"I know." After a little stupefied, Kang Dadong also understood that there was no better way now, so he had to nod his head, and then said to Li Feifei, "sister Feifei, send all these information to my computer."

With that, Kang Dadong went to his desk dejectedly.

More than 3000 photos, it can be imagined that today is another sleepless night

But for this kind of situation, Kang Dadong has already been psychologically prepared. As a policeman, how can he not stay up all night?

"This elder sister can't help you. Go and have a good look. Don't miss it. Let me know when you recognize which Xu Ling is here." Li Feifei's expression is quite apologetic. Of course, she also understands how difficult it is to find one person from more than 3000 people with different names.

Not only do they have many names, but sometimes they even have some imagination about their faces. After all, all the information collected are ID photos, and even the way of taking photos is the same.

In this way, it's easy for people's eyes to gradually assimilate all the people in these photos.

"It doesn't matter, Feifei. Thank you for helping me so much!" Kang Dadong waved his hand and said.

"Go, what is help? I just did my part, OK Seeing that Kang Dadong was so polite, Li Feifei could not help feeling embarrassed.

"That Feifei elder sister, I went to recognize the photograph first." Kang Dadong said to Li Feifei with a smile.

The latter naturally nodded, and after transmitting the data to Kang Dadong, she continued to carry out her task.

And the task of the technical department now has and only one, that is to crack the phone number that Xu Ling dialed twice!

"This bastard Xu Ling, how on earth did he hide the number completely?" Although we have to crack it, this is the first time for the technology department. I do not know where the beginning of Li Feifei in constant failure, can not help but scold.

Of course, if Li Feifei knew what the two calls were from, she would definitely give up this stupid research.

Because you can't find Xu Ling's brain if you check where you belong

"Sneeze! Sneeze In a small town far away from the police station, Xu Ling was sitting opposite Shaying, listening to the latter's story, and suddenly sneezed twice for no reason.

"Mr. Xu, you don't have a cold, do you?" Now Xu Ling can be said to be the main character of Shaying, so Shaying naturally attaches great importance to his body.

"No, no, maybe someone missed me." Xu Ling waved her hand, and then explained with some humor.

"Mr. Xu, that's not right. I heard that sneezing is a thought and a curse. I'm afraid who's calling you a curse Now that we have talked about this, Jin Yong on one side can't help joking.

"Ha ha ha..."

This remark also made everyone laugh, and the atmosphere suddenly eased a little from the dignified.

"Mr. Xu, what do you think of my plan? Is it acceptable?" Laugh to laugh, but the topic must be back on track.

After a short delay, Shaying then consulted Xu Ling.

Just as I said before, Xu Ling showed full ability in the past two days. In addition, Lin Na kept providing Xu Ling's "intelligence" to Shaying, which made the latter trust Xu Ling more.

"I can do anything, just listen to brother Sha." Xu Ling nodded and naturally said.

In fact, Xu Ling didn't listen to Shaying's plan at all. He is now concentrating on when to inform the police.

He doesn't care about tomb robberies at all

"Good! That's settled. Three days later, we'll go to Shenshan village again! " With Xu Ling's consent, Shaying immediately waved his hand and told the crowd. Finally, he turned his eyes to Xu Ling, "this time, please give us the location."

"Yes As soon as Shaying's voice came down, the younger brothers around stood up and responded in a loud voice as if they had beaten chicken blood.

Although Xu Ling is not as excited as they are, in this environment, he has no other objection. He can only nod to Shaying with the same smile.

Three days later, I wonder if the police can find the village in the mountains! Xu Ling couldn't help but feel bad.

When Xu Ling was thinking about it, a group of people were carefully exploring the way in the mountains on the edge of Lingxia city.

"I said that people from the archaeological team can't do this kind of thing. It's not suitable to stay in this old forest." The first one complained to the people behind him in embarrassment.

"There's no clue of antiquities in this place, and there's no record in historical materials, so the group of antiques of the archaeological team won't come here!" The people behind seemed to understand it very well, so they answered directly.

"Well, why did it fall on me?" The former is still not reconciled, still said uneasily.

"Who left us unfinished?" Thinking of this, the latter is also a bit uncomfortable, but he is more clear why he has such treatment than the former.

"But can we blame that? We are not the technical personnel of the telecommunication bureau. They can't find out. What can we do? " Different from the people behind, the former gets more angry when he thinks about it, and the complaints that have been settled rise again.

"Well, you don't have to complain. You've all come. Go on!" The latter, even when pushing and shoving the people in front of them, moves forward.

"It's not..." the person in front couldn't help but want to continue to say, but a voice came out of the walkie talkie and interrupted it.

"Wu Yan, Sun Sheng, what's the situation there? Have you found the village? "

"Back to Xu, not yet. There are endless mountains in this area. Wu Yan and I are going to explore it again." The man in front of him was Sun Sheng. He took out his walkie talkie and replied.

In that case, how can you complain like that?

"Well, you all pay attention to your safety. Explore inside for another hour and come back as soon as possible, so that it won't be dark and it's hard to move in the mountains." On the other side of the walkie talkie, Xu yuanbiao's instructions were followed.

"OK, don't worry, Xu Chu. This time, we will definitely finish the task!" Sun Sheng immediately patted his chest and said.

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