"Brother Xu Ling, I have Xu Chu and I here to support you. You don't have to be afraid to resist the threat of evil forces. Don't let her be so domineering!" Sun Sheng patted Xu Ling on the shoulder to cheer him on.

"Monkey Sun! I've provoked you, so aim at me Again and again, Sun Sheng will spoil his prize money. Li Feifei is also worried. He even says to Xu yuanbiao, "Xu Chu, look at him!" A face of injustice, want to let people preside over the appearance of justice.

"Well... Don't quarrel any more, because our country rewarded us for our meritorious service in solving the case last time, so don't fight for anything." Xu yuanbiao himself is also the attitude of a melon eater, but now people's eyes are focused on him, and he also quickly explained.

"What As soon as this remark came out, not only Li Feifei, but also Sun Sheng could not help exclaiming, because he had never heard of the situation before.

"I wanted to wait until the bonus time to talk to you, but now it seems that there is no way." Xu yuanbiao shrugged, showing a very helpless look.

"Xu Chu, you are really..." after a short period of stupefaction, Sun Sheng also confirmed that he did not listen to the wrong words. He looked at Xu yuanbiao, his face changed several times, and finally became excited, shouting, "great!"

Then he went forward and gave Xu yuanbiao a big bear hug, which was enough to see how excited he was.

However, what is different from Sun Sheng's performance is Li Feifei's expression. After hearing what Xu yuanbiao said, he thought about it for a while. Suddenly, he thought of a situation and asked in a deep voice, "Xu Chu, that is to say, I already have this bonus, which has nothing to do with bringing Xu Ling back successfully?"

"I don't know. Little Feifei, you can't take any credit for what you've done." Xu yuanbiao hasn't responded yet, but Sun Sheng is the first to say, with a look of success.

Although the relationship between Li Feifei and Sun Sheng is usually in the form of mutual antagonism, Sun Sheng's present situation is very painful.

After all, since Li Feifei came to the police station, his work has been in line with the rules, and there have been no mistakes in his work, but I can't say that he has made any contribution.

Finally, Xu yuanbiao has a separate task to himself, and she also successfully completed, this is not the opportunity he has been waiting for? As a result, after some twists and turns, she was told that she didn't have any credit. How could Li Feifei bear it?

After such great joy and sorrow, Li Feifei stares at Xu yuanbiao in a daze. For a moment, he doesn't know what to say, but in his eyes, he has seven points of resentment, two points of reluctance, and one point of disbelief that can't be covered up.

This kind of feeling is like being informed of five million, only to find out that you have read the wrong number, but actually you have not hit anything.

"Cough, Xiao Sun, what you said is not all right." as the party concerned, Xu yuanbiao felt that Li Feifei's eyes only felt cold on his back. At this time, he could not help but add, "in view of Xiao Li's positive and enthusiastic performance, I am willing to give him a bonus as a reward!"

With Xu yuanbiao's words, Li Feifei's expression was slightly relaxed, but it didn't look relieved.

At this time, I feel like I'm just perfunctorizing myself. Li Feifei is very sensitive now. He can catch any unusual situation.

"Well... Director Xu, if there's nothing else, I'll go first." In the face of such an awkward atmosphere, Xu Ling could not help but speak.

Now this is a dispute within the police station. It's really inappropriate for an outsider to be here. More importantly, Xu Ling can't stand such embarrassment!

"All right, have you arranged the accommodation? Is it the same one? " Xu Ling's one sentence is equivalent to helping Xu yuanbiao change the topic, which immediately attracts the latter's eyes and asks.

"Well, it's still the original one. Feifei has already arranged everything for me..." Xu Ling nodded and immediately responded to Xu yuanbiao, but as soon as the voice fell, he knew that he might have said something wrong.

The topic went round and back to Li Feifei, and after Xu Ling said that, Li Feifei felt more aggrieved.

"Now that everything has been arranged, go back. As long as you are still in Luoshi, there will be nothing wrong." Forced not to pay attention to Li Feifei's eyes, Xu yuanbiao then said a word to Xu Ling.

"Well, director Xu, if there's anything wrong, just call me again." Xu Ling quite politely responded, of course, his heart is still very much hope that the other side do not find him.

It's his greatest patience to stay here. Xu Ling can't stand any more strange things.

After greeting Xu yuanbiao, Xu Ling is about to leave the office.

But just after a few steps, a cry came from behind, "wait a minute!"

There are only three people in the whole office, and this voice is the only female voice, which is from Li Feifei who has been silent.

"Er... Feifei, what's the matter?" I didn't expect that in such an embarrassing situation, Li Feifei, who hadn't spoken for a long time, stopped herself for the first time. Is it hard for her to settle accounts with all the people present!

Thinking of this, Xu Ling's cold sweat can't help but come down, and Li Feifei's voice is slightly trembling.

"You," Li Feifei, with no expression on her face, pointed to Xu Ling and yelled.

"Yes Now Li Feifei's state is not easy to provoke, Xu Ling quickly nervous to stand a military posture response.

"Go out with me!" After a pause, Li Feifei knew about Xu Lingtong again.

"Ah?" Suddenly decided to let Xu Ling also some did not react, not from ground Leng.

However, Li Feifei didn't give Xu Ling the chance to think about the situation inside. He came over quickly and pulled Xu Ling out.

Once upon a time, Xu Ling did not struggle any more. Anyway, her strength could not be separated from the other party's hands. At this time, Xu Ling could only be dragged out of the door by Li Feifei.

Xu yuanbiao and Sun Sheng look at each other with puzzled eyes. They don't know what kind of trouble each other is going to make.

"Son of a bitch, are you going to take it off?" Stunned for a while, Xu yuanbiao then turned to Sun Sheng and scolded him. If it hadn't been for the boy's sudden appearance to embellish the situation, he couldn't have become so embarrassed.

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