"She's Li Ziqian, Xu Ling's sister!" For this matter, Li Feifei, who had seen one side before, immediately said it first, and then touched Li Ziqian's small face, "is what my sister said right?"

"Sister? Xu Ling, do you still have a sister The news surprised Sun Sheng. Since he saw Xu Ling, he didn't hear that he still had relatives here.

"That is not... Ah!" Xu Linggang wanted to explain the relationship to Sun Sheng. But as soon as he said that, he felt a deep pain in his thigh. At the same time, he looked at Li Ziqian, whose expression was very bad.

Needless to say, this is Li Ziqian's taboo again.

"What's the matter?" Half of Xu Ling's body is underwater, so Sun Sheng and his family don't know about Xu Ling's condition, so after hearing his cry, they immediately ask.

"No... it's OK. There seems to be a bug under the water biting me." How can Xu Ling say that she was attacked by Li Ziqian? So after laughing twice, he found an excuse to explain.

It's just that Xu Ling's excuse doesn't seem appropriate

"Xu Ling, are you right? This is an artificial bathing place. How can there be insects?" Li Feifei immediately debunked Xu Ling's excuse.

Of course, it also confirmed his conjecture that this place was made by hand! With the testimony of local people, there is no doubt about this fact.

"Ha ha, right? Maybe I feel wrong! " Xu Ling dry smile twice, and then changed the topic, "Feifei elder sister, where do you want to play? Let's get together

With local people in town, it's possible to save Xu Ling's hard thinking and the time to ask for help from Xiaoya. Why not?

But the other side didn't follow Xu Ling's idea. He shook his head and politely refused.

"I can't help it. Xu Chu approved half a day's leave, so we came to this place to relax. There should be no other places to go." Wu Yan also explained on the side.

"Well, I'd like to have more people to play with, and it's a bit more lively." Xu lingpo has some regrets. His plan to follow Li Feifei and their company has also failed.

"Just go and play with your brother and sister. I haven't seen you for such a long time. I can't cultivate my feelings." Even if Li Feifei waved her hand, then she seemed to think of something. She said to Xu Ling, "you just came here for a short time. You don't know where to play. I'll recommend some..."

It's just like rain in time. When Xu Ling is still struggling, Li Feifei suddenly gives such a message.

As soon as the words came out, Xu Ling was overjoyed. He quickly remembered in his mind what the place name was, how to go there, and so on.

"Hey, I said Xu Ling, why do you start thinking about other places when you come here to play?" Sun Sheng will play this is hi, all of a sudden by Xu Ling pull all kinds of inquiry, he even some anxious.

Originally, there was only half a day's holiday. If Xu Ling was allowed to ask again, he would have to pack up his things and go back after asking.

"It's not true. Sister Feifei intentionally told me that. I'm not good at spoiling her, am I?" When Xu Ling was interrupted by Sun Sheng, he felt embarrassed.

Sun Sheng's words directly poke into his heart. After all, it's something he has been hiding. It's embarrassing to be found true by others.

"Go! I didn't ask you this question just because you were looking for knowledge Xu Ling is now suffering from the enemy, because others do not know the problems Xu Ling is facing.

After Li Feifei said these words, Xu lingmingxian felt that a strange look came from behind him.

Without looking at it, Xu Ling knew that this look must come from Li Ziqian, the little girl Xu Ling had just promised her where she was in Lingxia.

"Well, well, now that everything has been settled, let's go and have fun! I'll take you to a fun place. " In Sun Sheng's opinion, this matter should have been solved perfectly, he said immediately with a wave of his hand.

Then, without waiting for the public to respond, he took the lead and ran quickly in the direction of the bathing place.

Seeing this, other people had no choice but to smile bitterly at each other and quickly catch up.

"Brother, you don't know Lingxia very well. You lied to me before, right?" When going to Sun Sheng, Xu Ling suddenly heard Li Ziqian's voice behind him.

This question directly made Xu Ling speechless, because he had nothing to respond to.

"Hum, that's right, brother! How dare you cheat me? " Seeing that Xu Ling didn't answer, Li Ziqian, of course, saw through the situation. He immediately stopped walking forward, hugged his chest with both hands, and said with a rather displeased expression.

"Not all of them. In fact, I know some places." Xu Ling's explanation at this time seems to be a little weak.

"I'm afraid it's a place!" When Li Ziqian make complaints about it, Xu Ling is very confident that he is the first place to go.

The place where Xu Ling boasted of flowers

"Who said that? Now I know a lot of places!" Helpless, Xu Ling had to use his sophistry and naturally spoke to Li Ziqian.

"You lied to me!" Li Ziqian's thought is completely in this thought and can not be extricated.

With this little girl's personality, Xu Ling had to ask about everything she concealed before, but after a long time's absence, Xu Ling cheated her directly.

How can Li Ziqian accept this?

"Xu Ling! Hurry up and follow up In the distance, Sun Sheng's voice came again. It seems that he also noticed Xu Ling and Li Ziqian who had fallen behind.

"Good! I'll be right there! " After a quick response, Xu Ling turned to Li Ziqian and said sincerely, "that... Qianqian, I didn't mean to cheat you. I just want to make your trip to Lingxia more memorable, instead of being in a situation where I don't know where to go."

"But, I can meet Xu Ling you in this place, it is already very memorable!" Listen to Xu Ling's heart, Li Ziqian is also emotional, red eyes, also said sincerely.

At this time, Li Ziqian did not even call Xu Ling "brother" any more. Instead, she called her name directly, which is enough to show her feelings when she said these words.

"Qianqian, thank you!" Now that the atmosphere has been created, Xu Ling also said what she didn't mean to say.

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