It was Li Feifei who had been following Xu Ling all the time. He was ordered to wait for Xu Ling to come out at the gate of the airport to send him back. But after waiting for a long time, no one came out. She was a little worried, so she came in to check the situation. As a result, she saw such a scene.

As a policeman, Li Feifei comes to maintain order for the first time. At the same time, taking Xu Ling back is also the key.

Although she is a female, wearing a police uniform makes her valiant, and different from talking and laughing with Xu Ling in the police station, Li Feifei is more serious at this time.

As they passed by, the original crowd shut their mouths one after another, and they did not dare to do it again.

"Ouch, comrade police, you can count it. These people gathered in the airport, which seriously affected the order in the airport!" Different from the masses, the administrator, who has just been at the center of the contradiction, saw the police as if he saw the Savior, and quickly went up to complain.

Just wait for him to sweep around the people, we all spread out with the momentum of lightning and stealing bells, each busy, which has a little bit of common hatred just now?

For a moment, only Xu Ling pestle was left on the field, looking at Li Feifei in surprise.

And the helpless administrator finally put the target on the originator, "Comrade police, he has been making trouble here, just now..."

However, Li Feifei didn't seem to want to listen to the administrator pull these things at all. He interrupted him in the middle of the other person's words, "OK, I almost understand everything, so I'll take him away first!"

"Oh, yes, yes!" The administrator is slightly a Leng first, oneself this has not said, how the other side understood? However, as a Chinese citizen, it's also one of the obligations to cooperate with the police, so the administrator didn't care so much, and quickly nodded in response.

"Come with me!" Since there is no one to disturb, Li Feifei comes to Xu Ling and greets her gently.

At this time, Xu Ling obviously did not recover from the shock. In the latter's voice, he just nodded, and then followed Li Feifei to the outside of the airport.

"In charge of... Management, we won't have anything to do with it?" Watching the police with Xu Ling gradually away, has been hiding in the ticket room inside, shivering conductor just weakly asked to the administrator.

"It should be all right." From childhood to adulthood, the administrator's mind was dominated by the idea that "it must not be a good thing to let the police take away". So looking at Xu Ling who was taken away by the police, he felt strange in his heart, but he didn't say much, just told the conductor.

Hearing this, the young female conductor was relieved and collapsed on the chair. It can be seen that she was really scared just now

Besides Xu Ling, he followed Li Feifei to the side of the police car.

"Get in the car." For Xu Ling, Li Feifei is still polite, which will open the door for him.

After this period of stupor, Xu Ling finally recovered. Looking at the empty carriage, he didn't go in immediately. Instead, he asked solemnly, "where are you going?"

"Go back to the police station!" Li Feifei responded naturally.

This sentence of course was severely rejected by Xu Ling, "now it's all like this, and you still want me to go back to the police station. What's in your mind?"

Xu Ling's tone is full of ridicule, which is no wonder that the other side forces him to stay, and hides everything from him. No matter who he puts it on, he will not be happy.

"Apart from the police station, where can you go now?" For Xu Ling's questioning, Li Feifei's eyes are a little evasive. Obviously, she also feels that what she's doing here is not reasonable, but with orders, she can only say so.

"What do you mean? Besides airplanes, I have more travel tools. I don't believe it. Today I can't leave Lingxia city! " Xu Ling didn't realize the seriousness of the problem. He didn't believe in evil. He turned around and left here.

"Useless Xu Ling, as long as it's a long-distance trip, you need to show your ID card to buy tickets. Your ID card has been blocked, and no one can dare to sell tickets to you." Seeing that Xu Ling is going to leave again, Li Feifei immediately shouts out to Xu Lingtong.

"What did you say?" Hearing this, Xu Ling stopped, turned to look at Li Feifei, and asked in a poor tone.

"You can't even go to a hotel where you need to show your identity." Li Feifei believed that what he said was clear enough. At this time, he did not repeat it, but added another sentence.

"What do you... Want to do?" Xu Ling stares at Li Feifei tightly, his tone is deep, and he asks them word by word.

"We just hope you can stay in the police station and cooperate with us." Li Feifei calmly repeated the reason again.

Listening to the official words again and again, Xu Ling was impatient for a long time. This time, he burst out directly, "cooperate, I've cooperated with you, haven't I? What do you do if you only ask for me unilaterally? Don't even tell me why I'm here! "

One time to vent all the dissatisfaction in the heart, Xu Ling seems a little out of breath, gasped a few times, suddenly in front of Li Feifei very attentively handed over a bottle of water.

Although he was very upset, Xu Ling still needed it now, so he immediately took the water and drank a few mouthfuls of it.

It's a lot better for his slightly smoky throat.

"Do you really want to hear the reason?" After Xu Lingmeng poured half a bottle of water and breathed slowly, Li Feifei's quiet voice suddenly rang again.

"Yes! Of course Why is Xu Ling so angry? Is it because the people in the police station don't talk to him about anything? Now I heard that Li Feifei was going to tell him the reason. Of course, he was full of it.

"Well, get in the car first." Youyou sighs. Li Feifei opens the door of the co driver of the police car again and signals Xu Ling to get on the bus.

"What for?" Xu Ling is very alert to this. He won't get on the car and be taken back to the police station because of a little temptation. Li Feifei is the only police officer here. He can still deal with it. If he gets to the police station, it's someone else's territory.

"Get in the car and say, you can't let me talk about the secrets of the police station here." Although Li Feifei can understand Xu Ling's vigilance, she can only look around and explain to Xu Ling helplessly.

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