Although the purpose of Xu Ling's stay in this team is also "bad intentions", Xu Ling still can't bear to tell him that he is the one who has been teased when he has been controlled by himself.

"Mr. Xu, do you know what Zhao Lin did before she died?" Did not directly answer Xu Ling, Shaying first asked with a smile.

When Xu Ling and Sha Ying stayed together, they had never heard of this question a hundred times or dozens of times. So of course, he answered it with open mouth. The content was specific, and even added some of what he found.

"Ha ha, it seems that you have done your homework, Mr. Xu. Yes, Zhao Lin is a grave robber and an official grave robber." Shaying laughed and praised Xu Ling, and then asked, "does Mr. Xu know why he was killed all over the house?"

"Isn't it that he wants to seek power and position that leads to such a disaster?" Xu Lingli naturally said that Shaying had told him all these things. It would be strange to answer in the past. Of course, he also knew that these were not the key points of the other party.

"Yes, yes, these are all correct historical facts, but in fact, before this, there is another unknown reason..." Shaying then revealed a big secret to Xu Ling.

It turns out that Zhao Lin was one of the most effective generals under King Cheng, and was especially valued by him. Moreover, they had a good personal relationship, and even regarded themselves as good friends under the court.

However, such an excellent relationship between monarch and minister has changed because of the ancient tomb.

At that time, the war was in chaos, and various forces rose up in an attempt to unify the Central Plains. Naturally, Cheng Wang was also among them. The war naturally needed funds, and Zhao Lin was the one who specially provided a steady stream of funds for Cheng Wang.

Title of official post: naojin Xiaowei! There is only one function. They go to various places to steal tombs and collect antiques and cultural relics to fill the national treasury.

Of course, such a profession will naturally encounter some strange things. Once, when he was stealing the legendary tomb of his ancestors, the fearless captain met with something that changed his life

Since Zhao Lin came back from the ancient tomb, the whole person has become very strange. He has been closed all day, even King Cheng can't see him.

Who is Cheng Wang? That's the king of a country! If he wants to see his ministers, he can't do it. Where is the monarchy?

Fortunately, Zhao Lin had a good personal relationship with Cheng Wang, which saved him from disaster. But after all, this incident caused quite a stir in the court. Everyone was saying that Zhao Lin had committed a crime, and even more, it revealed that Zhao Lin was treacherous.

For these, Chengwang naturally won't believe it. He even charged the people who said these words with fabricating rumors. For a moment, the whole Chengwang court became panic, and no one dared to speak ill of Zhao Lin any more.

However, such a man who was biased by Cheng Wang, when he appeared again in front of the world, he really led the army and wanted to overthrow Cheng Wang's government.

Of course, in the end, the incident ended in failure, and Zhao Lin was killed by Cheng Wang.

Although, this is just a random thing buried in the torrent of history, but at that time, why Zhao Lin would rise to rebellion has become an eternal mystery.

Since then, there have been many different opinions, but the most convincing is the words of one of Zhao Lin's generals

"We didn't find anything in renzu's tomb. We only found a silk book. This silk book is very strange. The first soldier who picked it up directly robbed the land with his head and died on the spot. However, General Zhao didn't do anything after reading it. He just changed his conversational appearance and became very silent..."

After this narration, everyone turned their attention to the silk book. However, Zhao Lin had been copied and chopped by all the people. Who knows the whereabouts of the silk book?

"People have searched all over the place, even for this silk book, to hunt down Zhao Lin's descendants who do not know where they fled, but in fact they did not pay attention. In fact, a silk book has always been on Zhao Lin!" Shaying holds up the silk book at this time and talks to Xu Ling like a show off.

This was more than a thousand years ago. It is said by modern people that it has some memories. What Xu Ling cares more is that Shaying knows too much about the history at that time!

Xu Ling didn't even find what he said in Xiaoya's database. Listening to this guy's narration, it seems that he has experienced it himself.

"Mr. Xu, do you wonder why I know so much about it?" Looking at Xu Ling's eyes, Sha Ying asked with great interest.

Xu Ling did not respond, just quietly looking at each other, he knew that since Shaying asked, he certainly did not intend to hide anything from himself.

"Because... I am the 38th generation descendant of the Zhao family!" Shaying's expression was full of pride, and he announced it to Xu Ling.

Xu Ling was shocked by these words. He was not surprised at Sha Ying's identity, but surprised that he even planed his ancestral grave?

This kind of rebellious things, put on the sand eagle's body, feel he is very proud of the appearance.

"Our family, from generation to generation, has been fighting for a living, and the ultimate goal is to find the tomb of our ancestors. My generation has finally fulfilled its long cherished wish! Ha ha ha... "Then Shaying laughed excitedly.

Good guy, the whole family wants to dig their ancestral graves. No wonder Shaying doesn't have any sense of guilt.

"Well, Mr. Xu, since everything has been found, we are going to leave here." After explaining so much to Xu Ling, Sha Ying suddenly turns the topic to reality.

This is really what Xu Ling wants to do. No matter what the identity of Shaying is, it can't change the fact that the situation in the tomb is very strange.

Had it not been for the slight delay of what Shaying said, Xu Ling would have proposed to leave here.

"By the way, let's go. Don't delay here." Xu Ling hastily urged her to take the lead in going back.

However, he has just turned around and has not taken a step yet. Jin Yong and stuffy boy step forward and stop in front of him at the same time.

"Ha ha, Mr. Xu, I think you misunderstood me. What I said was that we left, not you." Shaying's voice was also heard behind Xu Ling. At the same time, Xu Ling felt a hard object on his waist.

If Xu Ling's feeling is not wrong, this thing should be a pistol!

"You know what you should know. I believe Mr. Xu, you should be able to die without regret." The sand hawk then said in a measured way.

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