It's sunny and cloudless. Walking in the mountains, there's even a cool wind. This kind of weather is the most suitable day for camping, but now Xu Ling is in no mood at all.

With a few greedy masters around, no one is in such a mood!

Three people sat quietly in the car. Because of a series of accidents, the atmosphere in the car seemed a little depressed, but this situation didn't last long. One person ran out of the dense forest.

Take a close look, it's Jin Yong!

"Brother, there seems to be no ambush nearby. It seems that the cops are really chasing the brothers who are walking ahead." When he came to the car, he reported to Shaying breathlessly.

It seems that a while ago, Xu Ling was waiting for Jin Yong to explore the way back.

For this, Xu Ling also has to admire. Shaying's cautious character is that no one can surpass it. Even if it has been confirmed before, the police have followed the car in front, but they still have doubts about the mountains.

Fortunately, Xu Ling has reminded the police not to send someone to help them. In the dark, he also feels that Shaying must go back to exploring the way first. After all, Xu Ling and Shaying have been together for several days. Xu Ling still knows something about the latter's temper.

"Then let's go over!" Now that Jin Yong has figured out the situation, Shaying finally let go of his worries. When he got out of the car, he waved and ordered.

A group of four people walked carefully in the dense forest. Their first destination was naturally to come to the village. Although it is now a deserted village and there are no people, it is still a place to settle down and can be used as a direction indicator.

Because every time I go to the natural moat, Shaying is always taken by old man Liu. Now people are no longer there, but the road behind it all depends on people themselves.

Xu Ling has just been here once, and he only pays attention to the scenery all the way. He doesn't even have to think about it. He certainly can't remember the route.

Jin Yong and Xu Ling are equally important. Generally, they are not responsible for the gang. From the curious way he walks in the mountains, he knows that this guy has never come here the right times,

In this case, Shaying has to come forward. He has the most experience in this matter. Although he doesn't know whether he brings stuffy boy with him every time, Xu Ling also believes that he can take people to the natural moat with him according to his behavior.

Therefore, the situation of abandoning the plan when he couldn't find his way was just Xu Ling's imagination. He couldn't believe that such a thing would happen.

"Well, even if it's a base here, let's have a rest here and get ready. I'm afraid it will take some physical strength to do things later." After arriving at the barren village, Shaying led several people to the room where they had spent the night. After unloading their equipment, they ordered.

During this period of time, Xu Ling also visited this small village again, saying that it was a bit far fetched again, because Xu Ling had never seen any other room except the room where she lived for one night.

Now, when we come back, things are different, people are gone, and buildings are empty. Now there are only four walls and roofs left in the houses with few things.

Looking at the scene in front of Xu Ling, it is quite gratifying for her. At least through her few words, she let the police believe it and put it into action quickly.

"Mr. Xu, what's the matter with you? Don't you need a break? " Walking around Xu Ling soon attracted the attention of Sha Ying. As an important person in his team, Sha Ying must attach great importance to Xu Ling.

"It doesn't matter. I'm just wondering why these people will be found just at this time." Xu Ling waved his hand and then began to feel.

What he said did not show his face. It was totally unexpected that he poked the matter out.

The reason why Xu Ling suddenly said this is also his intention. As a new comer, he has just come here. It's strange that Xu Ling is not suspected.

However, due to his outstanding skills, Shaying didn't pursue Xu Ling too much, and there was no evidence. After all, all of Xu Ling's means of external contact were taken away.

Now Xu Ling again this hand, can be said to be the perfect clear of their own suspicion.

Of course, Xu Ling's purpose of doing this is not to clear his doubts. For Shaying, they need not only to create problems from the outside, but also to add some materials from the inside.

Although Xu Ling doesn't know whether it will be effective, it depends on people. How can she know if she doesn't try?

"Yes, I can't imagine how they found this place at such a critical time." When it comes to this matter, Shaying is also quite helpless. He plans so much, but in the end, it's nothing. He doesn't go straight away, even if it's very fierce.

"Mr. Xu, I think it's just the right day today. If we don't have any suggestions, let's go and get to the place early so that we can solve the problem." Sha Ying seems to be reluctant to continue this topic. He will directly suggest that he even cut half of the one hour rest he had planned.

The other party doesn't want to discuss it, and Xu Ling can't chase after it. Otherwise, it really feels like there is no silver here.

"Listen to you!" Xu Ling shrugged his shoulders and said it casually. In this way, it is more proof of his fearless attitude!

Now that he has been confirmed by an important candidate, Shaying doesn't need to discuss with others. He greets the two people who are still resting and starts the journey again.

However, this will be regarded as a light battle, leaving all unnecessary things in the temporary base first, and the speed of a few people is also much faster

Less than an hour after the four left, another man appeared in the deserted village. He was wearing a mask that covered half of his face. The smile from the corner of his mouth gave people a cold feeling.

It's the killer hired by the Xu family - Li Qijun!

To be exact, he should be called Lin Xing, the rebellious son whom Wang Jieyuan and his party are looking for.

"It's God's help. I don't see how those old things can stop me this time!" Li Qi said to himself in a rather hoarse voice. With that, he recognized a direction and ran quickly.

After such an episode, it was the Lingxia police station that came again!

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