"You are not afraid of being found out!" After Sun Sheng was brought back, Wu Yan said with some reproach.

"Mine, mine, finally found this place. I was too excited to control my emotions for a while." After being reminded, Sun Sheng immediately reflected the environment he was in and immediately scratched the back of his head awkwardly to explain.

"Well, fortunately the other party didn't find out. We'd better be careful in the back!" Wu Yan waved his hand to show that it was OK. Then he reminded the crowd.

It's reasonable for Wu Yan to do so. They only received the news that there was a village in the mountains, but they didn't know when the village appeared.

Xu Ling did not give too much description on this aspect on the phone, and Wu Yan certainly wanted to make the worst guess on this aspect.

If the other party is the kind of savage who has never been in contact with normal society, wouldn't it be very dangerous to be found?

Wu Yan's worries naturally occurred to all of us. They were hiding in the dense forest and observing the village. For a moment, they didn't know what to do.

It's ironic to find this place that I don't know what to do after I find it.

Even for fear of being discovered by people in the village, sun Shenglian took out his walkie talkie to report to Xu yuanbiao.

People just stare at the village quietly. About ten minutes later, they finally see a man come out of the house.

It's different from people's imagination. Judging from the man's dress and behavior, it doesn't seem like a savage.

"Lao Wu, it seems that this situation is not quite right!" Seeing the man walking out of the room and into another room, Sun Sheng couldn't help saying to Wu Yan.

"Why don't I go over and see what's going on first?" After a pause, Sun Sheng proposed again.

"No, it's too dangerous!" Wu Yan immediately denied Sun Sheng's proposal. If the other party's normal appearance is just a kind of illusion, isn't it just a sheep into the tiger's mouth?

Although there are a lot of police officers on our side, and it's not a problem to save the next person with live ammunition, this is not the situation that people want to see after all.

It is the best policy to complete the task without any dispute!

"I'll go. I'm fast. If the other party is really hostile, I believe I can avoid it!" Reminded by Wu Yan, when the crowd was entangled again, Scud's voice suddenly rang.

This is indeed a fact. In terms of speed alone, I'm afraid none of the people present can match Scud.

Otherwise, how can he get such a title?

Scud's suggestion also made Wu Yan ponder. I have to say that the former's words are the best solution to this embarrassing situation.

"Thank you, Lin Fei!" After pondering for a while, Wu Yan finally said something to Lin Fei.

Not too many words, now Wu Yan can do, is to Linfei full trust!

The latter just nodded heavily after hearing the speech, and then strode to the village. Of course, the goal was the place where the villager had just walked.

Wu Yan and others were behind, staring at Lin Fei without blinking, for fear that he would encounter any danger.

Although Lin Fei is tens of meters away from the village, in the eyes of the public, it is very long.

It seems that the same is true for outsiders. Let alone Lin Fei, who was in the middle of the incident, said that he volunteered to do it. But when he really started to act, he would feel very nervous, because he didn't know what kind of environment he was waiting for.

Whether it's normal humans or barbarians, it's just a few steps away. Lin Fei finally understands what it means to walk on thin ice

It is tens of meters in itself. No matter how slow you walk, there will be times when you arrive. Moreover, the situation is not just that the other side is quietly waiting for Lin Fei to walk by.

When Lin Fei almost reached the door of the room, suddenly the man who had just entered the room came out again and happened to meet Lin Fei.

Such a sudden let Lin Fei quickly stop the pace, nervously staring at the person in front of him, a time to forget his previously conceived speech.

And the people hiding behind, seeing this situation, could not help holding their breath and waiting for the next thing - to meet Lin Fei or to retreat!

But unexpected things, the other party saw Lin Fei, first slightly a Leng, and then fly also like rushed to his left not far from the room.

Standing at the door, he slapped the door fiercely, and his colleagues yelled, "village head! village head! Another outsider is coming! "

This man's voice was loud, not only Lin Fei, but also the people who were hiding in the dark heard it clearly

What the other party said is not exactly Lingxia dialect!

This shows that he is a normal human being, and from the point of view that he can call "village head", he is still a small civilized village.

Think clearly these, the public also dispelled the worry in the heart, in succession came out to Lin Fei there to walk.

After being instructed by "prime minister Sha", village head old man Liu is very sensitive to the arrival of outsiders. After hearing what the villagers said, he rushed out immediately.

"Village head, there's another outsider... People," the villager said immediately when he saw the village head coming out, pointing to Lin Fei's direction. But when he turned his eyes, he couldn't help changing his words, and then he said with some doubts, "ah? How did you become so many people? "

The village head now doesn't care whether the villagers start to see a person or some people. When he sees the people not far away, he is a little happy.

Look at that resolute expression, brave physique, this is definitely the country sent to pick up their own!

"Hello! How do you do! I'm the head of this village. Just call me Lao Liu. " Old man Liu is quite excited to say hello to the person who looks like the leader.

It's Wu Yan!

He was afraid that Sun Sheng would say the wrong thing again, which would be bad.

"Hello, Lao Liu! We are... "Wu Yan smiles at the village head and is about to introduce himself, but he is interrupted by the other party.

"I know, I know. You are the ones who Prime Minister Sha sent to pick us up, right?"

Huh? The other side's words, but Wu Yan to say very muddled force, looking at old man Liu for a time do not know how to respond.

"Come on, don't stand here. Come and sit in the room for a while. I'll let everyone gather." Old man Liu is just thinking about the happy event now, and has not noticed Wu Yan's astonished expression at the moment.

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