In order to make the other party understand his words better, Xu Ling added, "at that time, I was arrested by the police station. I know that you are for me. You are willing to go back to your cousin to save me."

"Ah?" Different from what Xu Ling imagined, Li Ziqian was stunned when she heard the news, and then said with some embarrassment, "I didn't, I left suddenly because my uncle found me. Although I wanted to ask my uncle to help you, I still hesitated."

"Yes... Is that so?" Xu Ling was also a bit unexpected, because Liu feiran did tell him that at that time, and Li Ziqian was not there, so Xu Ling believed it without thinking about it.

Unexpectedly, Liu feiran cheated him after all!

"But how did your uncle know you were with me?" Thinking, Xu Ling suddenly issued a burst of doubt.

Just after he raised the question, he thought of the answer himself.

Recalling the things Liu feiran moved out when he threatened himself, Xu Ling couldn't understand them.

That guy must be watching himself all the time! Let's not talk about the time. We must inquire about our own situation every other time.

"What's the relationship between you and your uncle? He seems to pay attention to you As if to confirm Xu Ling's conjecture, Li Ziqian added at this time.

Then, she seemed to be a little annoyed, "it's really bad luck, why did you find your house, otherwise it would not be found by my uncle."

In this regard, Xu Ling also has no choice but to smile, no coincidence is not a book, who let himself just at that time released the rent enlightenment?

"By the way, how about sister Qinglian and Xiaobao? How are you doing? I'm gone. There's no one to play with Xiaobao. It must be very lonely! " When talking about the past, Li Ziqian also remembers a lot, which will directly ask Xu Ling.

"You say they have all moved away!" Wu Qinglian was still there when Li Ziqian left, so she certainly would not know about it.

"Moved? Why After she left, Li Ziqian was worried about whether it had something to do with herself.

"Because your sister Qinglian has found the right man!" Xu Ling explained to Li Ziqian with a smile, which immediately dispelled Li Ziqian's worries.

Instead, she exclaimed excitedly, "great!"

Li Ziqian also heard Xu Ling talk about Wu Qinglian's experience, so she sympathizes with her mother and son, but it's hard to say, so she has to play with Xiao Bao every day to relieve her child's pain.

After a short period of excitement, Li Ziqian thought of another thing. As soon as she picked her eyebrows, she looked at Xu Ling, "so, are you living alone in that apartment again?"

At that time, when Li Ziqian moved in, Xu Ling lived there alone, and then Wu Qinglian and Xiao Bao went. But now people are leaving, so Li Ziqian takes it for granted that Xu Ling is the only one left in the apartment.

But Li Ziqian ignored a situation. If an old man left, a new man would come. Now there is sun Jiaman, a great apprentice in his apartment.

"No, my apprentice also lives with me." Xu lingdang even explained this to Li Ziqian.

He thought Li Ziqian would worry about living in an apartment alone, so he told the truth.

"Your apprentice? Do you have any apprentices When I was still there, Xu Ling was just a little anchor. I didn't know that now Xu Ling has been the editor in chief, and there are only two apprentices!

"Yes, there are two more!" Xu lingpo said with some pride.

"Two? Don't you say that only one apprentice lives with you? " Li Ziqian immediately showed a trace of strangeness.

"Yes, Yun Zhongjie has his own place to live. Only sun Jiaman, who is not a local, has no place to live for the time being." Xu Ling said the names of the two apprentices immediately, which can be regarded as an introduction.

"Are you living with a girl?" But Li Ziqian heard these words, but noticed something else.

"Yes Xu Lingli naturally nodded, and didn't feel anything wrong until

Li Ziqian looked at him with a bad smile, and then said, "brother, it seems that you are old too!"

She didn't know that Xu Ling was married, so she would say so.

And her words immediately let Xu Ling a thrill, he quickly waved his hand to explain, "what are you thinking! Jiaman, she's about the same age as you. How could I have such an idea! "

"Ha? Your new sister? " On hearing this, Li Ziqian immediately spread her own thoughts and guessed directly.

"It's an apprentice!" But Xu Ling can only repeat the identity of sun Jiaman to Li Ziqian again.

However, Li Ziqian didn't seem to listen to these words at all. She just pursed, "you already have Wenwen and my two lovely sisters. Do you even want to recognize one?"

"It's not my sister, it's my apprentice!" In the face of Li Ziqian, whose emotions are gradually out of control, all Xu Ling can do is to continue to take out these relationships.

"Smelly brother! Bad brother... "Li Ziqian has really reached a state where she doesn't hear things outside the window and just wants to scold Xu Ling.

"Qianqian, why don't we go to Feifei first?" Xu Ling can't stop Li Ziqian, can only talk to her.

"Scum man! Pervert! "Obscene..." not to say that it's OK. Under this, Li Ziqian put all the insulting words in front of Xu Ling.

People are brought here by Xu Ling. It's not good to let her be here. So Xu Ling can only sit quietly in front of Li Ziqian and listen to her abuse. She can't do anything.

This situation lasted for ten minutes, Li Ziqian probably scolded some thirsty, just cleared his throat and stopped.

After a few breaths, he looked at Xu Ling.

In front of the angry Li Ziqian, Xu Ling was naturally startled. He quickly stepped back two steps and said in horror, "I... I didn't do anything!"

"I'm thirsty!" There is no superfluous words, Li Ziqian just calmly said these three words, and even when she said it, she even looked at Xu Ling's eyes.

If it wasn't for Li Ziqian who was the only one here, Xu Ling really thought she was talking to others.

"Wait here, I'll be right back!" Since they all said that, Xu Ling, of course, told him to go to the store on the bank.

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