After a grand farewell party in the mountains, Xu Ling and others stepped into the dense forest, followed the hiking route and returned to the parking place.

It's a day and night's journey in the mountains, and it's a full stop.

Of course, Xu Ling also knows that this can't be the last time Shaying and his friends come here, but he still secretly decides to expose the lies of these people next time he comes here!

If you want to accomplish this task, you have to have some preconditions. I don't know whether the information delivered to the police station by myself will get the attention of the police.

But when I think of what director Xu yuanbiao said, I probably won't come here specially.

At present, I'm afraid we have to prove our authenticity in the police station, but Xu Ling didn't consider that there is such a layer of things.

What Xu Ling didn't expect was that after the car he was sitting in left the place, several people came out of the woods.

"It seems to be them." The first one is Xu yuanbiao. He looks at the direction of the car leaving and touches his chin.

"Has Xu Ling been..." Kang Dadong can see clearly the situation in front of him, which will be more frightening. As for the content, he doesn't even dare to go on.

In his mind, Xu Ling should be in the state of being hijacked, but seeing the three people, they are exactly like companions.

There is only one reason for this situation - Xu Ling may have been persecuted!

Remembering the phone call that hung up suddenly last night, Kang Dadong confirmed this fact even more. At this time, his face was full of guilt.

Kang Dadong even felt that he was not qualified to be a policeman because he was one night late and let such an excellent citizen die here!

"Dadong, calm down first. I don't think anything happened to Xu Ling." Xu yuanbiao was also aware of Kang Dadong's emotional changes.

Through Kang Dadong's only half of what he said, Xu yuanbiao certainly understood what he meant. He immediately guessed as if he were comforted, "from my years of police experience, I'm afraid Xu Ling is among the three."

"Is there Xu Ling among the three people?" Kang Dadong showed great confusion.

"Well, as you said before, didn't Xu Ling say that he wanted to be an undercover? He's so confident that he won't sacrifice like that! " Xu yuanbiao's seven points are for comfort to Kang Dadong, while the other three points are for trust to Xu Ling.

Although his conversation with Xu Ling lasted no more than two minutes, for some reason, Xu yuanbiao was relieved by Xu Ling's confidence.

"Well, you don't have to worry so much. I've arranged for people to watch these people. We'll go back to the Bureau. I believe Xu Ling will call us again soon." When Xu yuanbiao saw Kang Dadong's look, he was still a little uneasy. He even said it again.

"I hope so!" Listening to what Xu yuanbiao said, Kang Dadong calmed down a little. Finally, he looked at the direction of the suspect's car and sighed.

"Now most of the information passed through Xu Ling has been proved to be true. It seems that these people are tomb robbers." After Kang Dadong finished feeling, he said to Xu yuanbiao with a dignified look.

"I know that!" Xu yuanbiao also nodded, then turned to look at Kang Dadong and said, "Dadong, you call all the police officers in our department to return to the bureau!"

"Why do you do that?" Kang Dadong is completely puzzled, because most of his colleagues are monitoring the people mentioned by Xu Ling. Now that they are transferred back, is it difficult to ignore this matter?

When he thought of this fact, he became a little anxious.

"If you want to take action, you must not transfer the police officers back as if they were scattered, just to carry out the special meeting of this action!" Xu yuanbiao's expression is still dignified, explaining to Kang Dadong.

"Xu Chu, what do you mean?" Kang Dadong graduated from the police academy and came to the police station. He has never handled any big cases in the real sense, but he has never eaten pork and seen pigs run. He heard in the police academy that every time before launching a big case, he would conventionally hold a combat meeting.

Like seeing through what Kang Dadong thought, Xu yuanbiao nodded to him with a smile

"I announced," in the huge conference room, Xu yuanbiao stood in the front, waving his hand to dozens of policemen sitting below. He knew, "the 913 anti theft operation team is now officially established! All departments take action immediately! "

"Yes After Xu yuanbiao's notice, dozens of police officers stood up and saluted. Meanwhile, Lang Sheng responded.

Of course, including Kang Dadong, who attended such a meeting for the first time, he was very enthusiastic.

Looking around the colleagues who have started to leave here quickly, suddenly he is a little at a loss.

Because he realized that he didn't seem to have any groups

"Kang Dadong!"

And when he was still confused, a sudden shout pulled him back to God.

"Xu Chu, i... what should I do?" Looking at the source of the cry is Xu yuanbiao, Kang Dadong quickly asked.

At this time, I have shown the disadvantages of new police officers who have no experience.

"Your task now is to ensure that when Xu Ling calls, you can get in touch with him all the time!" Xu yuanbiao said directly.

Hearing that his task was to wait for the phone call in the police station, Kang Dadong was disappointed.

"Well? Do you have a problem with the task? " Xu yuanbiao saw through Kang Dadong's mind at a glance.

Since the other party has asked, Kang Dadong is also a person who can say anything, but after all, the other party is the director, so he only dares to murmur in a low voice, "everyone is on duty, contact the front-line task, I'm still in the Bureau, it's not appropriate..."

"Didn't you eat? It's so quiet Kang Dadong's grumbling appearance immediately caused Xu yuanbiao's displeasure.

Although he could hear what Kang Dadong said clearly, he still wanted to teach him what he needed to be a policeman.

"Report to the director! I want to go out on duty! " Xu yuanbiao's reprimand immediately reminds Kang Dadong of the leader's instruction during the army training, so he yells out loud.

"Don't you know what obedience is?" As a policeman, this point should have been taught thousands of times when he was in the police academy. But now Kang Dadong dared to put forward his opinions openly in front of Xu yuanbiao, which made Xu yuanbiao ask angrily.

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