"Nonsense! Are you trying to use your power for personal gain? " The director's face was severe, and he began to criticize Xu yuanbiao, "although you have a good relationship with Xu Ling, you should also remember your identity!"

"Secretary, I know all this, but we also know the good and evil. If we don't believe Xu Ling, who will help us in the future?" Even though the director is a little angry, he still insists on his own point of view and wants to persuade the other party.

This is not only his relationship with Xu Ling. To be honest, their relationship is not very good. The reason why Xu yuanbiao really helps Xu Ling speak is that he has personally experienced the case and knows what suffering Xu Ling has suffered.

"You are a policeman! You want to help the people get rid of the difficulties, not to ask them for help everywhere! " The director immediately rejected Xu yuanbiao's statement.


"All right! Don't mention it any more. If what you say is true, it will be proved when the time comes. You don't have to come here to say more! " Seeing that Xu yuanbiao still wanted to argue, the director immediately showed his attitude with a wave of his hand.

The tone was very firm. Even after he finished, he turned the swivel chair and turned his back to Xu yuanbiao.

No matter what Xu yuanbiao said, he no longer expressed any opinions. After a period of time, Xu yuanbiao left the office with a sigh.

After hearing the sound of closing the door, the director turned around again, looked at the direction Xu yuanbiao left, pondered for a long time, and then sighed heavily. Then he took out two stacks of documents from the side drawer and looked at them carefully.

On the cover of the document, there is a picture of Xu Ling!

It seems that although he refused Xu yuanbiao's words firmly, he was still touched. After all, the latter was his most trusted subordinate in recent years, and he knew that Xu yuanbiao would never tell lies.

But even so, Guo'an needs all of Xu Ling's information and the most detailed living habits. To this end, surveillance is also necessary!

Thinking of this, the old director leans back on his chair, takes out something like a remote control and opens the screen in front of him.

At this moment, Xu Ling's room, a few dark red highlights began to flash up, the light is very weak, the naked eye can not observe.

The projection on the director's side is that Xu Ling is lying peacefully on the bed, falling into the deepest sleep.

"You are still sleeping so soundly here, so that I can't sleep at ease!" The director make complaints about the picture on the screen. But then his face becomes serious. "I hope what Xiao Xu said is true," he whispered.

With that, he turned off the screen, stood up and stretched out, then closed all the electrical appliances in the room, opened the door and went out.

As the last light in the police station goes out, the whole building calms down, as if there had been no quarrel before. As time goes on, the noise of the whole city quiets down.

Welcome here, will be tomorrow brand-new sun

"Brother! Are you awake? Brother Xu Ling is awakened by a sudden knock from outside the door.

Rubbing the sleepy eyes, Xu Ling got up and listened carefully, then recognized the master of the voice - Li Ziqian!

But I don't need to tell from my voice. I'm afraid this is the only one who can call Xu Ling brother here.

Quickly put on clothes, Xu Lingya did not brush on the past to open the door, outside, Li Ziqian is wearing a white Lolita style skirt, expression is very impatient, "brother, how do you open the door so! My hand hurts! "

With these words, she went into the room very impolitely, found a seat and sat down.

"Qianqian, why are you alone? Where's your uncle Xu Ling is not surprised at Li Ziqian's appearance, and he hasn't met her for a long time, and even has some nostalgia. However, Xu Ling still wants to ask Liu feiran, but he only knows that Li Ziqian is Liu feiran's niece, but he doesn't know Liu feiran's identity, so he hesitates and asks.

"It's uncle!" Sure enough, Xu Ling successfully guessed the wrong identity of Liu feiran, and was also reminded by Li Ziqian after a wink.

But this result is somewhat let Xu Ling not quite understand, "uncle? Then why don't you believe Liu? "

"Watch! Are you stupid? " Li Ziqian put her hands on the back of the chair and straddled the chair in a very unsophisticated posture. She looked at Xu Ling like a fool and explained.

That kind of arrogant attitude, let Xu Ling can be sure that this person is Li Ziqian, no doubt, such a character, others want to imitate all can't imitate.

"Oh, what about your cousin? Why are you here alone? " Nodding, Xu Ling was not prepared to argue about Li Ziqian's insulting words. She just changed her name and asked the question again. At the same time, she went to the washroom.

"He has something to go out, and he should not come back today, so I'll go to you!" Li Ziqian shrugged and explained the situation casually.

"Wait!" As Xu Ling was brushing his teeth, he suddenly noticed the abnormality in Li Ziqian's words, "your uncle just left, and didn't tell you how to get there today?"

According to reason, Liu feiran said that he brought Li Ziqian to work, so he should go out with Li Ziqian? But now Li Ziqian is here, and just when she opened the door, she did not see anyone else.

Liu feiran's gourd sold in the end what medicine, Xu Ling are some do not understand.

"He said it While Xu Ling was still thinking, Li Ziqian answered his question.

"What did you say?" For Liu feiran's account, Xu Ling is still quite interested, who knows if there will be some clues, a little knowledge is OK!

"He said he wanted me to go to you." However, when Xu Ling was ready to listen attentively to what kind of information Li Ziqian would reveal, she just said so briefly.

"No more?" After waiting for a long time, Xu Ling didn't wait for the follow-up. He couldn't help asking.

"No more." Li Ziqian nodded seriously and confirmed Xu Ling's guess.

"No, your uncle is too casual. I'll take you here and give you to me." Without getting the information he wanted, Xu Ling was disappointed, and even more reluctant to make complaints about it.

"What? You don't want to? " But the disappointment on Xu Ling's face changed in Li Ziqian's eyes. She immediately stood up and asked angrily.

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