"I'm just joking." Sun Sheng, of course, also knew that he had made a big mistake. At this time, he scratched his head awkwardly to defend himself.

It's just that his voice seems to have no confidence

"I don't care what you want, now you give you the most important task." as a boss, Xu yuanbiao naturally understands the relationship between his two subordinates, so this time he said to him very seriously, "I must apologize to Xiao Li, and be very sincere!"

"Ah? I have to apologize! " Sun Sheng's face is not willing. He and Li Feifei are not willing to meet each other.

Under this premise, if one party confesses and apologizes first, it will be killed by the other party!

Sun Sheng has imagined that if he apologized to Li Feifei, she would laugh in front of her.

"What do you say?" Xu yuanbiao did not say anything more, but said three words with a dignified face.

As soon as these words came out, Sun Sheng asked Wu Yan to explain. He nodded helplessly, "I know!"

In response, he bowed his head and turned to leave the office.

"Get this done as soon as possible!" Behind him, Xu yuanbiao's voice came again, adding another condition to Sun Sheng's task

"Hey, what's your face? Rare With a heavy heart back to his seat, Sun Sheng side suddenly appeared Wu Yan, some surprised to ask.

"Alas," Sun Sheng sighed heavily, and then explained, "I went to xuchu's office just now to talk a lot, which made xiaofeizi angry. Now xuchu asked me to apologize!"

"You..." looking at Sun Sheng's expression, Wu Yan was stunned and burst out laughing, "ha ha ha..."

"Hello, I'm still here. Can you pay attention to your emotions?" Sun Sheng couldn't help but burst out a few black lines on his forehead and complained angrily.

It's no wonder that Sun Sheng complains like this. Wu Yan really laughs a little presumptuously. He looks back and forth and doesn't care about Sun Sheng's feelings at all.

"Ha ha, good, good, I won't laugh," Wu Yancai slightly controlled under Sun Sheng's reminder, covered his stomach and explained, "mainly because I think if you apologize, Li Feifei will try her best to humiliate you. At that time... Ha ha..."

With that, Wu Yan couldn't help laughing again.

However, Sun Sheng, who has a strong contrast with Wu Yan, can't laugh at all.

The highest level of tragedy is comedy! A famous performing artist is right.

But at this time, Li Feifei doesn't know that the guy who made him angry is still more worried than her. She just pulls Xu Ling to the side of the police car where she brought Xu Ling back.

"Go in!" Opened the co driver's door, Li Feifei just said two words to Xu Ling.

"Sister Feifei..."

"Come on in!"

Xu Ling glanced at Li Feifei, whose face was very bad. Just as he wanted to comfort him, he was interrupted by a more severe cry.

One of the most impossible things in the world is not to reason with angry women.

Naturally, Xu Ling understood this very well. He quickly lowered himself and got into the car.

In this way, Li Feifei slammed the door shut heavily, then he came to the driver's seat, opened the door, and then started the car without saying anything.

"That... Feifei, where are we going?" Since you can't reason with each other, you should know where you are going!

"Didn't Xu Chu say that I was going to take you to visit Lingxia city? I haven't finished it yet Li Feifei answered Xu Ling's question flatly.

"Ah? No, you just need to rest now... "


Xu Ling is very worried about Li Feifei's current state. Although it seems calm, it feels like the tranquility before the storm. He is trying to let Li Feifei have a rest when he is interrupted by a roar from the car engine.

"Feifei, calm down." The roar of the car engine made Xu Ling feel very unsafe. He couldn't help reminding Li Feifei.

However, the latter didn't listen to him. After the engine roared, he shook his head and changed the direction of the whole car.

This time, almost did not scare Xu Ling's heart out of the chest.

Of course, this is not the end. After losing her head, Li Feifei stepped on the accelerator and stepped on two-thirds directly.

The car is like an arrow from the string, straight out!

Here I have to admire the performance of this police car. It took about seven or eight seconds from zero to 100 km.

"Slow down! Feifei, slow down Although the police station is located in a remote location, there are not many cars on the road, and looking at the direction of Li Feifei, it's not a crowded place to drive, but Xu Ling can't help howling.

With a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour, the scene outside the window is a little blurred. Of course, Xu Ling, who is completely unprepared, can't stand it.

I don't know whether it's Xu Ling's voice that Li Feifei can't hear, or whether she doesn't want to pay any attention at all. The only answer to Xu Ling is the rising pointer on the dashboard.

Good! Now Xu Ling finally understands Li Feifei's so-called "wandering", which is just playing with life!

I can't imagine that a pretty girl has such a habit after she is angry.

Thanks to the fact that she is a police officer, if she is an ordinary citizen, she will drag her car when she is angry alone. I'm afraid she will have to be detained for a long time.

"Ah There is no response, only gradually speeding up the speed, which makes Xu Ling can't help but close his eyes and shout.

He survived the loss of blood, survived in a wolf's den, this time planted in his own hands? What's more, it has nothing to do with myself from the beginning to the end! Xu Ling wailed in his heart, very unwilling.

"Stop shouting, we're here!" While Xu Ling was still shouting and sighing for her tragic fate in her heart, a flat voice came from her ear.

"What?" Being reminded, Xu lingcai found that the car had stopped at some time. After Li Feifei reminded herself, she got off the car first.

Seeing this, Xu Ling strike a deep chord and then follow it. Xu Ling is afraid of the speed, but he has no unnecessary discomfort. It also allows him to see the beautiful scenery at the first time.

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