Even Xu yuanbiao, who is on the other side of the deserted village, can hear it, not to mention the people who are close to the sound source. In fact, without the former releasing the task, they came here for the first time. Even so, they found nothing.

"Contact each team to confirm the personnel situation!" Looking at the natural moat not far away from him, Xu yuanbiao quickly ordered.

The scream really appeared, but I didn't find any clue when I came here so quickly. It was likely that I fell into the water below.

Thinking of this, Xu yuanbiao was also quite worried.

Although as a policeman, he is ready to sacrifice all the time, he still doesn't want to see such a situation.

However, to his relief, shortly after the order was issued, the police around him came back with a good news - after contact, the police sent out no emergency except for Wei Guoqing.

Everyone continued to look for the figure of Shaying group

"It's really strange. Who made that cry?" Xu yuanbiao was puzzled at this time.

"Xu Chu, is it the Shaying Gang?" At this meeting, Sun Sheng on the side also gave his own guess. In his mind, only the police and the tomb robbers are in this deep forest.

However, he who has been searching outside does not know the news that Wei Guoqing brought back.

In order not to cause unknown panic, Xu yuanbiao chose not to tell the story to people who didn't know it. Because it was just hearsay, he didn't see it with his own eyes. So even though Wei Guoqing's story was true, he couldn't tell it to the public.

"No!" After Sun Sheng's reminder, Xu yuanbiao was also attracted by another important thing.

If the situation is really like what Sun Sheng said, Xu Ling, an important informant, is still in the group. If his safety is not protected, I'm sorry for the police uniform.

"Wait a minute, Xu Chu. If it's really the gang, how can it make a scream?" Wu Yan's mind is more careful, he immediately understand what Xu yuanbiao is worried about, so this will quickly comfort the way.

"It's not them. Our people have nothing to do. Who else can there be?" Sun Sheng is very puzzled.

At this time, Wu Yan showed his smart brain. Without any hint, he guessed directly, "Xu Chu, I'm afraid this place is not just us."

"Lao Wu, what are you talking about? The only aborigines here have been picked up by us. How can there be others?" Sun Sheng patted Wu Yan on the shoulder and said with a laugh, as if laughing at the fact that he didn't understand the current situation.

But as soon as his voice fell, he was stopped by Xu yuanbiao, "Xiao Sun, what Xiao Wu said may be true..."

Then, Xu yuanbiao told the public what Wei Guoqing had said. After learning that the scream had nothing to do with the police, he felt that instead of hiding the unknown secret, he had better say it, so as to avoid people's surmise.

"Why... Why is there such a thing, fake?" Hearing this, Sun Sheng was stunned and immediately exclaimed. If it had not been for Xu yuanbiao, he would not have believed it.

"I don't know whether it's true or not, but judging from Lao Wei's appearance, he did experience terrible things." For this matter, Xu yuanbiao naturally did not dare to bet, all because he felt incredible.

"Lao Wei has been an old criminal policeman for so many years. We all know his personality. He can't bear the attitude towards criminals. He can't lie to stop us from catching criminals!" Wu Yan knew Wei Guoqing very well, and at this time he said to the people very seriously.

"Yes, I know Lao Wei well, so I decided to tell you about it." Xu yuanbiao nodded and responded.

"No, Xu Chu. If there are such people, what's the use of our police? Didn't they all get killed? Yes, Lao Wei is usually very upright... "Sun shengpo began to smile bitterly, and then he thought of another possibility, and immediately said," I have a lot of strange things in this dense forest. Do some plants make him hallucinate? "

"I don't rule that out." It seems that Xu yuanbiao has also thought about it carefully, so Sun Sheng's conjecture did not surprise him too much.

"Xu Chu, come here and have a look!" When everyone was struggling with the current situation, no one found that Wu Yan Ran to one side of the tree and said to Xu yuanbiao.

Xu yuanbiao knew that Wu Yan was considerate and could find clues that ordinary people couldn't find. When he heard about Wu Yan, he quickly walked over and said, "what's the matter?"

"Look here, is there any trace of being tied on the trunk?" Seeing Xu yuanbiao coming, Wu Yan immediately pointed to the mark on the tree trunk and said.

"Here! It's here, too! " After seeing what Wu Yan said, Sun Sheng yelled. He had found something strange on the tree before, but he was always careless. He didn't want to study what it was. When he heard what Wu Yan said, he thought it was very reasonable.

The successive traces of binding naturally attracted people's attention, because this is one of the few clues that people can find at present.

Of course, only two such clues can be found. Following this clue, through Wu Yan's profile writing ability, we can quickly find out where the rope goes.

"It seems that the sand Hawks have gone down." Xu yuanbiao looked at the rapids under the graben and said firmly.

"Well, they have no choice but to go here. It seems that their destination is below." In addition, there is really no other possibility, so we need to speculate the same way.

"Contact the equipment team and send the diving equipment right away!" Xu yuanbiao immediately told a policeman behind him.

When they came here, they didn't consider the situation, so they didn't have too much preparation on the equipment. However, under the natural moat, they were very turbulent. At first sight, they looked like they were in danger. If they didn't have the equipment support, they might not be able to survive the difficulty.

"Oh yes, in addition to the diving suit, let the headquarters send more people to support." Seeing that the policeman was about to leave, Xu yuanbiao added that in his heart, he was still very concerned about what Wei Guoqing said.

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