this problem, old man Liu suddenly got excited, and he didn't say much about retaining Shaying. Now he expected Shaying to go back immediately and start planning this matter.

"Don't worry, we'll deal with it as soon as possible, and you don't have to thank us much. These are what we should do!" Shaying said to old man Liu with a smile on his face.

That appearance, which has seen the weather before the disappointment and dispirited, Xu Ling in the side looking at the heart can not help but some exclamation, this guy's acting is really good.

Then he told old man Liu a few words. The food in the bowl was finished, and the bowl was returned to old man Liu, who left with vigorous steps.

You can feel how excited he is through his back.

"Look at this, we can start at noon." After old man Liu left, Xu Ling went out to see the environment and said to the two people behind.

"Well, you'd better leave as soon as possible. It's better to go back and make some preparations for nothing here." Sand hawk nodded, his expression seems to be a little strange.

Xu Ling didn't say anything in his eyes. The appearance of Shaying seemed to be a kind of anxiety, which made Xu Ling guess whether it was the reason why he called the police station yesterday.

Speaking of this, Xu Ling then thought of the phone call he didn't finish because of the time limit.

A new day is coming. It seems that I'll call there again sometime.

The next time, is a long wait, because always stay with Shaying, need to have a response to each other's words, Xu Ling has no chance to use special ability.

In this case, it is impossible for stuffy boy to speak. In this quiet environment, Xu Ling only talks with Shaying, which makes him feel that time passes very slowly.

The main reason is that the content of Xu Ling's chat is all made up on the spot, and it is also necessary to ensure that it is seamless and suitable for the current situation.

This is really another test for Xu Ling

It can be said that compared with Xu Ling's plain life, he really experienced the exciting life here.

"Big brother, the fog is almost gone." When Xu Ling was chatting with Shaying, he didn't know where he was. This meeting suddenly came back, so he asked Shaying to know.

Two people in the room heard the report of stuffy boy. Even if they got up and looked at the situation, they could at least see a little clear sun.

Although there is still some mist, it doesn't have much impact on the trip.

Maybe the villagers also found out this situation. After Xu Ling and others went out for a while, many people came out of their houses.

Needless to say, this is to see off Xu Ling. Of course, the most important thing is Shaying. After all, he pretends to be the biggest official.

After almost all the villagers came out, old man Liu finally came to Shaying through the crowd, just like when he just came.

The only difference is that old man Liu has a big sack in his hand.

"Prime minister Sha, these are the small wishes of our village people. There is nothing good here. Please be sure to take care of these dried game goods." The tradition of gift giving, no matter in what era, exists.

"No! I can't make it! Lao Liu, just keep these things, "Sha Ying quickly waved his hand to refuse, and then said solemnly," if I accept your gift, it will become a corrupt official. We help you. That's the meaning of the country. You don't have to give us anything. "

"I understand all this, but premier Sha and the two secretaries have helped us so much. We have to thank you for not being so. So don't refuse and take it." Old man Liu looked determined, and then he took Shaying's hand and stuffed the bag.

Whether it's really out of old man Liu's meaning or not, as long as the gift is sent out, it's naturally a kind of comfort to oneself.

All the time, it's the same

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