"Boss, kill him and take revenge for stuffy boy." Leng for a moment, Jin Yong immediately looks at Xu Ling with a very fierce expression and says to Sha Ying.

He must have blamed Xu Ling for his death. His hatred and awe for Shaying make him completely ignore the fact that Shaying didn't stop after seeing Xu Ling hiding behind him.

Shaying, who has fired a shot, seems to have calmed down his inner impulse. After listening to Jin yonglue's pleading voice, he didn't choose to shoot. Instead, he took out the mobile phone that just rang out from his pocket and checked it.

Staring at the screen for a long time, Shaying's mouth suddenly flashed a smile, then turned the mobile phone to Xu Ling, and said thoughtfully, "I was just wondering, how can a phone call come in in such a mountain where the mobile phone signal can't come in? Now, I'm afraid Mr. Xu did it by himself? "

At this time, on the screen of mobile phone, there are a series of special numbers. If the police are here, they will be able to see it. This is Xu Ling's exclusive number format.

Although Xu Ling's calling number is different every time, the format is the same

Of course, there is no police here now, so Xu Ling can continue to act dumb, "brother Sha, what are you talking about? You pointed a gun at my head just now! How is it possible to do anything else? "

However, Sha Ying didn't seem to want to explain to Xu Ling, and the things he identified would not change at all. "It seems that Mr. Xu also contacted the cops in this way?"

In addition, there is Jin Yong's pressing voice, Shaying doesn't want to waste time here.

The muzzle of the gun was aimed at Xu Ling again, and there was no unnecessary nonsense. He fired directly.


Voice again, is still so loud, and this time, Xu Ling has no idea, ask yourself, how can he run bullets?

And now there is nothing around to block the bullet. After analyzing the situation in front of us, even Xu Ling, a man who never admits defeat, closes his eyes in despair.

Because at this moment, for the immediate situation, completely in the situation of no solution!

However, almost at the moment when the gunshot came out, Xu Ling, who was waiting for the bullet to pass through her body, felt a huge force coming from her left side.

The unprepared Xu Ling was knocked out by this force in an instant!

What happened?

In such an accident, Xu Ling suddenly heard these four words in his brain. In the middle of the sky, he looked back to the direction of the power.

Is to see a white haired figure appeared in his original position, although can not see the face, but this figure gives Xu Ling a familiar feeling.

"Er, ah..."

When Xu Ling fell heavily on the ground, the figure sent out a dull hum at the same time, and then he would also fall to the ground.

See this situation, Xu Ling quickly ran to the other side to help, and in the moment he saw the figure face, immediately issued a burst of exclamation.

"Second grandfather!"

It's Chen er who has been looking for Xu Ling. When he heard the gunshot, he rushed here and saw Xu Ling pointed at by the gun.

Without saying a word, Chen Er took action directly, which led to the scene that Xu Ling was hit and flew. However, although Xu Ling was rescued, the bullet hit him solidly.

"Second grandfather, how are you? I'll take you out now Looking at Chen er's abdomen has begun to bleed, Xu Ling said anxiously.

"No, Xu Ling, you... Can't go out now!" Weak Chen Eryi grabs Xu Ling who wants to leave and gives a wary warning.

"Second grandfather! Now you are like this, if you don't accept the treatment quickly... "Xu lingpo said anxiously, even he didn't dare to think about the consequences.

At this time, Xu Ling can't care why Chen Er appears here. Now he has only one thing in his mind, that is to send the second grandfather for treatment as soon as possible.

"Well, now that you know each other, if you have anything to say, you can go down to huangquan. It's not so lonely." Shaying was surprised when he was blocked by a sudden man. But after a while, he reacted and then said fiercely.

Seeing that Shaying is about to shoot again, Xu Ling, who has accepted the death calmly, has changed her mind because of Chen er's appearance. With each other's sacrifice to block the gun, Xu Ling must live!

Quickly put down Chen Er, Xu Ling burst out all his strength and rushed to Shaying. In the current situation, it is impossible to run away. The only vitality is to take the initiative to remove the biggest threat in the other party's hands.

Seeing that Xu Ling didn't run, Sha Ying took the initiative to meet him. Suddenly, a cruel smile appeared on his face. He was about to raise his gun and shoot. Suddenly, he didn't know where a foreign object came from and hit him heavily with the gun.


A scream came, Shaying a pain, the pistol also fell from the hand, and Xu Ling saw this opportunity, directly kicked in the pistol is falling to the ground, the pistol in the air across a parabola flew to the dark corner.

Xu Ling, who had completed this series of actions, looked back strangely at this time, because that was the direction of the foreign body flying.

At this time, at the gate of the main hall, a man was standing in ragged clothes, his face was covered with blood, and his hand was still holding up. Needless to say, the foreign object that hit the sand eagle's hand was thrown by him.

"Master... Elder martial brother!" Before Xu Ling knew who this person was, Chen Er, who was lying on the ground, gave a weak cry.

"How are you, younger martial brother Chen?" After Wang Jieyuan relieved Xu Ling, he rushed to Chen ER and asked anxiously.

However, in response, Chen Er shook his head helplessly

No matter how clear his body is, so is Chen er. Now he has gradually felt the collapse caused by excessive blood loss,

"No, don't move. I'll stop the bleeding for you." Wang Jieyuan, who got the answer, didn't believe it on his face. Then he began to tear up his clothes and bandage Chen er.

"It's useless," Chen Er stopped Wang Jieyuan's action with a bitter smile, then pointed weakly at Xu Ling with his hand, "you must keep his safety."

Xu Ling this meeting also returned to God, quickly returned to Chen er's side, look full of grief, "second grandfather, you will be OK, I take you out for treatment as soon as possible, you will be better."

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