In such a quiet environment, and in such a place, there is such a sound is a very terrible thing.

But this kind of sound is very slight. I'm afraid that only Xu Ling, who is in a nervous mood, can hear it. So when he turns his head like an electric shock, the sand Eagle standing on one side asks strangely, "Mr. Xu, what's the matter?"

As Xu Ling turns his headlamp around, he doesn't find anything strange in his eyes. It's still so quiet around him.

Seeing this, Xu Ling also shook his head and explained, "it's OK. It seems that I heard something behind just now. Now it seems that I'm too nervous."

"What's going on?" Shaying, who has always been cautious, certainly won't let go of these details. After a exclamation, he let Jin Yong go to check the situation.

Five minutes later, Jin Yong came back, "boss, there's nothing, there's only some rags on the ground, not even a mouse."

Then he looked at Xu Ling, who was still a little afraid. He added with a smile, "maybe it's the sound of the wind coming in from somewhere. Mr. Xu has a good insight. He can even feel this strange thing."

For Jin Yong's teasing, Xu Ling can only smile to show his response, but his heart is still not quite passable.

Just now I did feel the sound. Is it hard to realize that I am too nervous? Or is it because

The more Xu Ling thought, the more biased he was. This meeting even considered the possibility of a Piao's existence!

Just think so, his whole body up and down on a layer of goose bumps, after a cold shiver, quickly shake his head to throw the idea out of his mind.

What are you afraid of? There are still three people around me! Besides, all of them are desperators. Fierce ghosts are afraid of villains. What else can happen? Xu Ling thinks so in the heart, walking also has a lot of confidence.

The next few people came to the two side halls. After careful observation, they still found nothing. Even the side hall was more open than the front hall and the middle hall. Besides the coffin in the middle, there were not even bottles on the ground.

This is enough to show that when Cheng Wang arranged the tomb for Zhao Lin, he still had some private emotions in it.

It's right to think about it. You want to fight against me. I've done my utmost to dig a place for you to bury. What else do you want to accompany your collection? That's just a dream.

Xu Ling, who thought about this matter clearly, was more firm in his guess, which would directly say to Sha Ying, "brother Sha, from this trend, I'm afraid there won't be any good things in it."

Risking his life to come to this strange tomb, he can't get any good. Although it's nothing for Xu Ling, it's not in line with the setting of Shaying.

Now only the last main hall has not been seen, but according to the previous experience, there is nothing good about this place.

"Ha ha, is this the last one left?" Standing at the door of the main hall, Shaying's appearance suddenly became a little crazy. Even after hearing Xu Ling's words, he was full of expectation.

"Yes, this is the last main hall left." Although strange, Xu Ling did not say much, just a little bit back.

"Well, well, let's get in quickly." Get the answer, Shaying can't wait to go inside, at the same time, the door in front of the main hall was also pushed open by him.


Because he was too hard, the door hit the wall, in this quiet environment, it was very harsh.

In addition to the noise, what's more terrifying is that when the lights on the heads of the people swept through the tomb, Xu Ling clearly saw that there was a man standing not far in front of the people.

But after he carefully aimed at that direction, he could not see it!

This time and again, Xu Ling couldn't think it was just his own illusion. He quickly pointed to the place where the figure just appeared and asked the people around him, "Hello! Did you just see a man there? "

After waiting for a long time, Xu Ling didn't get any response. When she turned her head and looked at it, she found that the three people who were standing by her side had gone to the center of the main hall, the place where the biggest coffin was!

It must be Zhao Lin in the coffin

"Hello! Wait a minute! " Since getting closer and closer to the main hall, the performance of the Shaying side has become more and more strange. At this time, he even left himself alone in the last face.

The coffin in the center of the hall is at least 20 meters away from Xu Ling. After Xu Ling yelled, the three people who went to the coffin didn't respond, as if they didn't hear it.

Although I don't know what attracted the three people's attention, Xu Ling knows that in this case, it's the best time to escape!

In this way, Xu Ling's steps began to move slightly, and the diving equipment was left on the shore, even the back road!

"Hehe, want to run away first?" However, just as Xu Ling moved, a burst of laughter came from his ear.

"Who!" But the sound really came to his ears. It was impossible for Xu Ling to think of it as an illusion. He turned his eyes to the direction of the sound and cried out.

As he cast the light, a figure was standing at the door, blocking the only exit firmly.

This person is wearing a half mask, and there is a smile on the corner of his mouth. I don't know why, when Xu Ling sees this figure, she has an indescribable sense of familiarity.

"What are you?" Now the three people who came down with him are all surrounded in the center of the hall, so the unknown thing in front of him can't be his own. People are afraid of ghosts, and ghosts are afraid of people. Thinking of this, Xu Ling asked in a calm voice.

"Mr. Xu, what's the matter? Come here quickly Xu Ling's question, the other side has not responded, but it is the voice of sand Eagle behind him.

"Brother Sha, there's something here!" Xu lingdang even told shayingtong about it.

There are many people and great power. Are four people still afraid of this illusory thing?

However, when he glanced at the sand hawk and turned his eyes back, the masked figure disappeared.

"Mr. Xu, are you all right? What's there?" At this time, Jin Yong came over and asked strangely. Then he didn't seem to want to think much about it. He excitedly said to Xu Ling, "come with me, we've found something good!"

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