In the walkie talkie, Sun Sheng continued to exchange greetings with Xu yuanbiao for a while, then he reluctantly disconnected the call.

"What's your dissatisfaction? Just now, I'm not happy with this task? How come they're all gone? " As soon as sun Shenggang put away his walkie talkie, Wu Yan immediately began to tease him.

"Discontent is discontent, but don't be polite to us." Sun Sheng shrugged, with a natural expression of his behavior just now.

"I don't think you've learned anything since you came to the Bureau. You've learned a lot about flattery." Wu Yan curled his mouth and continued to hurt Sun Sheng's younger brother.

"Is that flattering? It's a basic respect for leaders, OK! " Stubborn and reluctant to admit mistakes or defeats, Sun Sheng can not help but get a long face.

"Good, good, respect! I'm not flattering. I don't want to talk to you anymore. Hurry to find the village! Otherwise, Xu Chu would be unhappy again. " Sun Sheng continued to be stubborn there, and Wu Yan didn't want to continue this topic, even when he talked about business.

Speaking of this, Sun Sheng immediately put away his laughter, nodded and began to act.

But just after a dozen steps, he began to complain to Wu Yan, "looking for a small village in such a big mountain is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Besides, it's still the same thing."

"Don't you know who Xu Chu is? He said so firmly that there are villages in it, which must be there. There is no need for any objection to this. " On this point, Wu Yan is much firmer than Sun Sheng.

"But didn't Xu Chu also get the news from Xu Ling? The man who hangs up in the middle of the conversation has no credibility at all. " Sun Sheng turned his lips and directly put forward this stubble.

It seems that he also has a lot of opinions about Xu Ling.

"It's true that people hang up in the middle of a call, but most of the information they provide is correct, which is also true." At this time, Wu Yan began to defend Xu Ling

On this point, Sun Sheng has no room to question.

But at this time, his stubborn side began to show up again, "that's right, but..."


In this case, Sun Sheng's words would be interrupted directly, and this time, naturally, was no exception. Before he finished his words, Wu Yan put his hand to his mouth and made a voice.

At the same time, Wu Yan's movements became mysterious.

Seeing this, Sun Sheng naturally learned from each other and walked forward quietly, listening to the movement around him.

Because these two men are the leaders, after Wu Yan made these moves, the subsequent police officers also slowed down.

In an instant, the only footstep left in the whole mountain forest disappeared.

In addition to these, a strange sound came from a distance.


"It's the sound of water!" Sun Sheng in the identification after a while, immediately called out.

"That's right!" Wu Yan nodded and agreed with Sun Sheng's conjecture.

And also aware of the heavy responsibility of this situation, he immediately showed a look of surprise.

Water is the source of life. The origin of human beings is developed where there is water, and there is no such thing as tap water in such deep mountains and forests.

For convenience, people living here will surely build gathering places near the water flow.

"Come on! Let's go up the river and look for it. It must be near the river. Pay attention, everyone Sun Sheng immediately waved his hand to the people behind him.

Then he kept on at his feet and began to act.

For a moment, he completely put aside the previous decline, even when he walked, he was full of blood.

Following the sound of the water, people soon found the spring canal flowing down the mountain.

The accumulated water washed the canal to the width of three adults lying side by side.

In the small canal, the spring water is clear and transparent, which makes people feel fresh. People who come here can't help squatting down and drinking a few mouthfuls of spring water.

It's really tiring for us to go on foot for a long time.

These springs are sweet, refreshing and pleasant, which makes people feel less tired.

Here, I have to admire the uncanny workmanship of nature. I'm afraid there is no drink in the world that can match the taste of spring water.

"Drinking this kind of water every day, I'm afraid the people in that village are in good health." After drinking the spring water, Sun Sheng wiped his mouth, and then sighed.

"It's not only the spring water that can live in this deep mountain, but also can't communicate with the normal world, so the people's physique will not be too bad." This time, Wu Yan agreed with Sun Sheng very much.

"Wu, yes, team sun, we found something in front of us!" While they were still sighing, suddenly a small policeman came from the front and reported to them.

This is the famous Scud of the whole police department. The speed of 100 meters is close to the world champion. Of course, this kind of foot distance was pulled by Sun Sheng to help with this task.

As it turns out, Sun Sheng's eyes are really vicious. Only then did he find a sign that Scud brought back the clue.

"What's the situation?" Without saying a word, Sun Sheng asked anxiously.

Sun Sheng has always been in the environment full of green. He has been tired of it for a long time, so he is very sensitive to what he can accomplish.

"There seems to be a village more than 100 meters in front, but no one is seen." Scud pointed to the front and responded directly.

"Really?" After learning about this, Sun Sheng immediately flashed in his eyes, then without saying a word, he rushed to the direction pointed by Scud.

Wu Yan was also quite excited. This task lasted for several hours without any signs. It must be under some pressure.

This will hear progress, if not excited, it is false.

Under the leadership of Scud, people have a clear purpose and come directly to the place he said.

Through the dense jungle, sure enough, in a relatively flat place, there are more than a dozen houses.

Moreover, there are several chimneys on the roof, but also slowly emitting light smoke, which proves that this village is not a deserted village.

"Here it is!" Sun Sheng looked at the situation in front of him and immediately jumped up and said excitedly.

"Keep your voice down!" Hearing Sun Sheng's uncontrollable tone, Wu Yan quickly pulled him down and reminded him.

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