Jin Jianguo said with a smile: "teacher Xu is really joking. I have written this poem. How can I have another one? What's more, with your "eight to" Pearl and jade in front, other poems compare with it, isn't it firefly competing with the bright moon? How can I not have the self-knowledge that the ancients knew how to play the axe in front of Guan Gong's door? "

Xu Ling tut tut mouth, said with a smile: "I now know why you can become a person under the association."

Jin Jianguo didn't know what riddle Xu Ling was playing, so he had to smile and say, "teacher Xu, what's your opinion?"

Xu Ling said with a joking smile, "your flattering skill has reached the level of perfection. If you are not the vice chairman, is it not a big loss for the association?"

"Er..." Jin Jianguo looks embarrassed, especially after hearing Xu Ling's words, he bursts into thunderous laughter, which makes him feel ashamed. Unfortunately, there is not even an ant nest on the ground, otherwise Jin Jianguo will go in even if he sharpens his head.

The people of the association are basically as embarrassed as Jin Jianguo, especially song Shiren, the chairman of the association.

Song Shiren stepped forward and asked, "Mr. Xu, you have a wide range of attacks, don't you? The people in my association are not all those who have to take photos of horses. There are also many people who are really talented and learned. "

Xu Ling let out a bad cry. Before he didn't pay attention, he made public anger and said with a smile: "what chairman Song said is that the boy was abrupt. Now I'll make amends to you."

He is still a good comrade.

However, song Shiren just shook his head and said with a smile, "no need to apologize. I have a small request, as long as you agree."

The muscle of Xu Ling's eye corner twitches a few times slightly. There is a feeling of uneasiness in her heart. Forehead, it seems, it seems that she may go into the pit.

However, at this point, he could only nod his head and say, "Chairman song, just say that what you can promise is not ambiguous."

Song Shiren's eyes flashed a trace of subtle light, pondering: "I heard a few people from the literary society say before, you are not a member of them?"

The corner of Xu Ling's mouth was a little bitter, and he nodded again. Chairman song was really straight to the point.

Song Shiren gradually emerged a bright smile, "I don't know if Mr. Xu is interested in joining the association?" Speaking of this, song Shiren takes a look at Jin Jianguo next to him, walks up to Xu Ling and whispers in his ear, "if Mr. Xu is willing to join the association, I will guarantee that within three years, Jin Jianguo will be replaced by you."

Xu Ling shook her head with a smile and refused without hesitation: "no, thank you for your kindness. I'm used to being loose and can't stand the restriction, so I don't want to join any groups. "

Hearing Xu Ling's tactful refusal, the expression on Song Shiren's face didn't change at all, and he was even a little excited, which made Xu Ling a little confused.

I'm glad to say no to you? What do you mean?

Is there something wrong with your brain?

When Xu Ling was puzzled, song Shiren said with a smile: "since Mr. Xu is not here, then I don't ask for it. However, Mr. Xu said before that he would promise me a request, but he can't break his promise. "


Xu Ling was silent for a while, and the uneasiness in her heart became more and more restless.

Now it's hard for him to ride a tiger, so he can only take a hard road to the black.

"Yes, as long as chairman song's request is not excessive, I can agree."

The smile on Song Shiren's face became more and more intense. What he was waiting for was Xu Ling's words.

"Ha ha, teacher Xu is really a cheerful person. In fact, my requirements are not very harsh." Song Shiren stepped forward, picked up the pair of words on the table, and said with a smile, "as long as Mr. Xu is willing to give this pair of words to me."

what the hell.

I only want a pair of words for a long time.

I worried about it for a long time.

Xu Ling wiped the sweat on his forehead and gave song Shiren a bad look.

I don't know how to respect the old and love the young.

However, when Xu Ling was ready to agree, a personal figure suddenly flashed out.

It turned out to be Liu Jinchuan, Xia Xinyu's master.

Liu Jinchuan faces song Shiren and smiles unfriendly, "ha ha, old song, is that a bit too much for you?"

Seeing Liu Jinchuan come out and put in a foot, song Shiren frowned imperceptibly, "Lao Liu, look what you said. I just want a little Xu's handwriting. It's no big deal. If you like it, you can also let Xiao Xu write one for you."

Liu Jinchuan disdained to curl his mouth, "Oh, you are easy to say, don't think I don't know what small abacus you are playing in your heart."

Song Shiren face without waves, still said with a smile: "since Lao Liu you say I mean badly, then you give said."

Liu Jinchuan snorted, "is that true? You are Sima Zhao's heart. Everyone knows it. "

"I don't know," he said

"Good, good, old song, your skin thickness is really beyond people's imagination." Liu Jinchuan laughed angrily, "if this poem of Bazhi has been rumored out, it must be a work of eternal fame. Then I don't have to say much about the original handwriting and its value?"

Others didn't understand, but Xu Ling was the first to respond.

what the hell.

Why don't I know that brother's works are so corrupt?

I don't read much. Don't lie to me.

However, after seeing song Shiren's solemn expression, Xu Ling knew that Liu Jinchuan's words were absolutely not exaggerated.

In this way

Xu Ling reached for his chin with a little bit of stubble and pondered, "should I take this poem back, wait for decades, or wait until it is famous all over the world, and then sell it. In this way, it seems that I can make a lot of money."

"Oh, dear."

As soon as Xu Ling said this, he got a light kick on his butt.

Xia Xinyu stood behind him with an expression of hatred on his face. "How do you think about money all day long? In the eyes of the money? "

With a smile, Xu Lingshan tentatively asked, "would you like to help me get Bazhi back and share the money we sell?"

"Good idea." Xia Xinyu, like a flower, immediately steps forward to song Shiren. She stretches out her hand straightforwardly in an indifferent tone, but there is excitement in her star eyes.

"Bring it!"

Song Shiren's face slightly shakes. This girl is too direct. Don't you want face?

"Hello, Miss Xia, this is what teacher Xu promised me. How can you go back“ Song Shiren's face was helpless. "Besides, isn't he a member of your company? You can't look up, you can't look down, and you are his leader. It's not easy to ask for another authentic work?"

"You have a point." Xia Xinyu smiles, revealing two beautiful little tiger teeth, "however, it seems that no one will think too much of money."

Song Shiren

What I said is reasonable. I have nothing to say.

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