"How can it be!" In the face of Li Ziqian's murderous eyes, Xu Ling didn't even have time to dry half of her face. She rushed out of the washing room and said sincerely, "how can I not want you to come here? I can't even be happy that you can come to me! "

"Deceiving! You look disappointed just now Li ziqiansi mercilessly exposed Xu Ling.

"That's a disappointment that Xiang Qianqian, a beautiful, sensible and likable girl, can only stay here for one day." Xu Ling has long been trained in such a situation, and even has become a liar without making a draft.

Of course, part of the reason is that Xu Ling has such feelings in her heart. After all, she was very happy with Li Ziqian before.

"Hum ~" as a girl, naturally, she is most willing to hear praise from others. So when Xu Ling said that, coupled with his sincere expression, Li Ziqian just snorted and said nothing more.

But from her slightly upturned mouth, we can see that she already believes Xu Ling's words.

"By the way, Qianqian, have you had breakfast? I'll take you to eat later! " Seeing the opportunity, Xu Ling quickly began to change the topic.

As soon as he finished this sentence, he seemed to feel that it had caused an embarrassing situation before, so he quickly looked at the clock hanging on the wall. Fortunately, the pointer on it was pointing to the position of eight o'clock, which was still morning.

"No, I've already had it. There's breakfast here. Just ask the waiter." Li Ziqian regained her cheerful mood and said to Xu Ling.

"Ha? And this service? " It's the first time that Xu Ling has heard about it. She has lived here for so many days and she has run out to have breakfast.

After the surprise, Xu Ling in accordance with the way Li Ziqian taught, really let the waiter brought breakfast.

There are not many kinds of them, but they are very nutritious. The sweet millet porridge, together with the boiled tea eggs, and the delicious side dishes make people feel fragrant after eating.

Compared with last night in the top restaurant to eat more food, the key is, this much breakfast, it is free!

"How's it going? That's not bad! " Looking at Xu Ling's intoxicated expression, Li Ziqian asked with a smile.

"Great! I didn't find it before After drinking the last rice porridge in the bowl, Xu Ling put down the tableware and praised it greatly.

"Well, the meal is finished. Let's discuss the next arrangement." Xu Ling is still savoring the fragrance in her mouth. Li Ziqian is very impolite. She sits directly beside Xu Ling and says.

"Arrangements? What's the arrangement? " A word pulled Xu Ling back from intoxication. He looked at Li Ziqian with a puzzled look on his face. He had no impression that he had such a thing.

"Hello Li Ziqian saw that Xu Ling didn't agree with her directly. She jumped up from the chair angrily and pointed to herself with her hand up and down. "What do you think of me?"

"It's beautiful!" Xu Ling licked her lips, recalling the delicious food just now, and then responded to Li Ziqian.

"Brother, don't think about the breakfast just now!" Li Ziqian immediately saw through Xu Linggang's lip licking, which is definitely not to covet her own beauty. She immediately pointed out the matter, "you won't let me dress so beautifully, and then stay in your room all day?"

"Oh," Li Ziqian said so obviously. If she couldn't understand it, she would be a fool. Xu Ling patted her thigh, "where do you want to play?"

"Lingxia city is my first visit. I heard from my uncle that you are here for tourism. Is there a good place to take me to have a look?" Seeing that Xu Ling finally understood what she meant, Li Ziqian sat down again and said softly.

Tourism is just fooling Liu feiran. Unexpectedly, he told Li Ziqian that Xu Ling had some ideas about it.

When Xu Ling came to Lingxia City, he had only been to the police station, the mountains, and all kinds of places where he was taken by Shaying. However, he had never been to any real tourist attractions.

Even if Lingxia is a big tourist city

Because Xu Ling did not come here for tourism!

But now it's hard to ride a tiger. If you want to say that you're not from tourism, why? Are you here to solve a case?

If it's a tourist, where should I take Li Ziqian.

In this case, Xu Ling's brain flew around and suddenly remembered the place where Li Feifei took him yesterday!

Although that place is not a tourist attraction, it is indeed a very beautiful place. The most important thing is that Xu Ling still remembers the way there!

"Come on, I'll take you to a good place!" Thinking of a solution, Xu Ling immediately waved his hand and said to Li Ziqian.

"What's a good place?" Li Ziqian immediately also quite excited to rise to ask a way.

In her opinion, Xu Linggang must have been thinking about the most suitable place after pondering over that period of time, and now she is quite curious to decide.

"Secret As soon as Xu Ling turned around and only answered two words, he took the lead to go out.

Just now, Li Ziqian had been deliberating for a long time, but now she was so full of interest. She quickly followed Xu Ling and began to ask.

As for the beautiful scenery there, to be honest, Xu Ling couldn't describe it in straightforward language, so he moved out the sentence written by Wang Bo again.

"Sunset?" After listening to Xu Ling's description, Li Ziqian immediately captured a key point, and then asked the past, "where can I still see the sunset? It didn't show up at night! "

Xu Ling, who is determined to go there, didn't expect this. After being reminded by Li Ziqian, he responded and even stopped his hand in gear.

Yes! When I went with Feifei, it was evening. Can I still see the beautiful scenery now? Xu Ling thought about this meeting in her heart.

But just for a moment, he threw these ideas away. Now there is no place to go. Why don't you take Li Ziqian to have a look.

It's not too late to find other places in the process!

"Well, don't think about it. Get in the car and you'll know when you go." Xu lingdang even said hello to Li Ziqian.

If you want to talk about his car, it also has a lot of face. It's specially allocated by Lingxia police station, although Xu Ling knows the purpose of allocating his car.

But the body is not afraid of the shadow slant, even if it is to monitor them, it can not see anything, besides, such a good car, it is too wasteful not to drive.

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