When he was in the police station, Xu Ling let him leave because Xu yuanbiao had been hiding things for him. Unexpectedly, when he arrived at the airport, he was treated like this again. Do you think he was angry?

Fortunately, Xu Ling is not a ball, otherwise he might be angry!

"Mr. Xu, you are really bothering us." The movement of Xu Ling naturally attracted many onlookers. As people gathered more and more, the administrator said to Xu Ling helplessly.

"Trouble? Have you thought about my feelings? There are a lot of things waiting for me to deal with at home, you are good, do not give me a ticket directly? What for? Do you want me to sneak back? " Xu Ling continued, and then, he used the quarrel method which has been very useful since ancient times to encourage the masses!

"Everyone came to comment. I want to buy a ticket to go home, but they said I was restricted. They just refused to sell it to me, and they didn't give me the reason why I was restricted. Why? Do you think I have no money for a plane ticket or something? "

This method worked. After hearing what Xu Ling said, the people gathered here also sympathized with Xu Ling's experience. Some good people, together with Xu Ling, cried out to the administrator.

"Yes, people just give you money. Why don't you sell him tickets?"

"Well, the current social atmosphere is too superficial."

"How? Poor people don't deserve to fly? "


All of you say a word, I say a word, we almost stand on the side of Xu Ling, to the side of the airport administrator up.

Although some people don't agree with Xu Ling

What is a poor man? I'm also the head of the radio group. Well, I'm also a teacher of Qingbei University. Although I haven't been there for a long time, I haven't been informed to get rid of my name, have I? Xu Ling in the heart of the abdominal Fei.

Of course, Xu Ling couldn't say what he was thinking. He wanted the situation to fall to his side, so he thought about it. Then he wiped it with tears and snivels, and cried, "poor old and young people in my family are waiting for me to take care of them. Now they are left here. What can they do?"

The appearance of speaking while crying suddenly increased the great sense of reality, and moved some people with low tears around to cry.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it. This is a truth that the ancients knew for a long time. Now it is very suitable here. People who travel in the airport are like water carrying the development of the airport, and Xu Ling is naturally a part of it.

After Xu Ling's "water" is so tragic, the rest of the "water" naturally share a common hatred and a great momentum for management.

"Hurry up and handle the ticket for him. I'll pay for it if the money is not enough!"

"Yes, or give us a reasonable explanation, or we will all complain about you!"


Seeing this, the administrator was sweating anxiously. He had been in this business for eight years, not ten years. He had never encountered such a situation.

The former conductor, who served in Xuling, was even more scared and pale. Her face was pale, because she had noticed that many people began to remember their job number.

One person's complaint can make her suffer. If so many people come together, not to mention being dismissed, I'm afraid she won't want to be in this industry in the future.

The poor conductor didn't know what happened at all. It was a day full of vitality. When he handled the business named Xu Ling, the information of his ID card was not processed.

The servers of the computer are all in the headquarters, that is, the General Administration of road traffic, and this information is naturally sent from there.

This kind of industry itself belongs to the state, and on the screen, it is impossible to explain anything to Xu Ling.

"Mr. Xu, please wait a moment. I'll report this to the headquarters and help you find out why." With the situation more and more out of control, the administrator quickly said to Xu Ling.

He knows who is leading the wind vane here now, so for the people who discuss it, naturally it's Xu Ling.

In fact, Xu Ling quite agrees with this. After all, he now knows that the reason is the most important. However, he agrees, but the masses who are encouraged by him are not happy.

"What? Want to run? "

"Don't try to leave here without dealing with this matter!"


As soon as the administrator wanted to turn around and leave, he was immediately blocked by several people behind him, with an attitude of not letting go without solving the problem.

"No, I'm going to investigate the reason for Mr. Xu. We can't spend all the time here, can we?" Administrators are old employees for decades at least, and their ability to deal with emergency affairs is still very strong.

At the beginning, he felt nervous, but now he was almost relieved. At this time, in the face of public censure, he was able to express his meaning completely.

Being reminded by the administrator, everyone suddenly fell silent. It's right to think about it carefully. It's really not the way to solve the problem to block people here all the time.

"Well, we'll send two people to come with you, so that you don't have to fool us at the airport!" After gradually quieting down, a voice suddenly rang out in the crowd and put forward his own suggestions.

And this proposal immediately aroused people's agreement, and they all agreed very much.

After all, many people have great power. Under the demands of so many people around, the administrator had to compromise and nodded and agreed.

As the originator of this incident, Xu Ling did not expect that things would develop like this, as if everything had been transferred from her own side to the interests of all people serving the airport.

However, just as people were still choosing who to go with the administrator, a voice suddenly rang out from the outside of the crowd.

"Don't go! This problem is caused by us and has nothing to do with the airport! "

We have been arguing here for such a long time. Isn't that why we want the airport to restrict Xu Ling from buying tickets? This will hear someone admit that, of course, the target is instantly transferred, glaring in the direction of the voice.

However, with more and more people looking at the past, none of them dare to speak. They even spread out to both sides consciously, as if they deliberately vacated the space for people to enter.

Naturally, Xu Ling was surprised at the sound, but when she thought about it carefully, she felt familiar with it.

As the crowd dispersed and a person came in, Xu Ling finally understood why he felt so familiar.


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