According to the importance that Lingxia city attaches to the operation of the police station, if Xu yuanbiao wants to equip and support, it must be a matter of responding to every request. In fact, it is also true. What's more exaggerated is that in order to deliver more quickly, the headquarters sent a helicopter.

Just because of the terrain and environment, if you want to land, you can only land in a slightly empty place in the barren village.

With a single order, Xu yuanbiao recalled all the people who went out to search the barren village. Now that the situation has been mastered, there is no need to search again.

In addition to the sophisticated equipment, there are more than a dozen special forces coming down from the helicopter. In response to Xu yuanbiao's call, the headquarters directly transferred these special terrorists.

After unloading everything in the cabin, the helicopter took off again.

"Comrades, what we are going to do now is the biggest arrest operation this year. There are four targets..." after watching the helicopter leave, Xu yuanbiao announced to the public.

When he was waiting for the equipment to be delivered, all matters were completely conceived in his mind.

"Yes As the supreme commander of this operation, Xu yuanbiao's words are of course the most influential. After he finished speaking, everyone responded in a loud voice.

"Good! It's not too late. Let's go! " After receiving such a firm response from the public, Xu yuanbiao immediately waved his hand and gave the action instructions.

So a group of dozens of people rushed to the natural moat

At the foot of the crowd, Shaying didn't know that the police had spent so much manpower and material resources in order to catch them. In the dark tomb, he was still looking for the treasure happily.

Although this ancient tomb was built by King Cheng for his enemies, it is not small in scale. There are many front halls, middle halls, back halls, and even left and right halls.

I think Chengwang is also a man of good face. Zhao Lin is also a member of the royal family after she rebelled again. Even her enemies were buried in such a grand way.

It's just that this tomb is nothing but big.

Up to now, Xu Ling and others have not even touched any of the ground stab mechanisms.

"Boss, the feeling here is not the same as the big tomb we stole before!" Walking in the graveway, Jin Yong could not help asking, "how can it be so safe?"

If it wasn't for the darkness around, Jin Yongzhen would feel like he was visiting a museum.

"The more so, the less we can relax our vigilance! Don't be distracted. Concentrate on your surroundings! " The sand hawk, who is proficient in this way, is also a little strange at this time, but as the leader, he naturally can't show the same emotion as his subordinates, even if he says in a deep voice.

After being reprimanded, Jin Yong nodded his head and continued to observe the surrounding environment carefully.

However, Jin Yong's words made Shaying feel strange about the environment.

I don't think he has stolen dozens of ancient tombs, but there are more than ten. Which one is not full of organs and dangerous?

It's like walking through a graveway like walking in a park now. Even Shaying has such an experience for the first time.

"Mr. Xu, what's going on here? How can it be so peaceful in an ancient tomb? " How to think also can't think of the reason of Shaying can't help but put the line of sight on Xu Ling.

"I don't know. I've only been looking for tombs before. It's the first time that I've come to the tomb personally." At this time, Xu Ling had no choice but to shrug and respond.

How can Xu Ling know about this problem?

To tell you the truth, he was ready to leave immediately in case of danger, and that might be his best chance to leave this group.

However, heaven is not beautiful. The situation in this novel is totally different from that in the novel. In such a calm atmosphere, even if you run, you will surely be caught!

So let Xu Ling quite a little uncomfortable, even escape route in the mind of countless times, now give me play shopping?

Hearing that Xu Ling didn't have a good opinion on this, Shaying had to go ahead now.

As the saying goes, before the storm is always quiet, he is now afraid that the current calm in exchange for the unimaginable disaster behind.

Several people said while walking, and soon came to the end of the middle hall, but at this time, there were three roads in front of them.

"This must be the fork between the side hall and the main hall. Brother Sha, how do you think we should go?" Seeing this, Xu Ling took the lead to step forward, looked at the environment, and then asked Sha Ying.

When it's time to express herself, Xu Ling will not hesitate. After all, she can be regarded as the consultant. If she keeps silent all the time, she may arouse Sha Ying's suspicion.

Like a time bomb, Xu Ling must redefine the time without a moment.

"Mr. Xu, how do you think we should go?" With no direct answer, Shaying throws the question back to Xu Ling.

Looking at each other's smiling face, Xu Ling really couldn't figure out what the Shaying meant. However, since he asked the question again, after three things, Xu Ling naturally couldn't throw it back. After a little meditation, he replied, "the main hall is convenient in front of us. We seem to be calm all the way. I think there must be murder hidden in the main hall. Besides, the main hall is the main hall, I think we'll try to find out at last. "

What Xu Ling said is reasonable and well founded, but there is no clue, and it is also very suitable for the current situation.

"Good! Let's do as Mr. Xu said. Shall we go to the left or the right first? " Hearing Xu Ling's reply, Shaying naturally thought of being happy, so the meeting then asked another question.

"The ancients respected the right. Since we chose the route from small to large, let's start from the left." Now that the general direction has been set, Xu Ling has no hesitation, so he responds directly.

Everyone is very strange to this place, but Xu Ling's words have settled everyone's mood. For example, when a group of people have no idea, if one person puts forward an opinion, other people will not have any objection.

What's more, Xu Ling is the one who puts forward his opinions. Even Shaying, the eldest of all, has to respect him.

Since the words are said by Xu Ling, then he has no objection, walking in the leading position.

As she walked cautiously forward, she prayed in her heart that there would be no accident. At this moment, Xu Ling suddenly felt a faint sound coming from behind her!

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