After Song Shiren's interpretation, people just understood the deep meaning of the poems.

After understanding, everyone's face is full of tears, moved by the poems and the sad story of Liu Jinchuan.

"I can't see that you can still write words with such deep feelings."

Xia Xinyu wiped the tears in the corner of her eyes and said to Xu Ling in a choked voice.

With a faint smile, Xu Ling said, "the main reason is that your master's story is moving. I'm just responsible for translating the story into poetry."

"Yes, after she lost her spouse in middle age, she didn't have any more children under her knees." Xia Xinyu nodded and said, "I can't wait for you to write this word."

Xu Ling said with a smile: "don't worry. I'll write it now after brewing."

At the end of the speech, Xu Ling wrote down Jiang Chengzi's name on the white paper.

"I come back to my hometown in the night. I'm dressing up at the window of Xiaoxuan.

There is nothing but tears.

I expect that every year my intestines are broken, and the moon is bright and the night is short. "

Song Shiren looked at Liu Jinchuan in surprise after he saw the xiakan of the CI, and the latter's eyes flashed the same surprise.

Actually, the poems written by Xu Ling are too much in line with Liu Jinchuan's personal situation, which is almost like personal experience.

It's hard to imagine what kind of talent it takes to write such a touching poem in a short time based on a real story.

Apart from Tianzong, they can't think of a suitable word to describe Xu Ling.

Liu Jinchuan took the lead in smiling at Xu Ling and said: "Mr. Xu, you write better words than Shanghe. They all say that the virtual state of poetry is not easy to describe. However, in Mr. Xu's works, you are vivid and vivid. I don't know that you thought you had the same dream with me."

Song Shiren then praised: "the combination of virtual and real words in this poem expresses the emotion between husband and wife deeply, euphemistically and sincerely, which makes people feel sad for it after reading. Mr. Xu's attainments in poetry are really amazing. "

Xu Ling modestly smile, "just feel it, touching or Liu teacher's personal experience."

Liu Jinchuan said goodbye and wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes. Then he turned and picked up the song [jiangchengzi] written by Xu Ling and read it again. After saying three good words, he finally put away the original painting in a hurry and told the waiter Haosheng to take care of it and not let anyone with ulterior motives take it.

Seeing this, song Shiren said with a helpless smile, "Hey, old Liu tou, as for the baby? No one's stealing from you. "

Liu Jinchuan turned his lips and retorted, "ha ha, why don't you say that you have let the people of the association quietly take the original work of Bazhi out of this hotel and send it to your house for safekeeping?"

Song Shiren, with a smile, didn't show embarrassment on his face, but he was quietly changing the topic.

"Our game is not over yet. There are two more games to come. Let's start."

Liu Jinchuan nodded and agreed, and the third game began.

This time, a director of the Provincial Writers' Association came to the stage to draw lots.

Originally, it was supposed to be Jin Jianguo, vice chairman of the Provincial Writers' Association. However, in the previous two competitions, Jin Jianguo was full of foreign appearances. He had no intention of staying here. He had to make a random excuse to escape.

When Xu Ling knew the news, she couldn't help but smile, but at the same time, she was not happy.

Invincible, how lonely.

The director has a good fortune. The content of the competition he won was the couplet.

Xu Lingyou said before that couplets and couplets are very different in nature.

The antithesis of couplets should be relaxed. The contents of the upper and lower couplets can be similar or relative. The requirements of couplets are strict. The contents and meanings of the upper and lower couplets must be opposite.

Generally speaking, couplets are much more difficult than couplets.

Moreover, when we are entertaining, we usually have more couplets, such as Spring Festival couplets; As for antithetical couplets, because they are demanding and difficult, they are rarely contacted.

Therefore, when the director of the Provincial Writers' Association announced the results, there was a lot of sadness.

Of course, a small number of people still have a plan.

For example, Liu Jinchuan, song Shiren and other old scholars have not been immersed in the knowledge of couplets for many years like poetry, but they still know some basic techniques and writing very well.

Song Shiren first looked at a group of young people who were constantly complaining, then looked at Xu Ling beside him, and said with a smile, "Mr. Xu, although your poetry is good, I'm afraid you won't be as handy as before in writing couplets in this game?"

He didn't mean to ridicule Xu Ling when he said these words, but the young child's heart burst out in the old man's heart: he didn't admit defeat and always had to fight when he met someone better than himself.

Not only song Shiren, Liu Jinchuan and other older scholars have this idea in their hearts.

So where does this self-confidence come from?

It's time to talk about the past of these old scholars.

When they went to school, couplets were still very popular, especially in the Chinese Department of the University, which opened a separate course to tell the history, development and writing methods of couplets.

In today's society, couplets are basically confused with couplets.

When ordinary people talk about couplets, they only talk about ordinary couplets. When they talk about couplets, they don't pay attention to the content requirements.

That's why these young people under the stage are worried about this rare topic. They even scratch their ears and can't figure out why.

The young people under the stage can't think of it. These old scholars take it for granted that Xu Ling, who is also young, won't come up with a good couplet.

After all, there are not many couplets, so it's hard to do them well. It's a bit like buying lottery tickets. You can recognize a few simple numbers, so it's hard to win.

Who knows, Xu Ling just a faint smile, completely did not worry about the appearance.

"In fact, I still have a little research on the couplets. I don't know whether the content requirements of the couplets in this competition are right or against?"

The couplet has a positive antithesis, that is, the sentence and the antithesis are consistent in content and theme, and the logical relationship is also juxtaposed. The upper and lower couplets each write a layer of meaning, forming a unity.

Opposition, that is, the meaning of the upper and lower couplets is opposite, which is characterized by great changes in meaning, sharp contrast, and mutual complementation.

Song Shiren and others were shocked when they heard Xu Ling's question.

The younger generation has almost no chance to contact couplets, let alone know whether the meaning of couplets is positive or negative.

Everyone looked at each other. Is this young guy too powerful?

Excellent poetry, and proficient in couplets.

How come they haven't heard of such talents before?

Is it true that the saying "experts are among the people" is true?

I can't figure it out. The skull hurts.

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