Xu yuanbiao was not surprised by the gunshot wound. After all, just now his side was located in Xu Ling's position through the sudden gunshot.

But Xu yuanbiao didn't quite understand the seriously injured Shaying

Looking in the direction pointed by the inspector, the man lying on the ground who could not recognize his facial features turned out to be a sand hawk?

"This... This is what you did?" Xu yuanbiao asked Xu Ling not far away.

However, Xu Ling was the only one who could have done it. Xu yuanbiao believed that Xu linggan had shot the stuffy boy. However, Sha Ying's appearance was obviously caused by being beaten. He beat one person like this with one dozen and two. Xu Ling's strength is too strong!

For Xu yuanbiao's question, Xu Ling just nods. At this time, he is still thinking about where Wang Jieyuan and Chen Er have gone. Chen Er is on the verge of death, although Xu Ling still doesn't believe that the first meeting is parting.

In Xu yuanbiao's eyes, Xu Ling's appearance had not recovered from the "fright", so he did not ask any more questions. Just as he was about to accept the man and lift him up, there was another urgent cry from the rear.

"Xu Chu, no! The masked man we just caught is missing

"What Xu Yuanbiao could not help as like as two peas. He was surprised to find that the man had just come in. He was just like Wei Guoqing who described the mysterious man. Fortunately, somehow, the other side was already on the verge of death. So Xu Yuanbiao could easily control him.

But I didn't expect that in just ten minutes, people would disappear!

"To watch his troops?" According to Wei Guoqing, that man's strength is extremely terrible. He can kill people by raising his hand. Now that he is out of control, Xu yuanbiao is worried about his subordinates.

"They're all in a coma. There's no life in danger." The people who came to report naturally understood what Xu yuanbiao was worried about, so they immediately informed him of the situation.

Hearing this, Xu yuanbiao breathed a long sigh of relief. That kind of person is beyond the scope of normal people's understanding. It's unexpected to catch him. Since he's let go, there's nothing he can do.

Originally, Xu yuanbiao held a mortal attitude towards arresting the masked man. However, when he found that the man who might be released and cause panic to all mankind was presented in front of his eyes with a seriously injured body, Xu yuanbiao understood:

There are people who manage these things. Some things don't need ordinary people like themselves.

"Don't worry about it over there. Protect the fainted brothers," Xu yuanbiao said to the police officer who came to report. Then he ordered all the people here loudly, "control all the suspects, search for any suspicious things around, and get ready to stop!"

The police on Shaying's side are monitoring the whole process, so Xu yuanbiao also knows that there will be no one else except these three people. If they can catch Shaying, they have already completed the task.

There are many people and great strength. Dozens of police officers soon turned the tomb upside down. Of course, they will not touch these things that can be regarded as writing objects. What they are looking for is only the things that Shaying will leave behind.

"Xuchu, brothers have searched all over here, only this one booty." A few minutes later, Wu Yan reported to Xu yuanbiao Hui with a pistol wrapped in a plastic bag.

"Close up!" After getting this information, Xu yuanbiao didn't hesitate. He waved his hand and said to everyone.

Xu yuanbiao even used the strength of special police, but he didn't use it in the end. As for Sha Ying, the chief criminal, he was arrested without any difficulty.

With the arrest of the head of state, his younger brothers will not be able to escape. Whether they are still in the middle of the town, the gatekeepers or those who are responsible for attracting the attention of the police, they are all killed.

Since then, the 913 grave raiding operation has been successfully completed. More than 100 grave robbers, including Sha Ying, have been captured. However, by following the clues from these people, hundreds of people related to the grave raiding have been arrested, including those who supply goods, inspect goods, receive goods and middlemen, directly destroying the illegal goods trading network in Lingxia city, It's not a big happy event.

In order to praise the contribution of Lingxia police, the national government even issued commendation letters on various central platforms to affirm the achievements of Lingxia police.

As for Xu Ling, who is still in the police station, he looks at the middle-aged man with one hand on his head and helplessly says, "director Xu, when can I leave here? There are many things waiting for me to deal with at home."

"Xu Ling, don't worry. When Shaying wakes up, we confirm the information, and you can go." Xu yuanbiao also has no way. Although Xu Ling is the greatest contributor to the successful conclusion of this case, according to the Convention, he still has to input all the information before he can close the case. The head of this case is still in a coma in the hospital, so much information is unknown. It is also a helpless move for Xu Ling to be left here.

However, when it comes to this, Xu Ling is not good at complaining. At that time, he impulsively beat Shaying like that, and now he is left here, which can be regarded as a punishment to himself.

"Speaking of Xu Ling, don't you really need to report your credit to the government? It's a great honor to be praised by the state. " Seeing that Xu Ling didn't speak, Xu yuanbiao didn't want to embarrass the scene, so he changed the topic and said.

And this topic is also the 20th time he said in front of Xu Ling. After the arrest of the prisoners and the return of the team, Xu yuanbiao was about to ask Xu Ling for his detailed personal information. Fortunately, when he praised the excellent citizen in the report, Xu Ling refused.

The reason is just want to ordinary life, do not want to attract too much interference.

In this regard, Xu yuanbiao and Xu Ling have said many times about the advantages of this, but no matter what, the other side still refuses. In desperation, Xu yuanbiao has to agree to his request and does not mention Xu Ling's existence in the report.

Xu Ling's name only exists in Lingxia police station and is respected by the police here. After all, few people dare to stand up to the national government and make selfless contributions.

The key point is that Xu Ling is still doing such a dangerous thing. You know, after hearing Xu Ling's narration of this matter, many professional police officers ask themselves that they can't be as calm as Xu Ling.

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