It's not all right to fool. When Xu Lingping was a teetotaler, he couldn't have done anything about red wine if there wasn't coke and herbal tea in the restaurant this time.

It tastes like grape juice. It's not as good as grape meinianda! As a result, I didn't even open the car after drinking, which was a big loss.

At this time, Xu Ling's side is standing a policeman, so he was warned to this, he naturally did not dare to say anything.

So they broke up here, took a taxi and went back to their homes.

During the period, Li Feifei also insisted on sending Xu Ling to the hotel before going home, but the latter firmly refused.

In his opinion, if you have to follow yourself now, it's almost the same as surveillance. Xu Ling hates this feeling very much.

Nothing to say all the way

Xu Ling got off the taxi and went straight to the middle of the hotel. As soon as he opened the door, the former front desk lady welcomed him. "Mr. Xu, the room has been changed. Please check in directly."

"OK, I see. Thank you." Xu Ling nodded and said politely.

"You're welcome, Mr. Xu. And you have to thank your friend for his cooperation. These things can be done so quickly." The receptionist immediately waved her hand to explain.

"By the way, where have they moved?" As soon as the front desk mentions this, Xu Ling is also quite interested. Standing at the front desk, he already knows that Liu feiran has come. It's better to know his whereabouts.

"They have moved to the room opposite you, very close!" The receptionist didn't know Xu Ling's purpose. She thought Xu Ling wanted to meet her friends earlier, so she didn't have any worries about Xu Lingtong.

"Thank you In this regard, Xu Ling just nodded back and went straight back to his room. He had lived for some time before, so he was quite familiar with it.

"Mr. Xu, wait a minute!" And just after Xu Ling stepped out two steps, the front desk lady yelled again.

"What's the matter?" Xu Ling immediately steps, so loud, there must be something else to explain.

"Your room card!" The front desk lady trotted to Xu Ling and handed over a card in her hand. At the same time, she added with a little apology, "I'm sorry, I was too anxious just now. I forgot to give it to you."

"Oh, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." After living for a long time, Xu Ling still forgot to ask for the room card. How can we blame the front desk for this? Naturally, Xu Ling also took some responsibility.

After all, from the very beginning, he has been thinking about why Liu feiran came here, so he has forgotten all about the room card.

After the handover, Xu Ling went back to his residence. After the card was pasted on the recognizer and made two beeps, the door opened with a click.

Then Xu Ling didn't go in directly, nor did he insert the room card into the electronic control desk. When the door was wide open, he stood at the door and looked into the dark room for a while to see if he could find strange things like cameras in such an environment.

"Ah, brother Xu, are you back?" While Xu Ling was still staring at the room with a dignified look, suddenly he was startled by a voice.

Turning around, Liu feiran probably just came back from the outside. He said hello to Xu Ling at the entrance of the stairs, and then came here.

According to what the front desk said, Liu feiran's current residence is diagonally opposite to Xu Ling, so it's not surprising that he goes this way.

However, what puzzled him was that Liu feiran was alone with a big bag of things in his hand. Seeing this, Xu Ling could not help asking, "brother Liu, did you come back so late? What about Qianqian? "

"I was tired of catching a plane during the day, so I went back to sleep first. I went to buy him something to eat." Liu feiran explained with a smile.

Look normal appearance is let Xu Ling no doubt.

"Well, brother Liu, why don't you go to bed early? Come all the way here, and have something to do tomorrow?" After learning the information she wants to know, Xu Ling doesn't want to talk to Liu feiran any more. She pretends to be concerned and will enter the house.

"Brother Xu!" Seeing that Xu Ling was about to enter the house, Liu feiran suddenly yelled and stopped him.

Shouting so loud, Xu Ling naturally can't when didn't hear, turned around and looked at each other doubtfully.

"I don't know yet. Why did brother Xu come here?" Liu feiran felt very casual and asked, as if he was always nagging.

"I'll travel." In this regard, Xu Ling and Liu feiran can not tell the truth, so he casually found an excuse to answer.

"Ha ha, brother Xu, you can have a rest early. Lingxia is a big city. You can play." For Xu Ling's words, Liu feiran didn't show any doubt. He just continued to smile and asked, then waved his hand, opened the door and entered.

The rest of Xu Ling looked at Liu feiran's closed door, thinking.

According to his understanding of Liu feiran, the question just now was definitely not asked out of the mouth, it was definitely with a certain purpose.

But in the present situation, what is Liu feiran's purpose? He also took Li Ziqian with him. What's more, he got from Li Ziqian that they came here to do business.

Liu feiran can cheat, Li Ziqian should not?

Well, maybe I'm too sensitive about it. Xu Ling thought in his heart, then shook his head and turned back to the house.

Having been out all day and experienced such ups and downs, Xu Ling also knew all kinds of hidden secrets. Both physically and psychologically, Xu Ling was very tired.

So after returning to the room, after washing and rinsing, Xu Ling collapsed on the bed and fell asleep. He didn't notice that in every corner of the room, the electronic eye was watching his every move

At this time, in the police station, the police are all off duty, only a room on the top floor is still on.

"Director, Xu Ling really doesn't have to observe like this. I can guarantee his innocence!" Xu yuanbiao said earnestly to the old man in front of him.

"Xiao Xu, why did you talk about it again? I know that Xu Ling has an indelible significance for you, "the director sighed, and finally he could only shake his head," but there is a big doubt about this person, and it is arranged by the national security, and I have no way. "

"Director, people don't know, don't I know? Your words are more important than those in Guoan. As long as you say one word, they will be sure... "Xu yuanbiao then wanted to argue, but he was interrupted by the old man in the middle of the conversation.

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