Xu Lingmo rubbed his chin and thought about it seriously. He nodded and said with a smile, "Mr. Liu, you can agree to this request. After all, today is your birthday, and I didn't bring any decent gifts. "

"Good, not bad. I have a poem from Mr. Xu."

Liu Jinchuan said with a hearty smile, with a look of excitement in his eyes.

With a faint smile, Xu Ling asked, "I don't know what kind of poetry Miss Liu wants?"

Liu Jinchuan touched his beard, thought about it for a while, and said, "it's also about husband and wife. It's been ten years since my wife passed away. I've gone through the ups and downs with her hand in hand for decades. Now I think it's still fresh in my mind: when I went down to the grass-roots level to plant rice seedlings, she always accompanied me. At that time, my health was not good. She not only took care of my daily life, but also secretly helped me with my work; As for me, the only thing I could do for her at that time was to help her comb and trim her hair when she got up every morning. I wanted to repay her kindness one day, but I didn't expect that a disease ruthlessly took her life... Last night, when I was dreaming, I dreamt about her. In my dream, she looks like she was when she was young. As for me, I watched her dress silently. We didn't talk, so it was very beautiful! "

Finally, Liu Jinchuan's muddy eyes were filled with clear tears, his voice choked gradually, his throat rolled slowly, and his face looked very sad.

People who love each other can't be together all their lives. This is the most painful thing in the world.

Xu Ling lowered his head, like a meditative figure.

In fact, it is in the mind to call out Xiaoya AI, search with keywords, suitable poetry.

Not long after, a song that is especially suitable for the scenery appeared in Xu Ling's mind.


Xu Ling clapped her hands and pretended to be inspired. Then she went to her desk and began to write.

Liu Jinchuan, still immersed in sadness, was suddenly stunned and murmured, "you've got eyes so soon, Mr. Xu. You're really smart."

With admiration, he quickly stood beside Xu Ling, staring at the white paper with black words constantly appearing on it.

People are also a Leng, standing on the stage of song Shiren and others, followed by Liu Jinchuan around Xu Ling.

"Jiangchengzi · Yimao's dream on the night of November 20

Ten years of life and death two boundless, do not think about, since unforgettable

After finishing this sentence, Xu Ling pretended to ponder. After all, if she writes too fast, it is easy to arouse the suspicion of others. She always has to pretend to think for a while.

When he pretended to think, the other audience was surprised and whispered.

"Mr. Xu's level is really superb. This opening sentence not only fits the situation, but also has a short span of more than ten words. It tells the protagonist's unforgettable old stories and tossing and turning ambivalence. It's good, it's good."

Song Shiren was the first to speak. After he finished, he felt a trace of regret.

He suddenly felt that it was not right to take Bazhi as his own before.

It's a small loss.

On the other hand, Liu Jinchuan, who had suffered a small loss before, had another expression.

First surprise, then euphoria, and finally surprise.

"Ah, ah, teacher Xu is very good at writing. The first sentence in the opening book just describes my true feelings. It's really not simple."

Others cheered.

Xu Linghuan looked around the crowd and continued to write. This time, he didn't stop in the middle of the journey and quickly finished his work.

"Ten years of life and death, two boundless, do not think, since unforgettable.

There is no place to talk about desolation.

Even if meet should not know, dust covered face, temples such as frost

"Well, well written. It's very reasonable, the words are simple and the feelings are deep. "

Liu Jinchuan was the first to stand up and give Xu Ling a warm applause.

Song Shiren, on the other hand, was once again browsing the poem completely, seriously understanding the readers.

"In the first three sentences, the plot starts straight to the point, but there is no lack of deep feelings in it. If it is alive, the couple separated, even if separated by mountains and rivers, there is always a chance to meet again; But Lao Liu and his wife are separated from each other by Yin and Yang. The dead are no longer aware of the vicissitudes of life, and the living are also ignorant of the dead? Love husband and wife, life and death farewell, time rush, twinkling of an eye for ten years. This man has passed away, but the beautiful scenes in the past are unforgettable! But why does Mr. Xu add "don't think about it"? In fact, this is not contradictory. On the contrary, these three words are well added because they are true. Mr. Liu also said before that he and his wife spent decades of wind and rain together. How can we easily forget this kind of feeling that has been tempered repeatedly over time? "

Taking a breath, song Shiren continued to interpret the poem.

"Even if we don't know each other, our faces are covered with dust and our temples are like frost. These three words are a mixture of reality and dream, including the personal worries and indignation after death in the aging of appearance and the decline of body. You may not know that Lao Liu is just 60 years old after his birthday today. Look at his silver hair. It's just in his prime. Should there be something like that? "

Hearing the speech, people cast surprised eyes at Liu Jinchuan.

If it wasn't for song Shiren's reminding, people would not know that Liu Jinchuan has just turned 60 this year. Look at the wrinkles on his face and his white hair, he said that he was a dying 80 year old man, and some people would believe him.

All of a sudden, a sense of sadness swept through people's hearts. Before the sadness from their hearts, they couldn't help it.

At this time, they finally understood the meaning of sadness in the poems, and could better understand Liu Jinchuan's feelings of missing his wife.

Xia Xinyu is more direct, tears in her eyes and said: "master, these years are really hard for you. I didn't expect that you have been suffering so miserable pain in silence. It's not easy. In the future, I will take good care of you for my teacher's mother. "

It was Liu Jinchuan, who seemed at a loss.

Although Xu Ling wrote his real thoughts from the bottom of his heart, he felt some pain. He didn't just say it. What's more, so many people were staring at him and always felt embarrassed.

Therefore, he had to smile helplessly and said to song Shiren, "old song, continue your interpretation. I see what flowers you can say."

Song Shiren nodded with a smile.

The struggle between literati is always on the surface.

In fact, most of the time, there are only heroes who cherish their feelings.

Song Shiren took a deep breath. "Lao Liu's wife has been dead for more than ten years, but it's impossible to assume that" even if we meet each other "and ask her to come back from the dead. The emotion is deep and sorrowful. It shows the deep memory of his wife and describes his personal changes vividly, which further deepens the meaning of this word, Let's have a deep understanding of the missing feeling in Lao Liu's heart. "

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