Xu Ling's self-confidence makes song Shiren and others a little unhappy.

However, there is still a fluke in the minds of these old scholars.

This is as like as two peas who are losing red eyes. They always think of the next game, and they can win the game, but they do not know that they are getting deeper and deeper.

Song Shiren said with a smile: "this question is actually written by me. As for the investigation of couplets, my original intention is to test both sides. Therefore, please write two couplets. One couplet means positive correlation, and the other vice versa. As for the subject matter of couplets, there is no restriction."

What song Shiren said was that he was not slow and did not get sick, with a calm smile on his face.

The people under the stage are sad, but they are a river against the current.

You ya, this problem is too difficult, right?

Originally, I had little contact with the knowledge of couplets, but now I have to write two different kinds of couplets. Isn't this a deliberate embarrassment to our fat tiger?

I feel awful. I want to cry..

Taking all the reactions into consideration, song Shiren smiles like a teacher in the final exam. When he sees the students scratching their ears, he always feels proud.

Of course, it's not just these young people who are in trouble. Liu Jinchuan and other old scholars can't help but feel a little bitter after listening to song Shiren's couplet request.

Liu Jinchuan complained: "old song, you are a little harsh. Couplets are not easy to write. It's not easy to write one couplet. How can you ask for one couplet for each of the two types? Isn't that embarrassing? "

Laowutou nodded and said: "yes, laosongtou, it's just an entertainment competition. It's not the entrance examination of your association. There's no need to be so difficult."

Others spoke out and expressed their resistance.

Song Shiren doesn't care about it. He points to Xu Ling, who has already picked up a brush and scolded Fang Qiu not far away. He teases: "you old people who have lived for 67 years can't compare with a young man who has been immersed in literature for more than 10 years?"

At any time, it is a strategic means to try all kinds of larks.

When Liu Jinchuan and others see Xu Ling who is writing hard, they immediately follow the Crazy Rabbit who has beaten the chicken blood and go to their respective positions to seriously conceive the plot.

In order to avoid danger, song Shiren directly chose not to participate in the game and was replaced by other team members.

In his spare time, he walked slowly behind Xu Ling to observe the couplets written on the white paper.

"When a horse cuts Yan Liang, all Hebei heroes are scared."

"If you go to Lu Su alone, all the heroes in the south of the Yangtze River will bow down."

This is a couplet with positive correlation in meaning, that is, the content and theme of the sentence and the game are the same, and the logical relationship is also juxtaposed, and the upper and lower couplets each write a layer of meaning, forming a unity.

Of course, it's impossible for Xu Ling to write a couplet in a short time, which is not only suitable for the theme, but also meaningful. It all depends on the help of Xiaoya AI, the system in his mind.

This couplet is a couplet written by Wang Xiangqi in Guandi temple. Its depth and value are self-evident.

After Song Shiren read it silently, his eyes were filled with surprise.

This couplet is plain and light, and there are no strange sentences. But after all, couplets are not as demanding as poems. Poems are brilliant. As long as they are in line with the context, they are excellent works.

What's more, the main focus of this couplet is to state and summarize Guan Erye's life experience, and express the hero's heroism through these wonderful fragments, which is essentially different from the poem's expressing ambition through objects and expressing emotion through scenery.

Song Shiren praised: "Mr. Xu, this couplet is well written. The couplets are connected with each other and have a good charm."

Speaking of this, song Shiren patted Xu Ling on the shoulder, "future generations are formidable, formidable!" Then he left here dejectedly and drew a circle in a corner.

Looking at Song Shiren's lonely figure, Xu Ling asked Xia Xinyu, who was smiling and sipping his mouth, "what's the matter with President song? It seems that he is not very happy. Who makes him angry?"

Xia Xinyu laughed more happily, "who else can there be, of course, you."

"Me?" Xu Ling pointed to himself blankly, "I've been serious about the competition, where did I provoke him?"

"Are you stupid or are you pretending?" Xia Xinyu said, "it's because you not only write well, but also write couplets with such deep artistic conception, which makes chairman song unhappy. He is at least the chairman of the Provincial Writers' Association, and he is even more famous in the literary circle. But today he meets a more talented young man than him. Do you think he can feel better? "

Xu Ling was dumbfounded and said, "it's the truth to think about it in another place."

Xia Xinyu's mouth was full of cunning. "My master secretly asked me just now why I wanted to bring you in. Isn't that deliberately irritating?"

Xu Ling felt his nose bitterly and asked tentatively, "why don't I put some water later and deliberately lose two games? Let them, the old men who have suffered a lot, be happy

Xia Xinyu waved his hand in a hurry, "don't, don't, if you deliberately let them win, it's more painful than beating them in the front. Hee hee, in fact, they just talk casually and can't be taken seriously. These lovely old men are still very talented. Trust me

Xu Ling said with a smile, "I'll go to the toilet first, and I'll come later."

After going to the toilet, Xu Ling washed his face by the way. When he was looking in the mirror, he was a little lost when he looked at the thin and handsome face in the mirror.

"It's better to be young. It is when you are young and frivolous that you laugh at others. If there are flowers that can be broken, you must break them. Don't wait until there are no flowers

"Good, good, good! Brother Xu Ling, you are really talented. "

While Xu Ling is pitying herself in the mirror, a young man in white casual clothes turns out from the corner and claps his hands, cheering for Xu Ling's poems.

Xu Ling was a little impressed by the sudden appearance of the young man in white.

So, he asked with a smile, "if I remember correctly, are you Liu Jinchuan's student?"

The young man in white smiles faintly, like the spring breeze in April, "yes, in Xialiu Sanyuan, he is a student of Mr. Liu, and at the same time, he is the second elder martial brother of Xia Xinyu. In addition to the two of us, Mr. Liu also took in one student eight years ago, but the eldest martial sister has settled abroad and has a job to deal with, so she didn't come back. "

Xu Ling smile, "you and I met here, is not a coincidence? You're not here to talk to me, are you

"Of course not." Liu Sanyuan smiles and shakes his head. "Liu admires brother Xu's talent. He wants to find a chance to make friends with him. By the way, he has another thing to ask for."

Xu Ling said in secret, sure enough, and asked with a smile, "what's the matter, brother Liu might as well say it directly."

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