Now where can Xu Ling pay attention to Shaying? What did they find? The figure just appeared was definitely not his own eyes. He even heard each other's voice.

"No, there was a man standing there just now!" Xu lingpo said to Jin Yong anxiously.

Compared with gold and silver, Xu Ling still values her life more. It turns out that there is something strange in this place!

"Mr. Xu, you are dazzled. Who is there?" Xu Ling's repeated reminders did not arouse Jin Yong's too much attention. Hearing is false and seeing is true. It's true that the place Xu Ling points to is empty.

"There was someone there just now!" Xu Ling insisted on this fact, and said that he wanted to run to the door to check, but he was pulled to the center of the hall by Jin Yong before he moved.

In desperation, Xu Ling also had to give up the exploration of that figure. Even a Piao, it seems that he is very afraid of people.

Another thing Xu Ling doesn't understand is why only he can see it every time. Isn't it true that fierce ghosts are afraid of villains?

What Xu Ling didn't know was that in a room far away from them, the figure in the mask was confronting the other two.

It's Chen ER and Wang Jieyuan!

"Just now I felt something different. I didn't expect it was you!" Lin Xing stares at Wang Jieyuan and says fiercely.

"Younger martial brother, stop it!" Wang Jieyuan once again persuaded, but the tone was more severe than before.

"Cut the crap, I'll kill Xu Ling, and the Jade Emperor can't stop me, I said it!" Lin Huan had no room for compromise. Opening her mouth was cruel.

"In that case, don't blame me!" Again and again, he was rejected by Lin Huan in such an attitude that Wang Jieyuan was not a clay figurine. Of course, he had a temper. At this time, he said harshly.

"Ha ha, elder martial brother, you are alone now. I'm afraid you won't succeed?" Lin Hu's tone revealed a trace of contempt, and he didn't pay any attention to Wang Jieyuan. "With the skill that you gave me, I didn't pay any attention to you."

"Younger martial brother Chen, give it to me here. Go to find Xu Ling first." Wang Jieyuan's eyes are fixed on Lin Xing. At the same time, he also tells Chen Er that he is going to fight Lin Xing.

Wang Jieyuan, as serious as he is now, is really the first time Chen Er has seen him.

Before, they were all in a team, and it was easier to deal with them. But even so, they let Lin run away so many times, which shows how strong Lin is.

So it's understandable that Wang Jieyuan takes such a serious attitude now. After all, he is fighting alone now, and Lin Xing is the kind of person who has learned magic.

After hearing Wang Jieyuan's words, Chen Er consciously stood aside. He knew that in the current situation, he had nothing to do with himself. If he still wanted to stay with Wang Jieyuan, he would undoubtedly delay.

"I see, elder martial brother, be careful yourself." After Chen Er finally spoke with Wang Jieyuan, he went to the depth of the tomb without looking back.

He didn't know where Xu Ling was, so he had to look for such a big place one by one.

At this time, Xu Ling is totally unaware of Chen er's arrival. While he is paying close attention to the surrounding environment, he is pulled to the coffin by Jin Yong.

Tomb robbers are tomb robbers. They always like to open the coffin. Although Xu lingchu was not far away for a while, several people came into the main hall in less than ten minutes.

When Xu Ling arrived, the coffin in the center was already wide open, and inside, as Xu Ling predicted, there was nothing but a dead body and a few pieces of accompanying collection.

Even the only pieces of funerary objects are ugly, lusterless and worthless stone tools.

However, even so, the sand eagle was still looking for it excitedly, as if it had been infected with some evil.

"Brother Sha, what's the matter with you?" Seeing this, Xu Ling shouts at the other party, but there is no response.

More and more aware of the strange things, Xu Ling quickly looks at the other two people, indicating that Shaying's situation seems not quite right.

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Xu. The boss just found what he needed." Feel Xu Ling cast over the eyes, stuffy son naturally won't say anything, but Jin Yong is a response.

"But... But there is nothing in it!" Xu Ling now feels that Jin Yong is as evil as Sha Ying. Otherwise, it would be impossible to move back the ancient corpse in such a worthless coffin.

And it doesn't look like Shaying. He just searched the space in the coffin inch by inch, just looking for something.

It doesn't look like a grave robber

"What the hell is going on?" After thinking for a long time, Xu Ling couldn't figure out what was going on inside. Finally, he grabbed Jin Yong's collar and yelled.

It's the first time that Xu Ling, who has always been gentle and elegant, has made such a gaffe here.

In his opinion, Jin Yong must know what Shaying is doing. Maybe from the beginning, he was kept in the dark. It's ridiculous. Xu Ling thought he was playing with them.

But in the end, I found that it was like I was being teased

"Mr. Xu, you are..." Xu Ling's sudden mood change also startled Jin Yong. He quickly asked.

"Found it! Ha ha ha... "Before Jin Yong responded to Xu Ling, Sha Ying's exclamation came from the side. The voice was full of excitement, and after that, he laughed wildly.

Hearing this sound, Xu Ling quickly cast her eyes to the past. At this time, in Sha Ying's hand, she was holding a silk book. Because it was so old, it seemed that it was made of cowhide.

Is there such a precious thing hidden in it? Xu Ling couldn't help but feel bad.

Generally, silk books are very rare in antiques, because they not only have high collection value, but also have great archaeological value!

"Yongzi, let me tell Mr. Xu what happened." Shaying, who had already found the silk script, seemed to be a different person, and his expression returned to the original calm. He patted Jin Yong on the shoulder and said.

Xu Ling is naturally very interested in this. At the same time, he is angry that Sha Ying has concealed his real purpose.

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