A group of dozens of people, led by Xu yuanbiao, turned the writing village upside down. There is no doubt that what Shaying left behind was found.

"Xu Chu, everything is here. The goal should go deeper." Wu Yanqing ordered what he found and then gave Xu yuanbiao a report.

Looking at the materials in front of us, we can see that some of them are necessities of life, and in this deserted village, we must also regard it as a temporary base.

"Well, things stay here. It seems that they don't know what we've been following!" Xu yuanbiao pondered for a moment, then gave such a guess.

Then, without waiting for any response from the crowd, he looked around again and set up the task, "now three people in a team, carpet search the whole dense forest, and report to me as soon as you find it."

The information Xu Ling provided to them only came here, so Xu yuanbiao didn't know where to go to find Shaying's Gang, and the society could only solve it in this way.

"Yes All the police officers answered together, and then quickly divided into groups to carry out Xu yuanbiao's task.

The latter, of course, is to take a dozen people to sit in Diaoyutai and garrison in Shaying's temporary base, in case they are found in the process of search or something happened by chance.

Although Xu yuanbiao also thinks that this kind of coincidence is very small, but there is no coincidence, where comes the clever word, so this may happen or to prevent.

As for the Shaying group, where do they know that their temporary base has been copied? Now they don't think about the superfluous things and dive into the destination.

In this way, it took them only one third of the time from Xu Ling last time to reach this natural moat.

Even though she has been here for the second time, Xu Ling still feels very spectacular about this place.

"Mr. Xu, I'll leave it to you next!" But this time, Shaying can't wait for Xu Ling to express his feelings again. He asks directly.

"No problem!" Things have been forced to their own eyes, Xu Ling can no longer find any excuse to shirk, otherwise you can really expose the fact that they are lying to them.

The main reason why Xu Ling has lived in this gang for such a long time and gained more and more trust is the so-called truth and illusion.

"The dragon vein is broken and the great fortune is lost. This is the tomb built by King Cheng to kill Zhao Lin's son and grandson. It must be more sinister and more sinister..." after two steps, Xu Ling began to talk to himself.

At the same time, he took out a compass and a dragon ruler from his bag!

But Xu Ling asked Shaying to prepare these props in advance, so he had to make a whole set of props when he was acting. Where can a god stick cheat others without props?

But not to mention, after Xu Ling took these two things, together with those very professional terms in her mouth, it really looks like that.

On weekdays, I only listen to Xu Ling's theoretical explanation. It's the first time to really see him take action. The remaining three people are still afraid to say a word. They quietly watch Xu Ling pace back and forth, listening to one obscure word after another.

Fortunately, Xu Ling had a partial explanation before, and Shaying is the one who specializes in this matter after all, so it's not difficult to understand.

Because of this, Shaying is listening to Xu Ling say more and more content, his eyes are more and more bright.

It took him three years to implement the plan for the tomb in this place. Although he was in this field, he had no professional way. The tomb he had stolen before was only found by coolie. But the tomb hidden in this natural moat was not by coolie, so he had planned to give up this place, Until I heard Xu Ling's program one night

"... Fengshui is a good layout, with the front rosefinch and the back Xuanwu, the left Green Dragon and the right white tiger." as she paced, she talked to herself for a while. Xu Ling suddenly stopped, turned to Shaying, and knew very firmly, "I know where the entrance to the tomb is!"

As soon as the words came out, Shaying took a cool breath, as if he could not believe it. He asked again in a trembling voice, "Xu... Mr. Xu, what did you say?"

Xu Ling has already started to put the props back into the bag. At the same time, she also casually replied to Sha Ying, "I probably already know how to get into this grave."

After that, he did not wait for the Shaying to burst out and cheered excitedly. Then he reminded him, "but I think this tomb is a fierce one, and it was built by King Cheng to revenge his enemies. There should be no valuable objects."

"No, no, no, it must have, it must have..." Xu Ling stiffly restrained his excited mood first. Shaying's eyes seemed to become a little crazy, and his mouth was always muttering to deny Xu Ling's words.

I don't know how he believed that there would be good things in this tomb.

"Well, Mr. Xu, where is the entrance?" After a short absence, Shaying suddenly responded. Although Xu Ling said he knew the entrance, he didn't say where the entrance was from the beginning to the end, so he also asked anxiously.

"This..." in the face of this problem, Xu Ling's face showed a trace of embarrassment. After a long pause, he advised Sha Ying, "I'm afraid this entrance is more dangerous. Personally, I don't mind brother Sha going there!"

"Mr. Xu, it doesn't matter! Brothers have been living and dying for many years. They have seen all kinds of dangers, and they are afraid that they can't get into an entrance? " Listening to Xu Ling's statement, Shaying immediately laughed and waved to Xu Ling not to worry.

The two people behind him also followed Shaying and laughed together. Their faces were not satisfied, as if they were laughing at Xu Ling for being too timid.

"Well," said Xu Ling. Originally, he wanted to use these warnings to dissuade them. However, depending on the impossibility of this situation, he sighed and looked at shayingtong to know, "I found that the entrance of this tomb should be at..."


Just when Xu Ling was about to announce the answer to the riddle, suddenly a scream rang through the whole mountain forest and directly interrupted what Xu Ling wanted to say.

At the same time, Shaying and other people's attention was also attracted by this scream. They came here by stealth. At this time, all four of them were here, and the only village with people in this place had been abandoned.

So this is obviously a human voice, and where does it come from?

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