"Brother Sha, what do you mean?" Although Shaying's intention is obvious, Xu Ling still smiles and turns to ask.

As Xu Ling expected, he turned around and saw Shaying holding a black pistol, pointing at himself.

"What do I mean? With Mr. Xu's intelligence, can't you see it?" Shaying's mouth was sneering, and the muzzle of the gun moved from Xu Ling's abdomen to his forehead.

As long as gently pull the trigger, Xu Ling can directly go back to the west, stay here with the mask of the dead.

"Brother Sha, I really don't understand. If you want to kill me, you can let me die." Now there are two roads in front of Xu Ling. One is to wait for the other party to solve himself when his eyes are closed. Of course, Xu Ling can't choose this road. He will directly put on a puzzled expression and ask.

As long as the other party hasn't pulled the trigger, then he still has the possibility of life, even if only for one second, Xu Ling must fight for it.

"Ha ha ha... Well, it's Mr. Xu. Even if the gun is against the forehead, he is still so calm." Shaying probably feels that he has completely controlled the current situation, but he is not slow about killing Xu Ling. This will be even more praise to Xu Ling.

After the praise, he suddenly changed into a fierce expression, "but Mr. Xu, do you think I don't know that you have contact with the police? Do you think that's how I believe you? Do you think I don't know that the lady I arranged beside you has been controlled by you? "

Three questions were thrown in front of Xu Ling, and Xu Ling was speechless. How did the Shaying know these things?

Xu Ling thinks that the insurance measures have been done quite well, and contact the police through their own special ability, normal people should not think of it?

Thinking of this, Xu Ling said, "brother Sha, what are you talking about? I'm just an ordinary person. How can it be..."

"Shut up When Xu Ling wanted to argue, he was interrupted by Shaying just in the middle of the argument. "Although I don't know how you do these things, you are the only one who can do these things here, Mr. Xu!"

"Brother Sha, I'm afraid it's not suitable to kill me with his own guess." It is clear that Shaying is not very clear about his behavior, Xu Ling immediately found a way to break the game, continued to smile, some mockingly said.

However, Xu Ling is wrong about Shaying's ruthlessness. In his opponent's opinion, he is just a tool to help find the destination.

In the face of Xu Ling's ridicule, Sha Ying's face widened, shook his head and put his index finger on the trigger. "It doesn't matter anymore, Mr. Xu. Thank you for finding the entrance here. Do you have any last words now? Say it, give you ten seconds, 10... "

With that, Shaying began to count down.

Looking at each other's determined eyes, Xu Ling also understands that the verbal argument can't save anything now. If she doesn't take any action, she is afraid that she will fall here.

But what can Xu Ling do now? Physically, he has already lost the ability of the original fighting potion. With some spiritual functions, what kind of situation can he recover?


Shaying's voice is still ringing in his ears. Now Xu Ling is worried and even wants to turn white.

Forget it, forget it! When Shaying was about to finish counting all the numbers, Xu Ling closed her eyes and thought of it.

Then, he quickly recalled the phone number of Shaying, and dialed the past with the only ability he could use at present.

"Ding Ling Ling..."

In the silence of the tomb, the sudden ringing of the telephone startled everyone.

Even the sand eagle was shaken by the voice coming from his waist!

It was just such a moment that Xu Ling found the right opportunity to shoot down the weapon in his opponent's hand directly and quickly. As long as he dealt with the fatal prop, his hope of survival increased a lot.

However, Xu Ling ignored that Shaying, as the descendant of the tomb robbing family, could be shaken by ordinary means?

Almost at the moment of Xu Ling's shot, Sha Ying's hand holding the gun was up to the platform, throwing the pistol directly into the air, and then the other hand was lifted to catch the pistol steadily.

A beautiful operation, the moment to change the position of the pistol, but also because of this, Xu Ling's slap, a direct call empty!

It's true to say that the more urgent a person is, the more he can burst out full potential. When Xu Ling realized that his attack had failed, he just stepped forward and pulled back. At the same time, he aimed at Jin Yong, who was still in shock.

At this moment, time seemed to stagnate. When Xu Ling flew to Jin Yong, Sha Ying also took the pistol and aimed at Xu Ling again. This time, he didn't hesitate and pulled the trigger with his index finger.

Originally, Xu Ling thought that as long as he could hide behind one of Shaying's men, the other side would not shoot again. However, it turned out that his idea was quite wrong.


A loud noise came from the hand of the sand hawk. In the small underground space, the sound was reflected many times and became more harsh.

The bullet shot at Xu Ling at the speed of 400m / s. fortunately, he moved quickly and hid behind the stuffy boy in time, which also spared him.

But I'm not so lucky

"Old... Old," the stuffy boy looked down at the blood coming out of his heart. Then he spat out two words and fell to the ground.

I'm afraid the loyal man didn't even think that he would die in such awe of the boss.

However, to Xu Ling's surprise, Shaying's expression didn't change a bit after killing the stuffy boy. It was as if Shaying had killed a wild dog.

Funny to say, what stuffy boy has been doing is just like a dog under Shaying's hand?

"Stuffy boy! Wake up, stuffy boy At this time, Jin Yong showed full grief. He yelled, picked up the stuffy boy who had already been lying on the ground and looked at the Shaying with red eyes, "boss, this..."

For the accusation, he also can't say, stuffy boy is really Shaying shot, but the most fundamental reason is Xu Ling!

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