Although Xu Ling and the second grandfather don't have much friendship, Xu Ling can't just let him sacrifice his life to block his gun.

However, Chen Er, lying on the ground, didn't accept Xu Ling's suggestion. He waved his hand and said, "Xu Ling, don't panic. Listen to me. Cough..."

Next, regardless of their obstruction, Chen Er began to narrate himself, saying why he came here and what Xu Ling should pay attention to.

Until now, Xu lingcai finally understood that there was such a big crisis hidden around him, even endangering his own life.

"I know, second grandfather. Don't say any more. I'll take you to treatment now." Chen er's situation is more serious than the danger he has yet to face. Of course, Xu Ling will pay attention to each other's situation first.

"Xu Ling, this card has all my assets. In the future, my store will be taken care of by you, and Mengling..." shaking his head, Chen Er takes out a gold card from his arms and puts it heavily on Xu Ling's hand. At the same time, he talks to Xu Ling like a last word.

"No, no, second grandfather, you'll be fine. I can't help you with your things. You'll survive." Xu Ling is now quite confused. The bad news is undoubtedly a heavy blow to him, because Chen Er is just like this in order to save himself.


However, the fact gave Xu Ling a heavy blow. After Chen Er coughed for several times, he suddenly spat out a big mouthful of blood, and his face turned pale several times.

"Ah, Xu Ling, you can promise your second grandfather," Wang Jieyuan sighed slightly at this time, looking at Chen er's state. "His time is running out, so don't refuse to tell you anything."

"Master, don't you have profound skills? Please save the second grandfather. He really can't die! " As soon as the other party spoke, Xu Ling remembered that there was such a god man around her, so she quickly asked for help.

In Chen er's words, Wang Jieyuan is a man of great powers! In addition, Xu Ling is also anxious to no way, so can only request.

"The essence and blood have been exhausted, and there is no way to return to heaven." Wang Jieyuan shook his head and said that he had no way.

Xu Ling looks at Chen er with a sad face. After meeting each other's praying expression, she can only nod heavily and take the card.

"I'm afraid it's not suitable for you to leave like this?" The gold card is in hand. Before Xu Ling speaks, Wang Jieyuan suddenly says it first.

In grief, Xu Ling didn't know what was going on at the beginning, but on second thought, except for a few people on his side, there was only Shaying team.

And in that team, it is Shaying, the culprit who killed Chen ER!

"I want you to pay for your life!" At this time, Xu Ling's eyes were red, and he wanted to put the other side to death. He rushed to Shaying's body and knocked him down.

Not to mention that, Xu Ling directly sat on Shaying's body and continued to punch at his head. Every punch exerted his whole strength, which was enough to show how angry he was.

Shaying from the beginning of the hand defense, gradually began to be weak, finally can only let Xu Ling in his face.

"Well, Xu Ling, don't fight any more. If you fight any more, people will die!" Seeing Xu Ling's crazy appearance, Wang Jieyuan quickly came forward and held him. His long-term practice taught him to respect every life.

In addition to twitching from time to time to prove that he is still alive, the sand hawk can no longer see any other life features. The face is even beaten into a pig's head, and even the facial features are difficult to recognize.

Xu Ling's posture even scares Jin Yong to move. Of course, Wang Jieyuan is the primary factor that causes Jin Yong to look like this.

With only one stone, the elder brother was disarmed directly, and it was still so far away, which was enough to see what the other party's strength was like.

As for Xu Ling, after Wang Jieyuan's persuasion, he regained his consciousness and looked at the unconscious Shaying who had been beaten by himself. Then he looked at his bloody fists. For a moment, he didn't know what to do.

"Don't move

At this moment, suddenly, a loud cry came from the door of the main hall. Then, a huge beam of light came in, and instantly lit up the small main hall.

At the same time, a group of people came in. They all wore uniform clothes, tactical helmets and assault rifles. They slowly surrounded Xu Ling.

Seeing this, Xu Ling also understood that this was the police he contacted. However, unexpectedly, the other party set up such a big battle in order to catch three people.

"Comrade police, we are good people. I am Xu Ling." Seeing the police coming, Xu Ling quickly stood up and introduced himself, not caring about his bloody hands.

"You?" Xu yuanbiao, the commander-in-chief of the operation, is walking in the front of the team. Of course, he knows that Xu Ling is in front of him, but he is a little strange about the latter's words. Didn't he call the police and call these people grave robbers? How come you're good again?

"Yes, I..." Xu Ling quickly nodded and admitted that he didn't want the police to regard Chen ER and others who suddenly broke in as criminals. However, he just cast his eyes on Chen er who was lying on the ground before, but he was stunned.

Where else is there on the ground? Wang Jieyuan and Chen Eryi, who were seriously injured, disappear together

"I'm Xu yuanbiao, the leader of this operation. You are safe now. We will bring these criminals to justice!" Looking at Xu Ling's desire to talk and stop, Xu yuanbiao thinks that he is over frightened and hallucinates.

Because there are no other people here except the four who have been targeted all the time!

Now even if Xu Ling doesn't believe it any more, it is a fact that they have disappeared. He can't refute Xu yuanbiao's words.

"Report! The suspect has been arrested, one dead and one injured, and another has not resisted. " During the dialogue between Xu yuanbiao and Xu Ling, the rest of the police officers have captured all the people here, and this meeting has also come to report.

"One dead, one wounded?" This situation makes Xu yuanbiao quite curious. After he greets his subordinates to protect Xu Ling who is still in a daze, he quickly steps over to check.

"The dead man was Shaying's man, his name was stuffy boy, and he died of gunshot wounds," the police officer in charge of the inspection immediately reported when he saw Xu yuanbiao coming. "As for this, it's Shaying!"

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