Xia Xinyu said with a smile, "the most important thing is, if Xu Ling can't write such a poem in the future, what should I do? Am I not suffering from blood loss?"

Xu Ling

What I said is reasonable. I have nothing to say.

Of course, Xu Ling will never tell Xia Xinyu that he still has a system - Xiaoya AI is secretly helping him to write better poems than Bazhi. It's like Zhang Fei eating bean sprouts.

Song Shiren's face became a little ugly, but he tactfully did not choose to meet Xia Xinyu.

It's very irrational to reason with women. Most of the time, it's just asking for trouble.

This is the experience that song Shiren summed up after years of marriage. Of course, the lessons of blood and tears are indispensable.

So, song Shiren will ask for help on the eyes of Xu Ling, "teacher Xu, since you have promised me, there is no reason to go back on your word, it is not a gentleman."

Xu Ling had no choice but to smile. In fact, he was also extremely reluctant to give the original to song Shiren. After all, it was a valuable treasure. Once again, it could be used as a family heirloom for future generations to protect. What a great and glorious thing it was. I think there are still some small shocks.

But, Xu Ling has promised song Shiren before, here to go back, there is a trace of unkindness.

When he hesitated, Liu Jinchuan spoke again.

"Old song, let's be human. We have to rely on our conscience. It was you who didn't think highly of Mr. Xu before. Now it's you who want to occupy his precious handwriting. Isn't that a bit out of the ordinary? "

In a word, song Shiren's name is stamped.

Song Shiren can only smile awkwardly. Of course, it's not easy for him to give up Xu Ling's handwriting.

No matter what he says, as long as he is thick skinned, everything is not a problem.

"This, in fact, is mainly about vice president Jin." When it was time to sell his teammates, song Shiren said, "I'm always optimistic about Mr. Xu. After all, this young man seems to be a very talented person."

Xu Ling was very helpful in listening.

How could I be so excellent? Why didn't I know before?

When Jin Jianguo heard this, he stepped aside wisely, so as not to be dragged out by song Shiren later and be regarded as a pot bearer. All kinds of excrement will be put on his head.

Liu Jinchuan was so angry that he wanted to point at Song Shiren's nose and yell at him.

You don't want a face, you guy?

For an authentic work, as for this?

At least you are also the president of the association.

Is it fun to be a licking dog?

However, Liu Jinchuan changed his position.

Well, I think song Shiren's practice is very true.

At least if it was him, he would do the same.

After all, it's a rare true work, not to mention the touching and thought-provoking poem written by Bazhi.

Under the temptation of huge interests, what is a little face?

It's a pity that song Shiren has started before him. Liu Jinchuan knows that if he wants to fight for the ownership of Bazhi with song Shiren again, it's like pulling his teeth out of a tiger's mouth.

It's not worth it.

What's more, we are all people in their sixties and seventies. They are old bones. If we really want to start, it's not good to hurt anyone.

Although the original works of Bazhi are gone, isn't the author of the poem here?

As long as Xu Ling can write a piece better than eight, Liu Jinchuan will also make money.

Thinking of this, Liu Jinchuan immediately cast his ill intentioned eyes to Xu Ling.

Xu Ling is still eating melon seeds while enjoying himself.

Is Ge really that good?

As long as others look at it, you can see that my brother is brilliant?

It's a bit of the rush of the protagonist in the network novel. It's good, it's good.

Just when he was enjoying himself, he suddenly shivered. At the same time, a chill came from the bottom of his heart and flashed across every corner of his body like lightning.

Well, it's evil.

Xu Ling raised her head and was about to find the source of this evil cold when she met Liu Jinchuan's eyes.

I'll go. The old man's eyes are a little obscene.

He won't have any immature ideas when he sees elder brother so excellent, will he?

That's not going to work.

Brother gender male, love female, sexual orientation will never change.

What's more, I already have a beautiful big star wife, a beautiful sister and two equal sisters. I can never be broken by an old man who has lost his teeth and hair.

Well, absolutely not.

Xu Ling originally wanted to look directly at Liu Jinchuan's eyes, but he didn't stick to it for three seconds before he was defeated.

The old man's eyes are too

Xu Lingyi couldn't find the right words to describe Liu Jinchuan's burning eyes.

I only know that if this old man stares at me like this, I will have nightmares at night, and I will never have nightmares only once, at least for a week.

no way!

It can't go on like this.

Xu Ling took a deep breath, managed to squeeze out a smile that was uglier than crying, and asked Liu Jinchuan, "Mr. Liu, if you have anything to say, you can do it without ambiguity. Just don't look at me like that. To be honest, it's scary. "

When Xu Ling said this, she couldn't help shaking her shoulders and got goose bumps on the ground.

The old man's eyes, cliff toxic, more toxic than Timo.

Seeing that his goal had been achieved before he spoke, Liu Jinchuan grinned like a daisy blooming in the cold wind. He grinned and showed his yellow teeth, which were blackened by smoke.

"Don't be afraid, Mr. Xu. In fact, my requirements are not high. As long as you can write me a work that is the same as and no higher than Bazhi, I will be satisfied."

As soon as his voice fell, song Shiren hummed discontentedly: "I said Lao Liu, you're a little greedy. You want a better work than Bazhi. It's just that you don't have enough people."

"Well, I'm talking to Mr. Xu. Can you manage?" Liu Jinchuan said, "I'm not in hot demand with you. It's already very good. Just enjoy it."

Song Shiren thought about it and thought that Liu Jinchuan still had a little truth.

So, decisively holding the pair of eight to, while stealing music to go.

As for whether Xu Ling can write a better poem than Bazhi, it's not something song Shiren should worry about.

As a chairman of the association, and also a long-standing chairman, he naturally has his own way of dealing with people.

It's not universally acknowledged in the industry that a good friend is not a poor one?

Moreover, song Shiren did not think that Xu Ling could write a better poem than Bazhi.

At that time, if he is still wandering here with Bazhi, Liu Jinchuan will surely think that he is showing off. At that time, there will be a dispute, which can not be avoided.

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